【写作提升】“首先”“其次”除了Firstly,Secondly还可以怎么说?地道写作表达积累 写作中论述观点经常要说“首先”“其次”,很多同学第一反应是“Firstly ... Secondly”,这些说法没有错,但是比较普通。今天,我们来补充一些比较高级的表达方式。大家一起来学习吧。 v Firstly的替换 (1)To start/begin with New Yorker中有一段描述食物的文字,一起来看一下: Ø Which is just as well, because this dish I am about to describe is much more beautiful in the imagination than in reality. To start with, the vessel. 这样也好,因为我要介绍的这道菜在想象中要比现实中更好看。首先是容器。 To start with是外刊中很常见的表达,可以用来引出一系列观点或列举事实。我们举个例子,在分析老龄化带来的挑战时,可以说: Ø To start with, one challenge arising from the aging population is the escalating demand for elder care services and facilities. 首先,人口老龄化带来的一个挑战是对老年护理服务和设施的需求不断上升。 (2)For a start 《经济学人》中有篇文章分析了中国电商模式的优势,文中有这么一句话: Ø For a start it is more dynamic. In the past few years new competitors, including Meituan and Pinduoduo, have come of age with effervescent business models. 首先,中国电商更有活力。过去几年,美团和拼多多等新竞争者已经孕育出成功的商业模式。 For a start是外刊中很喜欢用的短语,可用于强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条。注意,For a start是非正式表达,可以用在口语和一些非正式的写作中,比如书信、博客、个人陈述,以及四六级、专四、考研作文,像雅思、专八这种学术类写作中最好不要使用。 常见的词语风格有以下几类: literary word(文学用语),可用于文学评论、散文小说等文学类写作中,我们很少讲。 formal word(正式用语),用于正式文件、商务信函、学术论文、学术写作(雅思、专八)。 informal word(非正式用语),可用于朋友书信、交流、日常对话、社交媒体,以及非学术类写作(大部分国内英语考试)。 spoken word(口语),用于演讲、面谈等口头交流的场合,我们也很少讲。 (3)In the first/second place 看一段《卫报》关于一本图书的介绍: Ø In the first place, what is it? Is it a comic? Is it biography, or fiction? Is it a literary work, or a graphic one, or both? 首先,这是什么?是漫画?是传记,还是虚构?是文学之作,还是图像作品,或者两者兼而有之? in the first / second place用于句首,表示“第一、第二”,造个句子,我们在谈论心理健康的重要性时,可以说: Ø In the first place, prioritizing mental health is paramount for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. 首先,重视心理健康对于保持平衡和充实的生活至关重要。 (4)First off 《经济学人》姊妹刊《1843》中有篇文章讲到了“如何预防网络攻击”,文中有这么一句话: Ø First off, however irritating the reminders are, always install updates, especially for operating systems and web browsers. Second, make backups of anything you can’t afford to lose. 首先,无论提醒多么烦人,一定要安装更新,尤其是操作系统和网络浏览器的更新。 first off也是一个非正式表达。 此外,还有First and foremost、In the beginning、As a starting point、Initially、To kick things off,前四个偏正式,第五个是informal word,可以用在轻松的交流、会议开场白等引入话题的场景,或者半正式的商务或社交场合中。 v Secondly的替换 secondly的替换也很多,比如Next、In addition、Furthermore、Moreover、Additionally,这几个词都简单好用,无需多讲。 有同学在写作中会用What’s more,这个短语是spoken word,可以用在口语中,尽量不要用在作文里。 我们沿着上面“老龄化”和“心理健康”的话题,用这几个表达造个句,练习一下: [心理健康 v In the first place, prioritizing mental health is paramount for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. Furthermore, another aspect of its significance lies in its direct correlation with physical health. 首先,重视心理健康对于保持平衡和充实的生活至关重要。其次,它与身体健康息息相关。 [老龄化 v To start with, one challenge arising from the aging population is the escalating demand for elder care services and facilities. In addition, another difficulty stems from the strain on pension systems and the need for sustainable financial structures to support retirees in their later years. 首先,人口老龄化带来的一个挑战是对老年护理服务和设施的需求不断上升。此外,另一个困难来自养老金制度的压力,以及需要可持续的财务结构来支持退休人员的晚年生活。 