81. 参加该活动的学生人数是去年的3倍。
82. 带眼镜的学生的比率达到了80%多。
83. 这座城市的人口数与5年前相比急剧/略微增加(降低)了10%,达到了80万。
84. 从图书馆借阅的技术类图书占8%,诗歌类紧随其后,占5%。
85. 通俗小说最受欢迎,占68%,而非通俗类小说仅占17%。
86. 环境之于人就像水之于鱼。
87. 尽管电视连续剧比电影有相当多的优势。它们在很多方面仍无法与电影相比。
88. 他们一方面鼓励我们全面发展,另一方面他们又希望我们将时间全部用在学习功课上。
89. 随着孩子因冲突被迫离开教室,毫不夸张地说,一代孩子的教育前景的处于危机状态中。
90. 大雨阻止我们外出,我们呆在家中无事可做。
91. ① 过于强调学习,这占据了学生本来会花在运动上的时间。
② 我很后悔不听他的建议,否则我也不会犯这个错误。
③ 倘若/假如不是他对危险的快速反应,这个可怜的家伙会被压碎。
92. 这种被正式遵守但又没有明确地规定的事情(潜规则)让来自其他文化背景的人发疯。
93. Gangnam,占韩国国内生产总值(GDP)的百分之七的地区,是首尔的一个富裕的社区,也是这个国家一些最具影响力的公司的总部所在地。
94. 位于珠江三角洲,珠海是珠江流入南海的出口,因优越的生态发展方面的努力而赢得了广泛的赞誉。
95. 如果你因在工作中的责任感而感到压力,你应该退一步,识别事情的轻重缓急。然后,首先处理最重要的任务,那你会感到一种真正的成就感。把不那么重要的东西留到明天通常是可以接受的。
96. 统计表明, 疾病已迫使超过30%的低收入居民生活在贫困中。
97. 遵循黄金原则:要想别人怎样待你,你先怎样对待别人。/己所不欲,勿施于人。
98. 水是生命之源,所以为了子孙后代,我们要尽可能节约用水。
99. 良好的阅读习惯能使心智更加敏锐,提高注意力,减缓压力,并且使人更富同情心。
100. 我敢预言,当你80岁回想你人生之时,最充实、最有意义的部分必定是你曾经做过的一桩桩抉择。
81. ① The number of students who have taken part in this activity is 3 time as that of last year.
② Compared with last year, three times as many students have taken part in this activity.
82. The percentage of the students who wear/ wearing glasses amounts to/ adds up to/ sums up to/ reaches over 80%.
83. The population in this city has now slightly/ sharply increased (decreased) by 10% to 800,000, compared with five years ago.
84. ① The technical books borrowed from the library account for 8%, with poem books coming closely taking up 5%.
② The technical books borrowed from the library account for 8%, closely followed by poem collection taking up 5%.
85. ① Popular novels enjoy the greatest popularity, taking up 68 while the percentage of unpopular fictions is only 17%.
② Popular novels account for 68% whereas the unpopular fictions take up only 17%.
86. The environment is to man what water is to fish.
87. While TV series enjoy considerable advantages over films, they can not compete with films in many aspects.
88. On the one hand, they encourage us to get fully developed/all-around development, on the other (hand) , they wish us to devote all our time to studying our lessons/academic subjects.
89. With more children driven from classrooms by conflict, it is no exaggeration to say that the educational prospects of a generation of children are in the balance.
90. ① The heavy rain forbade us to go out/ us from going out , so we had to stay at home
② We were forbidden to go out/from going out, so we had to stay at home aimlessly.
③ Forbidden to go out/from going out, we had to stay at home aimlessly.
④ The heavy rain forbidding us to go out/ us from going out, we had to stay at home aimlessly.
91. ① Too much emphasis is placed on study, which takes up even the time students would otherwise spend on sport.
(otherwise conj. 否则;不然 adv. 用别的方法;其他方面)
② I regret not having taken his advice. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made this mistake.
③ But for his quick reaction to danger ,the little guy would have been crushed.
92. That sort of thing—so formally observed and never definitely stated—drives people from other cultures crazy.
93. Gangnam, a region which makes up seven percent of South Korea’s GDP, is a wealthy neighborhood in Seoul and is home to the headquarters of some of the country’s most influential companies.
94. Located in the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai is the Pearl River flows into the South Sea and has received numerous praise for its (excellence) ecological development efforts.
95. If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify (识别) those of (great) and less importance. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of (achieve). Leaving the less important things until tomorrow (be) often acceptable.
96. Statistics indicate that diseases have condemned over 30 percent of low-income residents to live in poverty.
97. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you could like to be treated. /Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like to be treated (被动式).
98. Water is the source of the life, so we should save as much water as possible for our offspring / younger generations.
99. A regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration,reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to empathize.
100. I will predict bravely that when you are 80 years old, and in a reflection of the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most fulfilling and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made.
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