
英语知识: Vocabulary词汇 » 高考词汇 » 3500词汇 » 综合

1. ______________  art. (用于可数名词或单数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物)
2. abandon  v. _____________________________________________
3. ______________  adj. 反常的;异常的;不正常的
4. aboard  prep. ____________________________  adv. ____________________________
5. ______________  v. 废除,废止,取消(法律等)
6. abortion  v. ______________
7. ______________  adv. 几乎;大约;到处,四处  prep. 涉及,关于;在……附近
8. ______________  prep. 在……上方;高于,大于  adj. 前文述及的;上述的  adv. 在……上方;向……上方;(书页、文件等的)前文
9. abroad  adv. ______________
10. ______________  adj. 突然的;意外的
11. absolute  adj. ______________
12. ______________  v. 吸收;学习;(使)全神贯注,完全着迷
13. abstract  adj. ____________________________  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
14. absurd  adj. ____________________________
15. ______________  adj. 大量的;充裕的;丰富的
16. abuse  v. ________________________________________________________
17. ______________  v. 加速;提速;使加快;促进
18. accent  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
19. ______________  vt. 接受;接收;赞成;同意;接纳,吸纳(会员、学生等)
20. ______________  n. 事故;意外遭遇
21. accommodation  n. ____________________________
22. ______________  v. 陪伴,陪同(某人);附带;兼有;伴随;为……伴奏
23. ______________  v. 完成;实现
24. according to  ________________________________________________________
25. ______________  n. 账单;账户;描述;叙述;报道;价值;重要性
26. accountant  n. ____________________________
27. ______________  v. 积累;积攒;积聚
28. ______________  n. 准确;精确;正确;准确性;精确性;正确性
29. accuse  v. ____________________________
30. ______________  adj. 习惯的;适应了的;惯常的,通常的
31. ______________  vi. (持续地)隐痛,疼痛;渴望;盼望  n. (持续的)隐痛,疼痛
32. acid  adj. ______________  n. ______________
33. ______________  v. 承认,接受(存在或属实);公认;认可
34. acquaintance  n. ____________________________
35. acre  n. ____________________________
36. ______________  prep. 从一边到另一边;穿过;遍及  adv. 从一边到另一边;在对面
37. ______________  n. 男演员
38. ______________  n. 女演员
39. ______________  adj. 真实的;实际的
40. acute  adj. ________________________________________________________
41. ______________  adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;对……入迷的;酷爱……
42. address  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
43. ______________  v. 收养,领养;过继;采纳,采取,采用(别种方式、方法等)
44. adult  n. ____________________________
45. ______________  v. 提倡;赞成;主张  n. 拥护者;支持者
46. affair  n. ________________________________________________________
47. ______________  vt. 买得起;付得起;承担得起;经得起
48. ______________  adj. 害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦)
49. Africa  n. ______________
50. African  adj. ______________  n. ______________
51. ______________  adv. 以后;后来  prep. (时间)在……之后  conj. (时间)在……之后
52. afternoon  n. ______________
53. afterwards  adv. ____________________________
54. again  adv. ____________________________
55. ______________  prep. 违反;反对;抵御;预防;以防
56. age  n. ____________________________
57. agenda  n. ____________________________
58. ______________  adv. 以前;以往
59. ahead  adv. ____________________________
60. ______________  n. 帮助,援助;辅助物  v. 帮助,救助
61. AIDS  n. ______________
62. ______________  n. 目标;目的  v. 瞄准;对准;旨在;以为目的;针对(特定目标、人群等)
63. air  n. ____________________________
64. aircraft  n. ____________________________
65. airline  n. ____________________________
66. airmail  n. ____________________________
67. airplane  n. ____________________________
68. airport  n. ____________________________
69. airspace  n. ____________________________
70. ______________  n. 警报;惊恐;恐慌  v. 使惊恐;使忧虑;使担心
71. ______________  n. 相册;集邮册;音乐专辑
72. algebra  n. ______________
73. ______________  adj. (外表、本质或形式)相似  adv. 相同地
74. ______________  adv. 活着;在世
75. all  adv. ______________  adj. ______________  pron. ______________
76. allergic  adj. __________________________________________
77. ______________  n. (建筑群之间的)小巷,小街,胡同
78. ______________  vt. 允许;准许;接受;认可
79. allowance  n. ____________________________
80. ______________  adv. 几乎;差不多
81. ______________  adj. 独自;单独
82. along  adj. __________________________________________  prep. ______________
83. alongside  adv. ______________
84. ______________  adv. 大声地
85. alphabet  n. ______________
86. ______________  adv. 已经,早已(表示在此刻之前)
87. ______________  adv. 也;此外;而且
88. alternative  adj. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
89. ______________  conj. 虽然,尽管
90. altitude  n. ____________________________
91. ______________  adv. 完全;全然;总共
92. aluminium  n. ______________
93. ______________  adv. 总是;每次都是;一直
94. amateur  n. ____________________________  adj. ______________
95. ambassador  n. ______________
96. ______________  adj. 模棱两可的;含混不清的;可做多种解释的
97. ambulance  n. ______________
98. America  n. ______________
99. American  adj. ____________________________  n. ______________
100. ______________  prep. 在……中;周围是
101. ______________  n. 数量;金额
1. He is friendly with customers but abrupt (in his dealings) with his employees. ______________
2. Our accent is on providing our customers with dependable service. ______________
3. The disease cannot be accounted for by genetics alone. There must be other causes as well. ______________
4. They acknowledge past scholars for the important work they have done. ______________
5. While he has some acquaintance with the subject, he is not an expert. ______________
6. The welfare state has become unaffordable, and Japan is suffering from an acute labour shortage. ______________
7. Air pollution is one of the many problems being addressed by the scientists at the conference. ______________
8. The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience. ______________
9. The tree looked beautiful when viewed against the dark sky. ______________
10. The rooms had all been cleaned and aired. ______________
1. ability  n. 能力,才能
______________  adj. 能够,有能力的
______________  adj. 未能;没有所需技能(或力量、时间、知识等)
______________  v. 使能够;使有机会
______________  v. 使丧失能力;使伤残
______________  adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的;无能力的
______________  n. (某种)缺陷,障碍
2. ______________  n. 不在,缺席
absent  adj. 不在,缺席;心不在焉的,出神的
3. academic  adj. 学术的,教学的
______________  n. 专科学院,(美)私立学校;研究院,学会
4. access  n. 通道;机会,权利 v. 存取(计算机文件);到达,进入,使用
______________  adj. 可到达的,可使用的
5. achieve  vt. 达到,完成,成功
______________  n. 成就,成绩;到达,完成
6. acquire  v. 得到;拥有;(通过自身努力)掌握,获得
______________  n. 得到;获得;获得物;增添物;购置物
7. act  n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事
______________  n. 行动
______________  adj. 积极的,主动的
______________  n. 活动
8. adapt  v. 使适应,适合;改编
______________  n. 适应;改编本
9. add  vt. 增添;增加;增加;增添;提升
______________  n. 增加;添加;加;加法
______________  n. 添加剂;添加物
10. adequate  adj. 充足的;足够的
______________  adj. 不够的;不足的;不够好的
______________  n. 不充分;不足;不够
11. adjust  v. 调整,调节,适应,习惯
______________  n. 调整,适应
12. administration  n. 经营:管理:行政;管理部门,行政机关
______________  n. 管理人员;行政人员
______________  adj. 管理的;行政的
13. ______________  adj. 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的
admire  v. 钦佩,赞赏,仰慕
14. ______________  n. 准入,接纳
admit  vt. 承认;准许(入场,入学,入会)
15. adolescence  n. 青春期
______________  n. 青少年  adj. 青春期的
16. adore  v. 热爱,爱慕(某人);非常喜爱,喜欢(某物)
______________  adj. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的
______________  adj. 热爱的;爱慕的;敬慕的;崇拜的
17. advance  v. 前进;向前移动;发展;进步
______________  adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的
______________  adj. 年事渐高
______________  n. 前进;行进;发展
18. advantage  n. 优势;有利条件;有利因素
______________  adj. 优越的;得天独厚的
______________  adj. 有利的,有益的
______________  n. 不利条件;缺点;劣势
19. adventure  n. 寻常的经历;冒险;奇遇
______________  n. 冒险家
______________  n. (企业、政治等方面)冒险主义
______________  adj. 敢于冒险的;大胆的;刺激不断的;充满惊险的
______________  n. 不幸的遭遇;倒霉事
20. advertise  vt. 为……做广告
______________  n. 广告
21. advice  n. 劝告;忠告;建议
_______________  vt. 劝告;忠告;建议
22. affect  v. 影响
______________  adj. 做作的;假装的
______________  adj. 引起怜悯的;令人难过的;感动人的
______________  adj. 感情的;情感的
______________  n. 喜爱;关爱;疼爱
______________  n. 影响;结果;效应  v. 引起;使发生
23. agency  n. 代理行;经销处;(政府的)专门机构,职能部门
______________  n. 代理商;代理人;经纪人
24. aggression  n. 侵犯行为;挑衅,侵犯;侵略
______________  adj. 挑衅的;好斗的;积极进取的,强力争取的
______________  n. 侵略者;侵略国
25. agree  v. 同意;应允
______________  n. 同意,一致;协定,协议
26. agricultural  adj. 农业的
______________  n. 农业;农艺;农学
______________  n. 农学家;农业技术员;农艺师
27. alcohol  n. 含酒精饮料;酒
______________  adj. 酒精的;含酒精的;酒精引起的  n. 嗜酒如命者;酒鬼
28. allocate  v. 分配;分派
______________  n. 划拨的款项;拨给的场地;划;拨;分配
______________  v. 再分配;重新分派
29. amaze  v. 惊奇,惊叹;震惊
______________  adj. 感到惊讶的
______________  adj. 惊奇的,惊叹的;震惊的
30. ambition  n. 追求的目标;志向
______________  adj. 有抱负的;渴望成功的
______________  adj. 进取心过强的;野心过大的
______________  adj. 无抱负的;无雄心的
1. New facilities are being added __________ (accommodate) the special needs of elderly residents.
2. It was in the 1970s when Yuan __________ (achieve) the breakthroughs that would make him a household name.
3. Early bird tickets are available, but they are only __________ (access) to our members.
4. He likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed __________ disagree.
5. The patient was very sick when she __________ (admit) to the hospital.
6. She is __________ passionate advocate for equal education opportunities for all children.
7. Life is a process about the __________ (acquire) of knowledge, wealth and happiness.
8. You need to explain the job requirements __________ (adequate) in case that the candidates misread them.
9. She made some slight __________ (adjustment) to the recipe.
10. He abandoned __________ (him) to despair.
11. She was a person __________ (accustom) to having eight hours’ sleep a night.
12. Critics accuse him of __________ (violate) the duty to be impartial.
13. It’s amazing __________ you can accomplish through hard work.
14. __________ everyone played well, we lost the game.
