
英语知识: Sentences句型
1. butterflies in one’s stomach  紧张不安;心里七上八下
【英语释义】to feel very nervous before doing something
With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply.
2. have a frog in one’s throat  (非正式)(因嗓音嘶哑)失声,很难发声
【英语释义】difficulty in speaking because of roughness in the throat
He has such a bad frog in his throat from the infection. He can barely talk!
3. toad-in-the-hole  裹面糊烤香肠(一种英国菜)
【英语释义】(a British dish of) sausages baked in batter (a mixture of eggs, milk, and flour)
The menu will return to traditional school favourites like Sunday roasts, steak and kidney pudding, and toad-in-the-hole.
4. jump in with both feet  踊跃参加,全心全意投入
【英语释义】to join or enter into exuberantly, eagerly, hastily, etc
I know you’re nervous about starting school, but you just need to jump in with both feet and do your best!
5. throw the baby out with the bath water  将精华连同糟粕一起丢弃;不分好坏地全盘抛弃
【英语释义】foolishly discard a valuable idea, plan, etc at the same time as one is getting rid of something unpleasant or undesirable
The main reforms of the movement were desperately needed, but I’m afraid we threw the baby out with the bathwater in many cases.
6. When the cat’s away, the mice will play.  猫儿不在,老鼠成精。
【英语释义】People sometimes misbehave when no one is there to watch them.
—If I leave my classroom for even a moment, I come back to find the place in chaos.
—When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
7. Kill two birds with one stone.  一举两得;一箭双雕
【英语释义】achieve two aims with a single action or simultaneously
Bike-to-work schemes are a great way of killing two birds with one stone: getting more exercise while cutting down on the cost of your daily commute.
8. rain cats and dogs  下着倾盆大雨
【英语释义】(especially in the continuous tense) rain very heavily
We wanted to have a barbecue this weekend, but it’s been raining cats and dogs since Friday evening.
9. hold your horses  等一等;慢慢来;耐心一点;少安毋躁
【英语释义】wait a moment; restrain one’s impatience, enthusiasm, etc
I know you’re excited to see the prototype, but you all just need to hold your horses while we get set up.
10. as busy as a bee  忙得团团转
【英语释义】very busy (and happy to be so)
Can we meet next week instead? I’m as busy as a bee right now.
11. brave the elements  顶风冒雨;不惧危险
【英语释义】go out in a stormy weather
Thank you for braving the elements to come pick me up.
12. green fingers  园艺技能;种植技能
【英语释义】skill in gardening
Experienced gardeners have green fingers which can help plants grow healthily.
13. not enough room to swing a cat  没有活动余地;地方狭小
【英语释义】a very small, narrow or crowded place
Many families are forced to live in tiny apartments with not enough room to swing a cat.
14. on the edge of one’s seat  (非正式)十分兴奋的,兴奋得坐不住的
【英语释义】excited, nervous, or filled with suspense while one waits to find out what happens next
The film was so exciting that it had me on the edge of my seat right until the last moment.
15. tick all the right boxes  事情发展如人所愿;一切顺利
【英语释义】to satisfy or fulfill everything that is necessary or desired
They had been preparing for the performance for several weeks and it ticked all the right boxes.
16. in one’s own right  凭本身的条件;凭自己的能力
【英语释义】because of a personal claim that does not depend on anyone else; through one’s own talents or efforts
She’s a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance.
17. let off steam  发泄怒火;宣泄情感
【英语释义】to release strong emotions or energy by engaging in some kind of enjoyable, vigorous, or relaxing activity
When work gets frustrating, I like to go bowling to let off some steam.
18. pull one’s weight  尽一份力;做好分内事
【英语释义】to contribute to a group activity or pursuit in proportion to one’s ability or responsibility; to do one’s share of the work
If you don’t pull your weight, our presentation will never be finished on time.
19. Loose lips sink ships.  言多必失;祸从口出
【英语释义】If you speak indiscreetly about confidential or sensitive information, someone listening might use it against you.
Remember, in this business, loose lips sink ships. Confidentiality is key to our success.
20. throw light on  使(某事)显得非常清楚;使人了解(某事)
【英语释义】to reveal information or details about something; to clarify or help people understand something
Your statement does not throw light on the subject.
21. put somebody on the spot  为难某人;让某人难堪
【英语释义】force someone into a situation in which they must make a difficult decision or answer a difficult question
My kids always try to put me on the spot with requests, knowing that I’m less likely to turn them down in front of their friends’ parents.
22. long face  愁眉苦脸;闷闷不乐
【英语释义】a facial expression denoting sadness, disappointment, or dissatisfaction(常与wear,pull或draw搭配使用)
I asked him if he wanted to come out but he pulled a long face and said no.
23. follow in one’s steps  效法某人,步某人之后尘
【英语释义】to pursue something that someone else (often a family member) has already done
My father was an engineer, and I plan to follow in his footsteps and study engineering in college.
24. a far cry from  (与……)大相径庭,相去甚远
【英语释义】vastly different from something
Living in the heart of New York City is certainly a far cry from living in the rural countryside.
25. behind the wheel  开车,在驾驶;控制,掌控
【英语释义】driving a vehicle (and thus literally sitting behind the steering wheel); in charge
His father’s death left him behind the wheel of the firm.
26. throw in the towel  承认失败;认输
【英语释义】to give up on some endeavor; to quit or abandon something; to admit defeat or failure (From boxing, where a towel or sponge thrown into the ring indicates that a boxer has given up.)
It’s a bit early to throw in the towel — you’ve only just started the job.
27. step into somebody’s shoes  替代某人,接替某人的工作;步某人的后尘
【英语释义】to take on a particular role or task that someone else has been doing
I tell you, I wouldn’t want to step into her shoes. Sure, the pay would be better, but I don’t want all that stress!
28. get a taste for  发现一个新的爱好;获得一种新鲜体验
【英语释义】to acquire a preference, inclination, or desire for some kind of food or drink; to acquire strong preference, inclination, or desire to do or acquire something
She got a taste for power after serving as mayor for two years.
29. think outside the box  创造性思考;打破常规;摆脱思维定势
【英语释义】to think of something that is outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional; to think innovatively
I’ve been trying to think outside the box about what I want this term paper to be about. I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas.
30. a stone’s throw  一箭之遥;附近
【英语释义】a short distance away from something
The police officer was just a stone’s throw from us, but thankfully he didn’t see us hiding in the shadows.


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