v Thirdly的替换 关于thirdly的替换,记住Lastly、Finally、Ultimately、As a final point、Last but not least 这几个就行。 顺着上面的话题造句: [老龄化 v To start with, one challenge arising from the aging population is the escalating demand for elder care services and facilities. In addition, another difficulty stems from the strain on pension systems and the need for sustainable financial structures to support retirees in their later years. As a final point, the third challenge involves the potential social and economic impacts of a shrinking workforce. 首先,人口老龄化带来的一个挑战是对老年护理服务和设施的需求不断上升。此外,另一个困难来自养老金制度的压力,以及需要可持续的财务结构来支持退休人员的晚年生活。最后,第三项挑战关于劳动力缩减可能带来的社会和经济影响。 [心理健康 v In the first place, prioritizing mental health is paramount for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. Furthermore, another aspect of its significance lies in its direct correlation with physical health. Ultimately, the third crucial dimension concerns its impact on interpersonal relationships and societal well-being. 首先,重视心理健康对于保持平衡和充实的生活至关重要。其次,它与身体健康息息相关。最后,第三个重要方面是其对人际关系和社会福祉的影响。 v 关于is的替换 我们在写“第一,第二、第三”的时候,常常会写“The first is ... The second is ... The third is ...”或者“Firstly, ... is ... Secondly, ... is ... Thirdly, ... is ...”,其实除了is,我们也可以用其他词替换。 《经济学人》有篇文章在讨论如何应对转基因食物的潜在风险时,是这么说的: v Three other concerns are less easily handled. One is practical ... Another relates to governance ... A third worry concerns nefarious uses of the technology, and not only by states. A mosquito, engineered to inject toxins, could be used as a weapon. 另外三个担忧不太容易解决。一个是实际问题……;另一个担忧涉及治理……;第三个担忧涉及对该技术的恶意使用,而且不限于国家行为。一只受基因驱动放射毒素的蚊子可被用作武器。 作者没有说“One is ... Another is ... A third worry is ...”,而是用“One is ... Another relates to ... A third worry concerns ...”,这样语言就不会那么呆板乏味了。 再比如,《经济学人》有篇文章讲到了私占共享单车的乱象: v Some riders hide the bikes in or near their homes to prevent others from using them. Another trick involves photographing a bike’s QR code and then scratching it off to stop others from scanning it. With the stored image, the rider can then monopolise the machine. 一些人把自行车藏到家里或家附近,不让别人使用。还有一些人把自行车的二维码拍下来,然后刮掉,不让别人扫码。手机里存着二维码的图片,就可以霸占自行车了。 如果我们提出第二种做法,可能会说“The second trick is ...”,而文中用的是“Another trick involves ...”。 虽然我们知道involve的意思,表示“包括,包含,涉及”,但99%的同学在这种语境中想不到用involve。 再看最后一个例子,经济学人记者写过一本叫Disruption的书,书中探究了企业应该如何应对科技发展所带来的翻天覆地的变化,里面有这么一个句子: v The second solution emphasises the wonder-working powers of education. This is the classic third-way answer to every problem from unemployment onwards. 第二个方案更侧重教育的力量——教育能创造奇迹。这是解决失业等所有问题的经典的第三条道路。 如果我们写“第二个方案是……”,很可能用“The second solution is ...”,而作者在这里用的是emphasise(v. 突出,强调,侧重),虽然意思不同,但在这种语境下可以考虑用emphasise替换be动词。 最后,我们来总结一下这些高级替换表达方式。 第一点: To start/begin with In the first place For a start First off First and foremost In the beginning As a starting point Initially To kick things off 第二点: In the second place Next In addition Furthermore Moreover Additionally 第三点: In the third place Lastly Finally Ultimately As a final point Last but not least 关于is的替换: relates to concerns involves emphasises