15. She received many __________ (admire) glances as she walked into the room.
1. 我完全被她的故事吸引住了,以至于忘记了时间。(absorb)
2. 他摆出一副满不在乎的样子。(adopt; indifference)
3. 我们可以在图书馆碰面,或者也可以全到我家来。(alternatively)
4. 计算机给我们的生活带来了深远的/重要的影响。(effect)
5. 他是领导,是良师,更是益友。(mentor; above all)
6. I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night.
7. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of taking an online class is the absence of face-to-face interaction between the teachers and their students.
8. The school’s extracurricular activities are abundant in diversity, allowing students to explore their interests beyond the classroom.
9. Hu tong, a type of narrow street or alley with houses on both sides, is the most typical residence in Beijing.
10. Modern technological advances are not achieved overnight. They are the accumulation of research results of several generations.


1. a (an)
2. (不顾责任、义务等)离弃;(不得已而)舍弃
3. abnormal
4. prep. 在(火车、船等)上  adv. 上(火车、飞机等),在(火车、飞机等)上
5. abolish
6. 人工流产;堕胎;打胎
7. about
8. above
9. 在国外;到国外
10. abrupt
11. 彻底的;十足的
12. absorb
13. adj. 抽象的;(艺术)抽象的,抽象派的  n. (文献等的)摘要,概要  v. 把……抽象出;提取;抽取;分离
14. 愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒诞的
15. abundant
16. 虐待(人或动物);摧残,糟蹋(某物);滥用;辜负
17. accelerate
18. n. 口音;腔调;重音  v. 重视;强调;重读
19. accept
20. accident
21. 住宿;协议;和解
22. accompany
23. accomplish
24. 据……所说;根据……报道;按照;遵循;以……为依据
25. account
26. 会计;会计师
27. accumulate
28. accuracy
29. 指责;指控;控告
30. accustomed
31. ache
32. adj. 酸的;酸性的  n. 酸
33. acknowledge
34. 熟人;认识;相识
35. 英亩
36. across
37. actor
38. actress
39. actual
40. 严重的;危险的;深刻的;敏锐的;灵敏的
41. addicted
42. n. 地址;演说;致辞  v. (在信件、包裹等上)写收信人姓名地址;致辞;演讲
43. adopt
44. 成年人
45. advocate
46. (商业机构、专业机构、公共或个人的)事务,活动
47. afford
48. afraid
49. 非洲
50. adj. 非洲的  n. 非洲人
51. after
52. 下午;午后
53. 以后;过后;后来
54. 再一次;又一次
55. against
56. 年龄;年代;岁月
57. 待议事项;议事日程
58. ago
59. 在前面;向前面;提前
60. aid
61. 艾滋病
62. aim
63. 空气;飞行;航空
64. 航空器;飞机
65. 航空公司
66. 航空邮递
67. 飞机
68. 机场;航空站;航空港
69. 领空
70. alarm
71. album
72. 代数
73. alike
74. alive
75. adv. 全部地;完全地  adj. 全部的;整体的;总的  pron. 所有;全部;一切
76. (对……)变态反应的,变应的,过敏的
77. alley
78. allow
79. 津贴;补贴;补助
80. almost
81. alone
82. adj. 向前;与……一道;带……一起;随身带  prep. 顺着;沿着
83. 在旁边
84. aloud
85. 字母表
86. already
87. also
88. adj. 供选择的;供替代的  n. 可供选择的事物
89. although
90. 高度;海拔
91. altogether
92. 铝
93. always
94. 业余爱好者;业余运动员  adj. 业余爱好的
95. 大使
96. ambiguous
97. 救护车
98. 美国;美洲
99. adj. 美国的;美国人的;美洲的  n. 美国人
100. among
101. amount
1. 粗鲁的;无礼的
2. 重点
3. 引起;导致
4. 向……致谢
5. 了解
6. 严重的
7. 处理;应对
8. 提供;给予
9. 在……的衬托下
10. (使)通风,透风
1. able; unable; enable; disable; disabled; disability
2. absence
3. academy
4. accessible
5. achievement
6. acquisition
7. action; active; activity
8. adaptation
9. addition; additive
10. inadequate; inadequacy
11. adjustment
12. administrator; administrative
13. admirable
14. admission
15. adolescent
16. adorable; adoring
17. advanced; advancing; advancement
18. advantaged; advantageous; disadvantage
19. adventurer; adventurism; adventurous; misadventure
20. advertisement
21. advise
22. affected; affecting; affective; affection; effect
23. agent
24. aggressive; aggressor
25. agreement
26. agriculture; agriculturalist
27. alcoholic
28. allocation; reallocate
29. amazed; amazing
30. ambitious; overambitious; unambitious
1. to accommodate    2. achieved    3. accessible    4. to    5. was admitted
6. a        7. acquisition        8. adequately    9. adjustments    10. himself
11. accustomed        12. violating        13. what    14. Although    15. admiring
1. I was so absorbed by her story that I lost track of time.
2. He adopted an air of indifference.
3. We could meet at the library or, alternatively, we could all meet at my house.
4. Computers have had a profound/significant effect on our lives.
5. He is a boss, a mentor, and above all, a friend.
6. 那天夜里他没有回家,我越来越感到恐慌。
7. 也许在线上上课的最大坏处是缺乏师生之间的面对面互动。
8. 学校的课外活动种类多样,为学生提供了超越课堂的兴趣探索机会。
9. 胡同是最具北京特色的代表之一,它的两旁是居民房屋。
10. 当前发达的现代科技并不是一蹴而就的,而是几代人努力研究成果的积累。

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第2课时(ample — average)

1. ample  adj. ____________________________
2. ______________  n. 祖先;祖宗
3. anchor  n. ______________  v. ______________
4. ______________  adj. 古老的;年代久远的;古代的
5. and  conj. __________________________________________
6. anecdote  n. ____________________________
7. ______________  n. 角;角度
8. ______________  n. 动物
9. ankle  n. ____________________________
10. anniversary  n. ____________________________
11. ______________  adj. 一年一次的;每年的;一年一次的;每年的
12. ______________  adj. 再加一个的;又一个的;另一的  pron. 又一个;再一个
13. ______________  n. 回答;答复;答案;应答;回应;(问题的)解决办法  v. 回答;回复
14. ant  n. ______________
15. antarctic  adj. ____________________________
16. ______________  n. 古物;古董;文物  adj. 古老的;古董的
17. ______________  adj. (人或事物)任何的,任一的;(人或事物)任何的,任一的  pron. 任何一个(人或事物)  adv. 最少地;一点
18. ______________  pron. 任何人;无论谁
19. ______________  adv. 尽管;即使这样;随便地;杂乱无章地
20. ______________  pron. 任何人;无论谁
21. anything  pron. ____________________________
22. anyway  adv. __________________________________________
23. anywhere  adv. __________________________________________
24. ______________  adv. 相隔,相距;分开;分离  adj. 分开;与众不同
25. apartment  n. ________________________________________________________
26. appendix  n. ______________
27. ______________  n. 苹果
28. apron  n. __________________________________________
29. ______________  adj. 随心所欲的;任意的;专横的;专断的
30. arch  n. ______________  v. ______________
31. arctic  adj. ____________________________
32. ______________  n. 地区;区域;领域;方面
33. ______________  vi. 产生;发生;出现;起床;起身
34. arithmetic  n. ______________
35. ______________  adv. 兜着圈子地;迂回地;(数字、数量、时间等)大约  prep. 在四周;在附近;避开;绕过
36. ______________  v. 逮捕;拘留  n. 逮捕;拘留
37. arrow  n. ____________________________
38. ______________  n. 文章;物品;冠词
39. as  adv. ____________________________  conj. __________________________________ prep. ______________
40. ash  n. __________________________________________
41. ______________  adj. 惭愧;羞愧;尴尬
42. Asia  n. ____________________________
43. Asian  adj. ____________________________  n. ______________
44. ______________  adv. 往旁边;到一边
45. ______________  v. 问;询问;请求;征求;请;邀请
46. ______________  adj. 睡着
47. aspect  n. __________________________________________
48. at  prep. __________________________________________
49. ______________  大西洋
50. ______________  n. (围绕地球的)大气,大气圈,大气层;气氛
51. atom  n. ______________
52. ______________  vt. 攻击;进攻;侵袭;侵害;损害   n. 攻击;进攻;(疾病、害虫、化学药品等的)侵害,破坏
53. ______________  n. 态度;看法;姿态
54. audience  n. __________________________________________
55. ______________  n. 八月
56. ______________  n. 姑母;伯母;姨母;婶母;舅母
57. Australia  n. __________________________________________
58. Australian  adj. ______________  n. ______________
59. autonomous  adj. __________________________________________
60. ______________  adj. 可获得的;可利用的;易得的;有空的
61. avenue  n. ______________
62. ______________  n. 平均数;平均水平  adj. 平均的;普通的;一般的  v. 平均为;计算平均值
1. He has authored several best-selling novels. ______________
2. She always has an automatic smile for everyone. ______________
3. The museum included an exhibit showing ancestors of the modern computer. ______________
4. Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news. ______________
5. The drugs can’t arrest the disease’s progress, but they can slow it down considerably. ______________
6. No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product. ______________
7. You should try to angle the story so that it appeals to younger readers. ______________
8. The current approach isn’t working. I think we need a new plan of attack. ______________
9. We plan to pursue all available avenues to get our message to the public. ______________
10. The irregularities averaged out over the course of the study. ______________
1. amuse   vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐
______________  adj. 被逗乐的,觉得好笑的
______________  adj. 有乐趣的,好笑的
______________  n. 娱乐,娱乐活动
2. analyze  v. 分析
______________  n. 分析,分析结果
3. anger  n. 怒,愤怒
______________  adj. 生气的,愤怒的
4. announce  vt. 宣布/告,公布
______________  n. 宣告,声明;发表,宣布
______________  n. (电视或电台的)播音员,节目主持人
5. annoy  vt. 使恼怒,使生气
______________  adj. 略感烦恼(生气)的
______________  adj. 讨厌的,令人气恼的
______________  n. 烦恼,气恼
6. anticipate  v. 预期;预料;期待;盼望
______________  n. 期待;期望;预期;预料
______________  adj. 意料之外的;未预料到的
7. anxiety  n. 担忧,焦虑
______________  adj. 忧虑的,焦急的
______________  adv. 焦急地,忧虑地,渴望地
8. apologize  vi. 道歉,谢罪
______________  n. 道歉;歉意
9. apparent  adj. 显而易见的;易懂的;貌似的;表面上的;未必真实的
______________  adv. 可见;看来;显然
10. appeal  n. 呼吁;恳求;吸引力;上诉  v. 有感染力;呼吁;恳求;上诉;有吸引力
______________  adj. 有吸引力的;恳求的
11. appear  vi. 出现
______________  n. 出现,露面;容貌
12. appetite  n. 胃口;欲望;喜好
______________  n. (餐前的)开胃品,开胃饮料
______________  adj. 引起食欲的;开胃的;美味的
13. applaud  v. 鼓掌;赞成;赞许;支持
______________  n. 鼓掌;喝彩
14. application  n. 申请
______________  v. 申请
______________  n. 申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等)
15. appoint  v. 任命,委任,安排
______________  n. 约会
______________  adj. 指定的;约定的
16. appreciate  v. 欣赏,感激;理解,领会
______________  n. 欣赏;鉴定,评估
______________  adj. 感激的;赏识的
17. approach  v. (在距离或时间上)接近,靠近
n. (待人接物或思考问题的)方法,方式,态度
______________  adj. 和蔼可亲的;易理解的
18. appropriate  adj. 合适的,恰当的
______________   adv. 近似,大约
19. approve  vt. 批准,认可  vi. 赞同
______________  v. 不赞成;不同意;反对
______________  n. 赞成;同意;批准;认可
______________  adj. 赞成的,赞成的
______________  adj. 不赞成的;表示反对的;不以为然的
20. approximate  adj. 大概的  v. 近似于……;粗略估计
______________  adv. 大概;大约;约莫
______________  n. 近似值;粗略估计
21. architect  n. 建筑师;设计师;缔造者;创造者
______________  n. 建筑学;建筑设计;建筑风格
______________  adj. 建筑学的;建筑方面的
22. argue  vi. 争辩,争论
______________  n. 争论,辩论
23. arm  n. 手臂,胳膊;扶手;(复)武器  v. 武装
______________  adj. 武装的
______________  n. 陆军;陆军部队
______________  n. 扶手椅
24. arrange  v. 安排,布置
______________  n. 安排,布置
25. arrival   n. 到来,到达
_______________  vi. 到达(+at 小地方,+in大地方)
26. art  n. 艺/美术;艺术品;(复)文科
______________  adj. 艺术的;有艺术才华的
______________  adj. 人造/工的;矫揉造作的
______________  n. 艺术家;画家;美术家
______________  n. 艺术作品
27. assess  v. 评价,评定(性质,质量)
______________  n. 看法,评价
28. assign  v. 分配(工作或职责);布置(任务);指派
______________  n. (分派的)任务;(指定的)作业;分配;指派
______________  v. 重新委派,再次指派(任务、职位、责任等)
______________  adj. 未分配的;未保留的
29. assist  v. 帮助,协助
______________  n. 帮助,援助,支持
______________  n. 助手,助理
30. associate  v. 联想,联系
______________  n. 协会,社团;联系
31. astonish  v. 使大为惊讶;使大为惊奇;使吃惊
______________  adj. 感到惊讶;吃惊
______________  adj. 令人十分惊讶的;难以置信的
______________  n. 大为惊奇;惊诧
32. astronaut  n. 航天员;宇航员
______________  n. 天文学
______________  n. 天文学家
______________  adj. 天文学的;天文的
33. assume  v. 假定,假设
______________  n. 假定,假设
34. athlete  n. 运动员;体育健将
______________  adj. 运动员的;强壮的;健壮的
______________  n. 田径运动
35. attach  v. 把……固定,把……附(在……上)
______________  adj. 依恋;爱慕
______________  n. 依恋;爱慕
36. attain  v. 获得;达到
______________  n. 达到;获得
______________  adj. 可达到的;可获得的
______________  adj. 无法得到的;难以达到的
37. attempt  v. 企图;试图;尝试
______________  adj. 未遂的
38. attend  v. 出席;参加
______________  n. 出席者;在场者
______________  n. 出席;参加;上学;到场
______________  n. 服务员;侍者  adj. 伴随的;随之而来的
39. attention  n. 注意;专心;留心;注意力
______________  adj. 注意的,留/专心的
______________  adv. 专注地
40. attract  v. 吸引,招引
______________  n. 吸引(力),爱慕
______________  adj. 迷人的,有吸引力的
41. authentic  adj. 真正的;真品的;真实的;准确的;逼真的;仿真的
______________  v. 证明……是真实的;证明……为真迹
______________  n. 真实性;确实性
______________  adj. 假的;不可信的;不可靠的
42. author  n. 著者;作者;创始人;发起人
______________  adj. 著者的;作者的;作家的
______________  n. 著作
______________  v.  批准;授权
______________  n. 作者身份;著述;写作
43. automate  v. 使自动化
______________  adj. 自动的;未加思考的
______________  n. 汽车制造商
______________  n. 自动化
1. They hired extra police officers in __________ (anticipate) of a big crowd at the concert.
2. The astronauts train in a room that provides __________ approximation of conditions in space.
3. Students will __________ (assign) five books to read and must choose two additional books (to read).
4. She refused to let the injury keep her from __________ (attain) her goal of being in the Olympics.
5. The paper had fallen down between the desk __________ the wall.
6. He told us all sorts of humorous __________ (anecdote) about his childhood.
7. The work has value in itself, quite apart __________ the good effects it produces.
8. Many issues __________ (arise) during the discussion, which made the meeting last longer than expected.
9. Much __________ I respect him , I still have to disagree with him on this point.
10. Drivers in London can expect __________ (average) about 12 miles per hour.
11. He paused, __________ (apparent) lost in thought.
12. The committee assesses __________ a building is worth preserving.
13. China’s new hit TV show To the Wonder has made Altay in the Xinjiang Uygur __________ (autonomy) region a new trendy tourism destination among young people, who are attracted by the breathtaking views and the simple and heartwarming lives of the local residents.
14. She applied __________ (her) to learning the language.
15. She __________ (assume) from his expression that he was confused.

1. 她的诚实不但不该受到批评,反而应该得到表扬。(rather than; applaud)
2. 如果你能助我一臂之力,我将万分感激。(any; appreciate)
3. 走过拐角时,我们被看到的一幕惊呆了。(surprised; around)
4. 当你到达约定地点时给我打个电话。(appoint)
5. 她没有听见他走近的声音,所以门开时吓了一跳。(approach)
6. Learning another language not only improves children’s job prospects in later life, but also boosts their self-esteem.
7. If you’ve been wanting to get your schedule organized, this new software is the answer to (all) your prayers.
8. A faintly amused grin appeared on her face.
9. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
10. Being not only graceful in form but also firm in structure, stone arch bridges that cross rivers can last for decades, centuries or even more than thousands of years and still function in public transportation.


1. 足够的;充裕的;丰富的
2. ancestor
3. n. 锚  v. 抛锚;泊(船)
4. ancient
5. 和,及,且(用于连接单词或词组)
6. 逸事;趣闻
7. angle
8. animal
9. 脚踝;踝关节
10. 周年纪念日
11. annual
12. another
13. answer
14. 蚂蚁
15. 南极的;南极地带的
16. antique
17. any
18. anybody
19. anyhow
20. anyone
21. 任何事情;任何东西
22. 而且;加之;反正;尽管;即使这样
23. 在(或去)任何地方;无论何处
24. apart
25. (通常指一栋大楼内用于租住的)公寓,一套住房
26. 附录;阑尾
27. apple
28. (机场的)停机坪;围裙
29. arbitrary
30. n. 拱;拱门  v. (使)成弓形
31. 北极的;北极地带的
32. area
33. arise
34. 算术
35. around
36. arrest
37. 箭;矢;箭头;箭号
38. article
39. adv. (程度或数量上)同样;例如  conj. 像……一样;正如;当……时候;虽然  prep.  当作;作为
40. (香烟或木头等的)灰,灰烬;灰烬;废墟
41. ashamed
42. 亚洲
43. 亚洲的;亚洲人的  n. 亚洲人;亚裔
44. aside
45. ask
46. asleep
47. 方面;部分;样子;外观;外表
48. 在……里;在(某处);向;朝;以……为目标
49. the Atlantic Ocean
50. atmosphere
51. 原子;微量
52. attack
53. attitude
54. (戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众
55. August
56. aunt
57. 澳大利亚(太平洋西南部的国家和大陆)
58. adj. 澳大利亚的  n. 澳大利亚人
59. 自主的;独立的;自治的
60. available
61. 大道
62. average
1. 撰写;创作
2. 自然的
3. 原型
4. 主持(电视、广播节目)
5. 阻止
6. (使)与……有联系;与……有关联
7. 从(某角度)报道
8. 解决问题的方法
9. 途径;渠道
10. 达到平衡状态
1. amused; amusing; amusement
2. analysis
3. angry
4. announcement; announcer
5. annoyed; annoying; annoyance
6. anticipation; unanticipated
7. anxious; anxiously
8. apology
9. apparently
10. appealing
11. appearance
12. appetizer; appetizing
13. applause
14. apply; applicant
15. appointment; appointed
16. appreciation; appreciative
17. approachable
18. approximately
19. disapprove; approval; approving; disapproving
20. approximately; approximation
21. architecture; architectural
22. argument
23. armed; army; armchair
24. arrangement
25. arrive
26. artistic; artificial; artist; artwork
27. assessment
28. assignment; reassign; unassigned
29. assistance; assistant
30. association
31. astonished; astonishing; astonishment
32. astronomy; astronomer; astronomical
33. assumption
34. athletic; athletics
35. attached; attachment
36. attainment; attainable; unattainable
37. attempted
38. attendee; attendance; attendant
39. attentive; attentively
40. attraction; attractive
41. authenticate; authenticity; inauthentic
42. authorial; authoring; authorize; authorship
43. automatic; automaker; automation
1. anticipation    2. an    3. be assigned    4. attaining    5. and
6. anecdotes        7. from        8. arose    9. as    10. to average
11. apparently        12. whether        13. autonomous    14. herself    15. assumed
1. Rather than being criticized for her honesty, she should be applauded for it.
2. If you can give me any help, I’d appreciate it. / I’d appreciate any help you can give me.
3. We were surprised by what we saw when we walked around the corner.
4. Call me when you reach the appointed place/location.
5. She hadn’t heard his approach and jumped as the door opened.
6. 学习另一种语言不仅可以提升儿童未来的职业前景,而且可以增强他们的自尊心。
7. 如果你想把计划安排得井井有条,这个新软件正是你所需要的。
8. 她的脸上露出一丝愉悦的微笑。
9. 我再次为我可能给您带来的任何不便道歉。
10. 石拱桥不但形式优美,而且结构坚固,能几十年几百年甚至,上千年雄跨在江河之上,在交通方面发挥作用。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:30:47 | 显示全部楼层

第3课时(away — blog)

1. away  adv. __________________________________________
2. ______________  adj. 极糟的;令人极不愉快的;可怕的;令人敬畏的
3. ______________  adj. 不雅观的;笨拙的;难用的;难处理的;难对付的;尴尬的
4. ______________  n. 婴儿;(成员中)年龄最小者  adj. 极小的;小型的  v. 小心对待
5. bachelor  n. ____________________________
6. ______________  adv. 在后部;以前  adj. 背后的;后面的  n. (人的)背,背部;反面  v. 支持
7. backache  n. ______________
8. ______________  n. (绘画、照片等的)背景,后景;(事情发生的)背景;经历;阅历
9. ______________  adv. 向后;朝后;倒退地;退步地  adj. 向后的;朝后的
10. bacon  n. ______________
11. bacterium  n. ______________(复______________)
12. badminton  n. ____________________________
13. ______________  n. 纸袋;塑料袋;布袋;一袋(的量)  v. 把……装进袋子
14. baggage  n. ________________________________________________________
15. ______________  n. 面包(糕饼)店;面包(糕饼)烘房;面包厂
16. balcony  n. ____________________________
17. ball  n. ____________________________
18. ______________  n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧
19. balloon  n. ______________
20. ______________  n. 竹
21. ______________  n. 香蕉
22. band  n. ____________________________
23. bandage  n. ______________  v. ______________
24. ______________  n. 酒吧;吧台;(木、金属等)条;(长方形的)块;障碍
25. barbecue  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
26. ______________  v. 犬吠;咆哮 n. 犬吠声
27. baseball  n. ____________________________
28. ______________  n. 调菜盆;大碗;盆地;海盆;流域
29. ______________  n. (棒球)球棒;蝙蝠  v. (用球拍、球棒等或用手)击打(球等)
30. battery  n. ____________________________
31. bay  n. ____________________________
32. BC  n. ____________________________
33. ______________  v. 是;举行;发生;在;存在
34. bean  n. ______________
35. ______________  豆腐
36. beard  n. ____________________________
37. ______________ (beat, beaten)  v. (反复地)敲,击,打;击(鼓);(心脏)跳动;打败;  n. 敲;击;打;敲击声;(音乐或诗歌的)节拍,节奏
38. because  conj. ____________________________
39. ______________ (became, become)  v. 成为;变为;变成
40. bee  n. ______________
41. beef  n. ______________
42. beer  n. ______________
43. ______________  prep. 早于;在……之前  adv. 以前;过去  conj. (时间)在……之前;以免;不然;(先……)才……
44. behalf  n. ______________
45. ______________  prep. 在……的后面;(在比赛中)落后于;低于  adv. 在后面;向后;(在比赛中)落后
46. ______________  n. 生命;生物;存在;生存
47. bell  n. ____________________________
48. belly  n. ____________________________
49. ______________  prep. 低于;少于;次于  adv. 在下面;到下面;(数字或级别)在……以下
50. belt  n. __________________________________________
51. ______________  n. 长凳;长椅;替补队员席
52. ______________  prep. 在(或往)……下方;在(或往)……下面  adv. 在下面;往下;向下
53. beside  prep. ____________________________
54. besides  prep. __________________________________________  adv. ______________
55. ______________  adj. 最好的;最佳的;最适当的  adv. 最好地;最高程度地
56. ______________  v. 打赌;下赌注;预计;敢说  n. 打赌;预测;估计
57. betray  v. ________________________________________________________
58. ______________  prep. 在……之间  adv. (空间上)在……之间
59. ______________  adv. 在(或往)更远处  prep. 在……的另一边;远于;超出(范围)
60. ______________  n. 自行车
61. ______________  (bid, bid) vi. & vt. 出价  vi. 投标  (bade, bidden / bid, bid)  vt. 命令,吩咐  n. 出价;投标;努力
62. big  adj. ____________________________
63. bike  n. ______________
64. bill  n. ____________________________
65. ______________  num. (数字)十亿
66. bingo  n. ______________
67. biography  n. ____________________________
68. ______________  n. 鸟
69. biscuit  n. ______________
70. bishop  n. ______________
71. ______________  n. 小片;小块;小段;(书籍、剧本等的)一段,一部分
72. ______________ (bit, bitten)  v. (昆虫或蛇)叮,蜇,咬  n. 咬;咬伤;叮伤;蜇伤
73. bitter  adj. ________________________________________________________
74. ______________  n. 黑色  adj. 黑的;黑色的;黑暗的;漆黑的;悲伤的;无望的  v. 使……变成黑色;把……弄黑
75.______________  n. 黑板
76. ______________  n. (文件上的)空白处  adj. 空白的;漠然的;断然的
77. blanket  n. ______________
78. ______________  n. 博客;网络日志
1. We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment. ______________
2. I’m planning on putting a bed of perennials in that corner of the yard. ______________
3. With the poor economy, many expensive restaurants now have tables that go begging. ______________
4. She now seems bent on winning the competition. ______________
5. China’s heat waves had blanketed large swathes of the country last year. ______________
6. Demand for additional classes and private tutoring for primary and secondary school students has ballooned in China in the last decade. ______________
7. That boy will never learn to stand up for himself if you don’t stop babying him. ______________
8. She’s expected to bag the award for the team’s most valuable player. ______________
9. The city is being billed as one of the best places to live in the state. ______________
10. The restaurant is getting back to basics in terms of food, using fresh ingredients to make simple, good food. ______________
1. avoid  v. 避免;防止
______________  adj. 可以避免的
______________  adj. 无法避免的;难以预防的
______________  n. 避免;防止;回避;避开
2. awake  v. 醒;醒来  adj. 醒着
______________  v. 醒来;唤醒
______________  adj. 醒悟;觉醒
______________  v. 勾起,唤起,再次引发(感情、回忆等)
3. award  v. 奖励;奖赏;判给;授予  n. 奖品;奖状
______________  n. 受奖者;获奖者
4. aware  adj. 知道;意识到;明白
______________  adj. 不知道;没意识到;未察觉
______________  n. 认识;意识;兴趣
5. awesome  adj. 令人敬畏和惊叹的;非常棒的;极佳的
______________  n. 畏怯;敬畏;惊叹
6. bad  (worse, worst)  adj. 坏的;有害的;严重的
______________  adv. 坏,恶劣地
7. balance  n. 平衡;余额  v. 使(在某物上)保持平衡
______________  adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的
8. bank  n. 银行  v. 把钱存入银行;与银行有业务往来
______________  n. 银行家;银行高级职员
______________  n. 银行业务
______________  adj. 可赚钱的;可赢利的
9. barber  n. (为男子服务的)理发师
______________  n. 理发店
10. bare  adj. 无遮盖的;光秃的;空的  v. 揭开;脱(衣服)  adv. 很;非常
______________  adv. 几乎不;简直不;勉强能
11. bargain  n. 协议;契约;便宜货;贱卖品  v. 讨价还价;商讨条件
______________  n. 讨价还价;商谈;商讨
12. base  n. 基底;根基  v. 以……为据点(或大本营等)
______________  adj. (以某事)为基础(或根据)
______________  adj. 无根据的;无缘无故的
______________  n. 地下室
______________  adj. 基础的;基本的
______________  n. 基本因素(或原理、原则、规律等)
______________  adv. 基本上;大体上
______________  n. 原因;缘由
13. basket  n. 篮;筐;篓
______________  n. 篮球运动;篮球
14. bath  n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆
______________  vi. 洗澡;游泳
______________  n. 浴室
______________  n. 浴缸;浴盆
15. battle  n. 战斗;战役;竞赛;较量;争夺  v. 作战;战斗;拼搏;奋斗
______________  n. 战场;争论主题;斗争领域
16. beach  n. 沙滩;海滩;湖滩  v. 使(船只)上岸
______________  n. 海滨服装;沙滩服装
______________  n. 滨海区;河滨区
17. bear  v. 承受;忍受  n. 熊
______________  adj. 可忍受的;能应付的
______________  adj. 难耐的;无法接受的;难以处理的
18. beast  n. 动物;禽;牲畜
______________  adj. 令人讨厌的;糟糕至极的
19. beautiful  adj. 美丽的;美好的
______________  adv. 美好地;美妙地;漂亮地
______________  n. 美丽;美人
______________  v. 美化;使更美丽
20. bed  n. 床;(海、湖等的)底;(河)床
______________  n. 寝具;铺盖
______________  n. 卧室;寝室
21. beg  v. 乞讨;行乞;恳求,请求(某人)
______________  n. 乞丐;叫花子  v. 乞丐;叫花子
22. begin  v. (began, begun) 开始;启动
______________  n. 初学者;新手
______________  n. 开头;开端;开始部分
23. behave  v. 表现;表现得体,有礼貌
______________  n. 行为,举止
24. believe  v. 相信;认为真实
______________  v. 不信;怀疑
______________  n. 相信;信心
______________  n. 信徒
25. belong  v. 应在(某处)
______________  n. 动产;财物
26. bend  n. 弯曲处;弯曲(动作)  v. 使……弯曲;把……弄弯;俯身;弯腰
______________  adj. 被弄弯的;弯曲的
______________  adj. 易弯曲的;易折的
27. beneficial  adj. 有利的,有帮助的,有用的
______________  n. 优势,益处  v. 使……受益
28. biology  n. 生物学
______________  adj. 生物学的
______________  n. 生物学家
29. birth  n. 出生;诞生;分娩
______________  n. 生日
______________  n. (尤指名人的)出生时的住宅,出生地
30. blame  v. 把……归咎于;责怪;指责  n. (坏事或错事的)责任;责备
______________  adj. 无过错的;无可指责的
31. bleed  v. 流血;失血
______________  n. 流血;失血
______________  n. 血
______________  adj. 残暴的;血腥的
32. bless  v. 求上帝降福;祝福
______________  adj. 神圣的
______________  n. 上帝的恩宠;祝福
33. blind  n. 窗帘;幌子  v. 使失明;使眼花;使目眩  adj. 瞎的;失明的  adv. 失去理智地
______________  adv. 看不见地;摸黑地;未注意地;盲目地
______________  adj. 炫目的;刺眼的;飞快的
______________  n. 蒙眼布;眼罩  v. (用布)蒙住眼睛
34. block  v. 阻塞;堵塞;挡住;堵住  n. (方形平面)大块;街区;阻碍;障碍
______________  n. 阻塞物;堵塞;阻塞
______________  n. (战时对港口的)封锁,包围  v. (尤指战时)封锁,包围
______________  n. (警察或军队设置的)关卡,路障;障碍
1. It took her some time __________ (awake) to the dangers of her situation.
2. The woman was Tu Youyou, the first Chinese female scientist to __________ (award) a Nobel Prize for her work.
3. Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent the growth of __________ (bacterium).
4. It has also used strict forest protection methods and __________ (ban) all commercial logging (商业伐木) since last August.
5. They were taught not to __________ (blind) obey, but to consider carefully what they were being told to do.
6. In the market dealers were bargaining __________ growers over the price of coffee.
7. His voice __________ (betray) the worry he was trying to hide.
8. The sun was __________ huge ball of fire low on the horizon.
9. I __________ (bid) farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.
10. It is important that students develop an __________ (aware) of how the Internet can be used.
11. I believe it’s the right thing to do __________ it gives everyone a fair chance.
12. If too many people stand up, it will __________ (balance) the boat.
13. The kindness that they showed to her when she first arrived gave her a real sense of __________ (belong).
14. Lots of people find __________ hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.
15. He looked forward to __________ (better) his acquaintance with the new neighbors.
1. 黛安娜敬畏她的祖父,但深爱她的祖母。(awe; adore)
2. 他们正竭尽全力争取按时完成工作。(bend one’s efforts toward ...)
3. 我们代表中国文化俱乐部邀请大家参加传统的中国新年庆祝活动。(on behalf of; celebration)
4. 我的心激动得狂跳起来,脉搏也加速了。(beat; pulse)
5. 听到这则可怕的消息,他们内心充满了极度的绝望。(black; despair)
6. Bamboo, with strong vitality and impressive adaptability, can always survive no matter how harsh the environment is. For thousands of years, bamboo has been regarded as a symbol of national character.
7. The ancient silk routes witnessed the bustling scenes of visits and trade over land and ships calling at ports.
8. When the sun falls behind the sand hills, the beauty of the sunset is beyond description.
9. The new environmental policies are expected to have a beneficial impact on the conservation of natural resources.
10. With sport, you have to find the right balance between competition and fun.


1. 离开;逐渐消失;不停地;持续地
2. awful
3. awkward
4. baby
5. 未婚男子;单身汉;学士
6. back
7. 背疼
8. background
9. backward
10. 培根;烟熏咸肉片
11. 细菌(复bacteria)
12. 羽毛球运动
13. bag
14. 行李;(感情、信仰、问题或往事等引起的)负担,包袱
15. bakery
16. 阳台;(剧院的)楼厅,楼座
17. 球;球状物;舞会
18. ballet
19. 气球
20. bamboo
21. banana
22. 流行音乐乐队;一群人;条;箍
23. n. 绷带  v. 用绷带包扎
24. bar
25. n. 烧烤架;户外烧烤;烧烤食物  v. (在烤架上)烧烤
26. bark
27. 棒球;棒球运动
28. basin
29. bat
30. 电池;蓄电池
31. (海或湖的)湾
32. 公元前(耶稣基督诞生前的年份)
33. be
34. 豆;豆子
35. bean curd
36. 胡须;髯;络腮胡子
37. beat
38. 因为;由于
39. become
40. 蜜蜂
41. 牛肉
42. 啤酒
43. before
44. 代表
45. behind
46. being
47. 铃;钟;电铃
48. (人的)胃,腹部,肚子
49. below
50. 腰带;裤带;皮带;(呈某种特征的)地带,地区
51. bench
52. beneath
53. 在……旁边;在……附近
54. prep. 除了……之外(没有);除了…之外(还);而且  adv. 而且;还有
55. best
56. bet
57. 出卖;背叛;(无意中)显露出,表现出
58. between
59. beyond
60. bicycle
61. bid
62. 大的;(人或物)多的;大型的
63. 自行车
64. 账单;议案;纸币;钞票
65. billion
66. 宾戈游戏
67. (由他人撰写的)传记
68. bird
69. 饼干
70. 主教
71. bit
72. bite
73. 苦的;(由于待遇不公而)愤怒的,不快的
74. black
75. blackboard
76. blank
77. 毯子
78. blog
1. 最基本的
2. 苗床;苗圃;花坛
3. 无人问津
4. 一心要做
5. 覆盖(某物),此处可译为席卷
6. 激增
7. 百般呵护
8. 获得
9. 把……宣传为
10. 回归本原;返璞归真
1. avoidable; unavoidable; avoidance
2. awaken; awakening; reawaken
3. awardee
4. unaware; awareness
5. awe
6. badly
7. balanced
8. banker; banking; bankable
9. barbershop
10. barely
11. bargaining
12. based; baseless; basement; basic; basics; basically; basis
13. basketball
14. bathe; bathroom; bathtub
15. battlefield
16. beachwear; beachfront
17. bearable; unbearable
18. beastly
19. beautifully; beauty; beautify
20. bedding; bedroom
21. beggar
22. beginner; beginning
23. behaviour (behavior)
24. disbelieve; belief; believer
25. belongings
26. bent; bendy
27. benefit
28. biological; biologist
29. birthday; birthplace
30. blameless
31. bleeding; blood; bloody
32. blessed; blessing
33. blindly; blinding; blindfold
34. blockage; blockade; roadblock
1. to awake    2. be awarded    3. bacteria    4. banned    5. blindly
6. with        7. betrayed        8. a    9. bade/bid    10. awareness
11. because        12. unbalance        13. belonging    14. it        15. bettering
1. While Diana was in awe of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
2. They are bending their efforts toward completing the job on time.
3. On behalf of the Chinese culture club, we invite everyone to join us for a traditional Chinese New Year celebration.
4. My heart was beating wildly with excitement and my pulse was racing!
5. When they heard the terrible news, they were filled with black despair.
6. 竹子具有强大的生命力和适应能力,无论环境多么恶劣,都能够顽强生存。几千年来竹子一直被视为民族品格的象征。
7. 古丝绸之路见证了陆上“使者相望于道,商旅不绝于途”的盛况。
8. 当太阳落到沙丘背后时,夕阳的美无法用言语描述。
9. 新的环保政策预计会对自然资源的保护产生有益的影响。
10. 对于体育比赛,你要在竞技和乐趣之间找到平衡。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:40:58 | 显示全部楼层

第4课时(blouse — career)

1. blouse  n. ______________
2. ______________ (blew, blown)  v. (风)刮;吹气;炸毁;(车胎)爆炸  n. 大风;强风;猛击
3. ______________  n. 天蓝色;蓝色  adj. 天蓝色的;蓝色的;悲伤的;不快乐的
4. board  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
5. ______________  v. 沸腾;用沸水煮  n. 沸腾;水煮的菜肴(如贝类、蔬菜、香料等)
6. ______________  n. 炸弹;彻底的失败  v. 轰炸;大败;惨败;迅速移动;疾行
7. ______________  n. 纽带;联系;关系;公债;债券  v. 使连接;使结合;亲近关系
8. bone  n. ______________
9. bonus  n. ____________________________
10. ______________  v. 轰鸣;轰响;(企业或行业的)迅速崛起  n. 轰鸣声;轰响声;低沉有力的叫(喊)声;激增;(经济的)繁荣
11. ______________  v. 加强;增加;提高;加强;增加;提高  n. (数量的)增加;推动;激励;一举
12. boot  n. ______________  v. ______________
13. booth  n. ________________________________________________________
14. ______________  n. (国、州的)边界;国界  v. 与……接壤;与……交界;毗连
15. born  adj. __________________________________________
16. ______________  v. 借;借用;引用,引入,借用(思想、说法等)
17. boss  n. __________________________________________
18. ______________  adj. 两……;双……  pron. 两者  conj. 不仅……而且;……和……都(与and连用)
19. ______________  n. 制造麻烦的人;麻烦的事;麻烦  v. 使烦扰;使不安;使恼怒;打断;打扰
20. bottle  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
21. ______________  n. 底部;底端;基层职位
22. ______________  v. 使弹起;蹦蹦跳跳  n. 弹跳;反弹;弹回;弹跳;反弹;弹回
23. bow  v. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
24. ______________  n. 碗;钵;盆
25. bowling  n. ____________________________
26. ______________  n. 盒子;箱;盒状容器;(信件、文件)盒,箱;(纸、网页等上的)方框  v. 把(某物)放入盒中(或装箱);参加拳击比赛;拳击
27. boxing  n. ______________
28. ______________  n. 男孩;男青年;小伙子
29. boycott  v. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
30. ______________  n. 脑;智力
31. brake  n. ____________________________  vi. ______________
32. ______________  n. 树枝;分支;支线;支流  v. 分岔;形成分支
33. brand  n. ______________
34. ______________  n. 面包
35. ______________  n. 早餐
36. ______________  n. 重大进展;重大突破
37. brewery  n. ______________
38. brick  n. ______________
39. bridge  n. ____________________________  v. ______________
40. ______________  adj. 短时间的;短暂的;简短的  n. 任务简介;指示  v. 向(某人)介绍情况
41. ______________  adj. 明亮的;发光的;鲜艳夺目的;聪明的
42. ______________  adj. 明亮的;鲜艳的;给人深刻印象的;聪明绝顶的;精彩的
43. ______________ (brought, brought)  vt. 带来;引来;招致
44. Britain  n. ______________
45. British  adj. ____________________________
46. ______________  n. 广播节目;电视节目  vt. (电台或电视)播送;广播;散布,传播(隐私或秘密)
47. brochure  n. ______________
48. broom  n. ______________
49. ______________  n. 棕色;褐色;咖啡色  adj. 棕色的;褐色的;咖啡色的
50. brunch  n. ____________________________
51. ______________  v. (用刷子)刷,擦;  n. 刷;刷子;毛刷;画笔;灌木丛;小树丛;短暂的经历
52. ______________  n. 预算  v. 编制预算;计划;安排
53. buffet  n. ______________
54. ______________  n. 束;捆;串;一群(人);一堆(东西)  v. 捆;扎;使集中
55. bungalow  n. ______________
56. ______________  n. 负重;负荷;负担;重担  v. 使担负;加重压于
57. bureaucratic  adj. ____________________________
58. ______________  v. 爆炸;破裂;突然打开;突然出现(或消失);冲出;闯进
59. ______________  n. 公共汽车;大巴;巴士
60. bush  n. ______________
61. ______________  adj. 忙碌的;活动多的;工作忙的
62. ______________  conj. 可是;但是;而(是);除了;  prep. 除了;除……外  adv. 只有;仅仅
63. butcher  n. ______________  v. ______________
64. butter  n. ______________
65. ______________  n. 蝴蝶
66. button  n. ______________  v. ______________
67. ______________ (bought, bought)  vt. 购买;够支付;买通;收买
68. ______________  prep. 靠近;在……旁边;经过;乘坐
69. ______________  int. 再见;再会
70. cab  n. ____________________________
71. cabbage  n. ____________________________
72. cage  n. ______________
73. ______________  n. 蛋糕
74. calendar  n. ____________________________
75. ______________  n. 书法;书法艺术
76. calorie  n. ____________________________
77. camel  n. ______________
78. ______________  n. 照相机;摄像机;摄影机
79. campaign  n. ____________________________
80. ______________  n. (大学、学院、学校等的)校园
81. ______________  v. 能(做某事);有能力;也许,有可能  n. 罐;听;(装液体、垃圾等带盖的)金属容器,塑料容器
82. Canada  n. ______________
83. Canadian  n. ____________________________  adj. ______________
84. canal  n. ____________________________
85. ______________  n. 癌;癌症
86. candidate  n. ________________________________________________________
87. candle  n. ______________
88. ______________  n. 糖果;巧克力糖
89. canteen  n. ______________
90. ______________  n. (带帽舌的)便帽;(物品的)帽,盖;顶部
91. capsule  n. ______________
92. captain  n. ____________________________
93. caption  n. ______________
94. ______________  n. 汽车;轿车;汽车;轿车
95. ______________  n. 碳(指导致全球变暖的二氧化碳气体)
96. ______________  n. 纸牌;扑克牌;贺卡;请柬;银行卡;信用卡;(显示个人信息的)卡片
97. career  n. ____________________________
1. The hotels in the city were booked solid for the conference. ______________
2. A week at the hotel with half board is of course less expensive than a week with full board. ______________
3. The party went down/like a bomb, and everybody enjoyed themselves. ______________
4. She got booted in May and has been looking for work ever since. ______________
5. He was supposed to meet me for lunch but he blew me off. ______________
6. We were bowling along the motorway in her new car. ______________
7. They burst onto the music scene in 1995 with a very successful debut album. ______________
8. City leaders hope the project will breathe vitality into the downtown. ______________
9. The tension and excitement built gradually all day. ______________
10. Following safety checks outside the capsule, ground recovery personnel opened the hatch of the bell-shaped vehicle and conducted a preliminary examination of the astronauts’ condition. ______________
1. boat  n. 小船
______________  n. 划船游玩;乘船(游览)
______________  n. 船工;小船出租人;(尤指撑船营生的)船夫
______________  n. 造船厂;修船厂;船坞
2. body  n. 身体
______________  n. 健身
______________  n. 抗体
3. book  n. 书;书籍  v. 预订;预约
______________  n. 书架;书橱;书柜
______________  n. 书签
______________  n. 书架
______________  n. 书店
4. bore  v. (尤指因啰嗦)使厌烦
______________  adj. (对某人/某事)厌倦的;烦闷的
______________  adj. 乏味的,无聊的
______________  n. 厌烦;厌倦;无聊
5. botanical  adj. 植物学的
______________  n. 植物学
______________  n. 植物学家
6. bound  n. 界限,限度  v. 跳跃  adj. 可能的
______________  adj. 无限的;无止境的
7. brave  adj. 勇敢的
______________  adv. 勇敢地
______________  n. 勇气
8. break  v. 打破;使破裂;摔断;(使)分裂;违反(法律等);打断;打破(纪录)
______________  adj. 被折断的;破碎的;颓丧的;筋疲力尽的;损坏了的
______________  adj. 会破的;易碎的
______________  n. 毁坏;破损
9. breath  n. 呼吸的空气
______________  v. 呼吸
______________  adj. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的
10. bride  n. 新娘
______________  n. 新郎
11. brief  adj. 短时间的;短暂的  v. 向(某人)介绍情况
______________  adv. 短暂地;暂时地
12. bright  adj. 光线充足的;明亮的
______________  adv. 明亮地
______________  v. 使更明亮;使更鲜艳
______________  n. 亮度
13. broad  adj. 宽阔的;广阔的
______________  v. 变宽;变阔
______________  adv. 大体上;基本上
14. brother  n. 兄;弟
______________  n. 兄弟般的情谊;手足之情
15. Buddhism  n. 佛教
______________  n. 佛教徒
16. burglar  n. 入室行窃者;破门盗窃者
______________  n. 入室盗窃
17. build  (built, built) v. 建筑,建造;创建,开发  n. 体格
______________  v. 重建;重组
______________  n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼
18. burn  (burnt, burnt) v. 燃烧;烧  n. 烧伤;烫伤
______________  adj. 烧坏的;烧伤的
______________  adj. 强烈的;极度的  adv. 灼热地
19. bury  vt. 埋葬;安葬;掩藏;遮盖;覆盖;
______________  n. 埋葬;葬礼
20. business  n. 商业;买卖;生意
______________  n. (尤指上层)商界人士;实业家;企业家
______________  n. (尤指上层)商界女士;女实业家;女企业家
21. calculate  v. 计算;核算
______________  v. 错误地估计;误算
______________  adj. 精心策划的;蓄意的
______________  n. 计算
22. call  n. 打电话;通话;喊叫;号召  v. 大声说;喊;打电话;召唤;召开;拜访;
______________  n. 打电话的人;拜访者
______________  adj.  叫作;称作
______________  n. 强烈愿望;使命感;(某人从事或应从事的)职业,事业
23. calm  adj. 镇静的;沉着的  v. 使平静;使镇静  n. 平静;冷静
______________  adv. 平静地;沉着地
______________  n. 平静;冷静
24. camp  v. 露营;宿营  n. 营地
______________  n. 野营者;露营者
25. cancel  v. 取消;撤销;终止
______________  n. 取消;撤销
26. capable  adj. 有能力;有才能
______________  adj. 没有能力(做某事)
______________  n. 能力;才能
27. capital  n. 首都;资金;大写字母  adj. 大写的;资本的
______________  v. 把……大写;给(公司)提供资金
______________  n. 资本主义者
______________  n. 资本主义
28. care  n. 照料,照顾;小心  v. 关注;在意;担忧
______________  adj. 小心;注意;谨慎
______________  adv. 仔细地;小心谨慎地
______________  n. 仔细
______________  adj. 粗心的,漫不经心的
______________  adv. 粗心大意地
______________  adj. 无忧无虑的;无牵挂的
1. He buried __________ (him) in his studies.
2. The sound of the ocean called __________ memories of my childhood.
3. She ran a great race and almost __________ (break) the world record.
4. China’s Su Yiming made __________ breakthrough in China’s Winter Olympic history when he took a silver in men’s snowboard slopestyle.
5. I’ll be glad to have a chance to rest my weary __________ (bone).
6. For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian __________ Spanish.
7. We hope __________ (bridge) the divisions between the two groups.
8. The people __________ organized the festival should take a bow for its remarkable success.
9. Let your light shine so __________ (bright) that others can see their way out of the dark.
10. I had almost forgotten about the time we spent together, but seeing her again __________ (bring) it all back to me.
11. She got off the bus, __________ (burden) with two heavy suitcases.
12. Students from the other college __________ (bus) in for the game.
13. The landscape looked very different when we saw it by daylight than it had __________ moonlight.
14. Television helps to relieve the __________ (bored) of the long winter evenings.
15. Conservationists calculate __________ hundreds of species could be lost in this area.
1. 端午节,又称为五月节、双五节,庆祝于农历五月初五,标志着中国龙舟赛季的高潮。(boat; celebrate; height)
2. 书法在中国随处可见,与日常生活紧密相连。(calligraphy; connect)
3. 这段经历构成了我们之间一条非常特殊的纽带。(create; bond)
4. 学习中国历史和传统可以促进文化认同和自豪感的发展。(boast; identity)
5. 他由衷地感谢我们。(bottom; heart)
6. June 21, the Summer Solstice arrives. This is the time when farmers are busy with weeding their fields, eating pickles (腌菜) and bowls of noodles for health and longevity.
7. I call on everyone to take action and contribute to building a low carbon campus.
8. My nose was bright red and my ears were burning from the cold.
9. Engaging in community service activities can broaden their horizons by raising awareness of social issues and fostering empathy (同理心).
10. By reading various types of books, we can learn different ways of thinking and creative skills, so as to stimulate (激发) our thinking spark, so that we have a broader creative space.


1. (女式)短上衣,衬衫
2. blow
3. blue
4. n. 木板;(公司或机构的)董事会  v. 上(飞机、公共汽车、火车等)
5. boil
6. bomb
7. bond
8. 骨;骨头
9. 额外所得;意外收获;奖金;红利
10. boom
11. boost
12. n. (皮革或橡胶制的)靴子  v. 猛踢(某物)
13. 售货亭;(临时)货摊;(保证个人隐私的封闭式)小房间
14. border
15. 生;出生;天生的;生来的;产生
16. borrow
17. 老板;工头;领导;(某种关系中的)主导者
18. both
19. bother
20. n. (玻璃或塑料)细颈瓶;酒  v. 将……装入瓶中(以便售卖或使用)
21. bottom
22. bounce
23. v. 鞠躬;低(头)  n. 鞠躬;点头;蝴蝶结;弓
24. bowl
25. 保龄球(运动)
26. box
27. 拳击(运动)
28. boy
29. v. 抵制;拒绝购买(或使用、参加)  n. (常指有组织的)抵制行动
30. brain
31. n. 刹车;制动器;闸;约束;阻力  vi. 刹车
32. branch
33. 品牌;类型
34. bread
35. breakfast
36. breakthrough
37. 啤酒厂
38. 砖块
39. n. 桥;桥梁;连接物;纽带  v. 在……上架桥
40. brief
41. bright
42. brilliant
43. bring
44. 英国;不列颠
45. 英国的;(尤指)英格兰的
46. broadcast
47. 小册子;宣传手册
48. 扫帚
49. brown
50. (早餐和午餐并作一餐的)早午餐
51. brush
52. budget
53. 自助餐
54. bunch
55. 平房
56. burden
57. 官僚的;官僚主义的;官僚作风的
58. burst
59. bus
60. 灌木
61. busy
62. but
63. n. 肉贩;卖肉的人  v. 屠宰
64. 黄油;奶油
65. butterfly
66. n. 纽扣;扣子  v. 扣,系(纽扣)
67. buy
68. by
69. bye
70. 出租车;计程车;的士
71. 甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜
72. 笼子
73. cake
74. 日历;历书;日程表
75. calligraphy
76. (热量单位)卡,卡路里
77. 骆驼
78. camera
79. 运动;战役
80. campus
81. can
82. 加拿大
83. n. 加拿大人;加拿大居民  adj. 加拿大的
84. 运河;灌溉渠;水道
85. cancer
86. (竞选中的)候选人;(工作、职位、奖励等的)申请人,候选人
87. 蜡烛
88. candy
89. 食堂;餐厅
90. cap
91. 胶囊
92. 船长;机长;上校;上尉
93. (图片、漫画等的)说明文字
94. car
95. carbon
96. card
97. 职业;生涯;工作经历;事业
1. 订满
2. (住旅馆、住校等所包含的)伙食,膳食
3. 成功之事
4. 开除
5. 失约;爽约
6. 迅速移动
7. 一夜成名
8. 将……注入
9. 逐渐增强
10. 太空舱
1. boating; boatman; boatyard
2. bodybuilding; antibody
3. bookcase; bookmark; bookshelf; bookshop / bookstore
4. bored; boring; boredom
5. botany; botanist
6. boundless
7. bravely; bravery
8. broken; breakable; breakage
9. breathe; breathless
10. bridegroom
11. briefly
12. brightly; brighten; brightness
13. broaden; broadly
14. brotherhood
15. Buddhist
16. burglary
17. rebuild; building
18. burnt; burning
19. burial
20. businessman; businesswoman
21. miscalculate; calculated; calculation
22. caller; called; calling
23. calmly; calmness
24. camper
25. cancellation
26. incapable; capability
27. capitalize; capitalist; capitalism
28. careful; carefully; carefulness; careless; carelessly; carefree
1. himself    2. up    3. broke    4. a    5. bones
6. and    7. to bridge        8. who    9. brightly    10. brought
11. burdened    12. are/ were bused        13. by    14. boredom    15. that
1. The dragon boat festival, also known as the double fifth festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, marking the height of the Dragon Boat Racing season in China.
2. Calligraphy can be found everywhere in China and is closely connected to daily life.
3. The experience created a very special bond between us.
4. Learning about Chinese history and traditions can boost the development of cultural identity and pride.
5. He thanked us from the bottom of his heart.
6. 六月二十一日夏至降临。这是农人忙于田间除草,并以腌菜和一碗象征健康长寿的面条为食的时节。
7. 我呼吁大家行动起来,为构建低碳校园做出贡献。
8. 我被冻得鼻子通红,耳朵生疼。
9. 参与社区服务活动可以拓宽他们的视野,增强对社会问题的意识,培养同理心。
10. 通过阅读各种类型的书籍,我们可以学习到不同的思考方式和创作技巧,从而激发我们的思维火花,让我们拥有更加广阔的创意空间。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:50:14 | 显示全部楼层

第5课时(carpenter — clue)
1. carpenter  n. ______________
2. ______________  n. 地毯  v. 铺地毯
3. ______________  n. 胡萝卜
4. cartoon  n. ____________________________
5. ______________  vt. 雕刻;刻入;刻进
6. case  n. _____________________________________________________________________
7. ______________  n. 现款;现金  v. 支付现金;兑现
8. cassette  n. ______________
9. cast (cast, cast)  v. ___________________________________________  n. ______________
10. ______________  n. 城堡;堡垒
11. ______________  adj. 偶然的;碰巧的;意外的;随意的;漫不经心的
12. ______________  n. 猫
13. ______________  n. 产品目录;一系列事物;一连串事物  v. 把……编入目录;列举
14. catastrophe  n.  ____________________________
15. ______________ (caught, caught)  v. 抓住,接住(空中飞来之物);捕获;捕捉;及时发现;遇到;赶上;当场发现(某人正在做坏事);使绊住;使挂住;患(病)
16. category  n. ______________
17. ______________  v. 提供餐饮服务;承办酒席
18. Catholic  adj. ______________
19. ______________  n. (养在农场或牧场的)牛
20. cause  n. ________________________________  vt. ____________________________
21. ______________  n. 洞穴
22. CD  n. ______________
23. ceiling  n. ____________________________
24. ______________  n. 小牢房;细胞;小洞
25. cent  n. ______________
26. centigrade  adj. ______________
27. centimetre  n. ______________
28. ______________  n. 百年;世纪
29. ______________  n. 金属链;链条;一连串,一系列(人或事物);连锁店  v. 用链条固定(或拴住、束缚)
30. ______________  n. (白色或彩色的)粉笔  v. 用粉笔写(或画)
31. ______________  n. 机会;机遇;可能性;概率;幸运;侥幸
32. channel  n. __________________________________________
33. ______________  v. (大家齐声)反复地喊,反复地唱  n. 圣歌
34. chaos  n. ____________________________
35. ______________  n. (书的)章,回,篇;时期;时代
36. ______________  n. 施舍行为;善举;慈善组织;慈善机构
37. chart  n. __________________________________________  v. ______________
38. ______________  n. 骗子  v. 违规;作弊;欺骗,蒙骗(某人以获取某物)
39. cheek  n. ______________
40. cheers  int. ______________
41. cheese  n. ____________________________
42. ______________  n. (餐馆的)主厨,厨师长;厨师
43. cheque  n. ______________
44. ______________  n. 国际象棋;西洋棋
45. chest  n. ____________________________
46. ______________  vt. 嚼;咀嚼;嚼碎;咬出(洞等)
47. ______________  adj. 为首的;首席的;最权威的;最重要的;主要的  n. (团体、组织等的)首领,领袖,长官
48. chimney  n. ____________________________
49. China  n. ______________
50. Chinese  adj. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
51. ______________  n. 巧克力
52. choir  n. ____________________________
53. ______________  n. 窒息;哽噎;哽噎声;呛住的声音  v. 窒息;噎;使窒息;使喘不过气来
54. ______________  n. 筷子
55. ______________  n. (古希腊戏剧的)歌舞队,合唱队  v. 合唱;齐声说
56. Christian  n. ______________
57. ______________  n. 圣诞节
58. church  n. ____________________________
59. cigar  n. ______________
60. cigarette  n. ____________________________
61. ______________  n. 电影院;电影业
62. ______________  n. 圆;圆圈;环形路;圆形  vt. 围绕;圈起;环行;转圈;盘旋
63. circuit  n. ________________________________________________________
64. ______________  n. 情况;条件;情况;细节;详情;境遇;境况
65. circus  n. __________________________________________
66. ______________  v. 引用;引述;援引;引证;引以为例
67. ______________  v. 拍手;鼓掌;拍手;鼓掌  n. 拍手声;鼓掌声
68. ______________  v. 使清楚;使更清晰;净化,纯净(液体)
69. claw  n. ____________________________
70. clay  n. ____________________________
71. ______________  n. 职员;(法院的)书记员;(政府的)文书;售货员;店员
72. ______________  adj. 聪明的;伶俐的;高明的;巧妙的
73. ______________  v. 点击(鼠标等)  n. 咔嗒声;咔嚓声;(用鼠标等的)点击
74. client  n. __________________________________________
75. ______________  n. 钟;(比赛)计时器  v. 为……计时;测量(速度)
76. clone  n. ____________________________  v. ______________
77. ______________  n. 俱乐部
78. ______________  n. 线索;提示;理解;想法
1. The magazine has a weekly circulation of about 70,000 subscribers nationwide. ______________
2. COVID-19 has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. ______________
3. In spring, this area is carpeted with flowers. ______________
4. This building, more than any other, proclaims the character of the town. ______________
5. The town is still trying to cast off its dull image. ______________
6. People are getting really interested in the sport. The whole country is starting to catch the fever. ______________
7. Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. ______________
8. Food, clothes, and money were channeled through churches to the poor people of the village. ______________
9. He clicked his heels together and saluted the officer. ______________
10. Our company clocked up a record number of sales this year. ______________
1. carry  v. 拿;提;搬;扛
______________  n. 运输;(火车的)客车厢;四轮马车
2. caution  n. 小心;谨慎;提醒;警告  v. 提醒;警告;告诫
______________  adj. 小心的;谨慎的
3. cease  v. (使)停止,终止,结束
______________  adj. 不停的;(好像)无休止的,不断的
______________  adv. 不停地
4. celebrate  v. 庆祝;庆贺
______________  adj. 著名的;闻名的
______________  n. 庆典;庆祝活动
______________  adj. 庆祝的;庆典的
______________  n. 名人;名流
5. centre (center)  n. 中心点;中央  v. 把……放在中央
______________  adj. 最重要的;首要的;主要的
6. ceremony  n. 典礼,仪式,礼节
______________  adj. 仪式的;礼仪的;礼仪上的;无实权的
______________  adj. 正式的;讲究礼仪的;合乎礼仪的
7. certain  adj. 确实;确定;肯定
______________  adj. 无把握;犹豫;拿不准
______________  v. 查明;弄清
______________  adv. 无疑;确定;肯定
______________  n. 确实的事;必然的事
8. certificate  n. 证明;证明书  v. 发给结业证书
______________  adj. 有执业资格的
______________  n. 证明;鉴定
9. chair  n. 椅子  v. 担任(会议、讨论等的)主席;主持(会议、讨论等)
______________  n. (会议的)主席,主持人
______________  n. (会议、委员会或机构的)女主席,女主持人
10. challenge  n. 挑战;艰巨任务  v. 对……怀疑(或质疑);拒绝接受
______________  n. (体育运动或政治的)挑战者
______________  adj. 富于挑战性的;需要充分发挥能力的
______________  adj. 不可争辩的;不容置疑的
11. champion  n. 冠军;第一名  v. 为……而斗争;捍卫
______________  n. 锦标赛
12. change  v. 改变;变化  n. 改变;变化;变更;变革
______________  adj. 与以前截然不同的;变化大的
______________  adj. 可能变化的;易变的
______________  adj. 永远不变的;永恒的
______________  v. 交换;交流  n. 交换;互换
13. character  n. (人、集体的)品质,性格;(地方的)特点,特性
______________  v. 是……的特征;以……为典型
______________  adj. 无特征的;无个性的;平凡的
______________  adj. 典型的;独特的;特有的  n. 特征;特点;品质
______________  n. (对书或戏剧中人物的)刻画,描绘
14. charge  v. 收费;要价  n. (商品和服务所需的)要价,收费
______________  n. 充电器
______________  adj. 应支付的;应偿付的
15. chat  v. 闲聊;闲谈;聊天  n. 闲聊;闲谈;聊天
______________  adj. 爱说话的;爱闲聊的;健谈的
______________  n. 唠叨的话;喋喋不休  v. 喋喋不休;唠叨
______________  n. (消遣性的)热线电话交谈服务
16. cheap  adj. 便宜的;廉价的  adv. 低价地;廉价地
______________  adv. 便宜地;廉价地
______________  n. 便宜;廉价
17. check  v. 检查;审查;核查
______________  n. (超市的)付款处,付款台
______________  n. (机场的)登机手续办理处
______________  n. (超市的)收款员,收银员
______________  n. 检查;(尤指)体格检查
______________  n. (记事)清单,一览表
18. cheer  n. 欢呼声;喝彩声  v. 欢呼;喝彩
______________  adj. 高兴的;兴高采烈的
______________  adj. 快乐的;高兴的
19. chemist  n. 药剂师;药商
______________  n. 化学
______________  n. 化学制品;化学品  adj. 化学的;与化学有关的
20. chick  n. 雏鸟;(尤指)雏鸡,小鸡
______________  n. 鸡;鸡肉
21. child  n. 小孩;幼儿
______________  n. 童年;幼年
______________  adj. 孩子的;孩子般的;幼稚的;愚蠢的;不成熟的
______________  adj. 孩子般的;童稚的;天真的;单纯的
22. choose  v. 选择;挑选;选取
______________  n. 选择;挑选;抉择
23. circulate  v. 循环;流通;流传;传播;散布
______________  n. 血液循环;(空气、水等的)流动;(消息等的)传播,流传
______________  adj. 血液循环的
24. city  n. 都市;城市
______________  n. 市民,城镇居民;公民
25. civil  adj. 国民的;平民的
______________  n. 平民;老百姓
26. civilize  v. 教化;使文明
______________  adj. 开化的,文明的
______________  n. 文明(社会)
27. claim  vt. 声称;断言;认定;声称拥有(某物);索要  n. 声明;断言;陈述
______________  n. 要求所有权的人;索赔人
______________  v. 向……欢呼;为……喝彩;颂扬  n. 赞扬;称赞
______________  v. 慷慨陈词
______________  v. 拒绝承认;否认
______________  v. 叫喊;大叫;呼喊;惊叫
______________  v. 宣布;宣告;声明
______________  v. 取回,拿回(丢失之物);改造,开拓(土地);回收(废料)
28. class  n. 班;班级  v. 把……看作(或分类、归类)  adj. 很好的;优秀的
______________  adj. 最优秀的;第一流的
______________  adj. 古典的;经典的;传统的
______________  n. 古典主义
______________  n. 同班同学
______________  n. 教室;课堂
______________  v. 分类;归类
______________  n. 分类;归类
29. clean  v. 打扫;使……干净  adj. 洁净的;干净的  n. 打扫;清扫
adv. (行动)彻底地,完全地
______________  n. 清洁工
______________  adv. 干净利落地
______________  n. 打扫;扫除;清洁
______________  v. 清洁(皮肤);清洗(伤口)
30. clear  v. 移走,搬走,清除(不需要的东西)  adj. 清晰易懂的  adv. 离开;不靠近
______________  adv. 清楚地;清晰地
______________  n. 清楚;清晰;明确
31. climate  n. 气候
______________  n. 气候学
32. climb  v. 攀登;爬
______________  n. 攀登者;登山者
______________  n. 登山运动;攀岩运动
33. clinic  n. 诊所;医院的(门诊部)
______________  adj. 临床的;临床诊断的
______________  n. 临床医师
34. close  v. 关;关闭  n. (一段时间或活动的)结束  adj. (在空间、时间上)接近
adv. 接近
______________  adj. 关闭;封闭
______________  adv. 严密地;密切地;紧密相关地
35. cloth  n. 织物;布料
______________  v. 给……穿衣
______________  n. 衣服,衣着;(尤指某种)服装
______________  n. 衣服;服装
36. cloud  n. 云;云朵
______________  adj. 阴天的;多云的
______________  adj. 晴朗的;无云的
1. She looked __________ (cautious) around and then walked away from the house.
2. The condition prevents the blood from __________ (circulate) freely.
3. She opened her eyes and __________ (exclaim) in delight at the scene.
4. She had __________ bad case of the nerves before she gave her report.
5. He was sure that the __________ (casual) of the gesture was deliberate.
6. As a child he was spoiled by parents who catered __________ his every need.
7. Many office workers spend the day __________ (chain) to the computer.
8. You have to balance creating an ending that’s unpredictable, but doesn’t seem to come from nowhere, one that fits what’s right for the __________ (character).
9. The program would cease __________ (exist) without private funding.
10. She makes the claim __________ sea levels will actually go down.
11. In cold weather, the structure stays __________ (close) to protect the plants.
12. __________ (certain), the early years are crucial to a child’s development. 
13. A flexible health insurance plan gives patients more __________ (choose) about doctors and coverage.
14. As they climbed __________ (high), the air became cooler.
15. It was several hours before the road __________ (clear) after the accident.
1. 给她颁奖时,她激动得感谢辞都说不出来了。(award; choke; thank-you speech)
2. 这是一个家庭团聚的时刻,家庭成员聚在一起庆祝。(reunion; celebrate)
3. 首先,海洋会影响气候,因此它们对人类生存至关重要。(climate; essential; survival)
4. 在墙上和树上涂鸦“我在这里”是不文明的行为。(uncivilized; carve; graffiti)
5. 这项名为经典阅读的活动吸引了学生们的积极参与。(Classics Reading; involvement)
6. In the past decades, China’s transport has achieved so much that Chinese people have access to various ways of traveling.
7. Chopsticks are the necessary dining utensils (用具) in Chinese people’s daily life, the invention of which fully displays the intelligence of Chinese people.
8. It’s never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.
9. He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on.
10. Under no circumstances can we ignore the immense value of knowledge.

1. 木匠;木工
2. carpet
3. carrot
4. 讽刺画;漫画;卡通片;动画片
5. carve
6. 情况;事例;实情;情形;诉讼;讼案;盒子;箱子;一箱,一盒(某物)
7. cash
8. 磁带盒;盒式磁带
9. v. 投;抛;扔;向……投以;给(戏剧、电影中的角色)分派演员  n. 演员阵容
10. castle
11. casual
12. cat
13. catalogue
14. 灾难;灾祸;横祸
15. catch
16. 种类;范畴
17. cater
18. 天主教的
19. cattle
20. n. 原因;起因;理由;动机;缘由  vt. 使发生;导致;引起;使感到;使从事
21. cave
22. 光盘;激光唱片
23. 天花板;吊顶;上限;最高限度
24. cell
25. 分;分币
26. 摄氏度的
27. 厘米
28. century
29. chain
30. chalk
31. chance
32. 频道;途径;渠道;管道;水渠;沟渠;海峡
33. chant
34. 混乱;杂乱;紊乱
35. chapter
36. charity
37. n. 图表;(飞行员或海员等使用的)航图,航空图,航海图  v. 绘制(地图)
38. cheat
39. 脸颊;面颊
40. 干杯(祝酒用语)
41. 干酪;奶酪;芝士
42. chef
43. 支票
44. chess
45. 箱子;盒子;胸部;胸腔
46. chew
47. chief
48. 烟囱;烟道;(屋顶上的)烟囱管
49. 中国
50. adj. 中国的;中国人的;中文的  n. 中国人;中国话;汉语;中文
51. chocolate
52. 合唱团;(教堂的)唱诗班
53. choke
54. chopsticks
55. chorus
56. 基督徒;基督信徒
57. Christmas
58. (基督教的)教堂,礼拜堂;礼拜
59. 雪茄烟
60. 香烟;纸烟
61. cinema
62. circle
63. 巡回演出;巡回赛;巡游;环行;环线;环道
64. circumstance
65. 马戏;马戏表演;马戏团
66. cite
67. clap
68. clarify
69. (动物的)爪,爪子
70. 黏土;陶土
71. clerk
72. clever
73. click
74. 委托人;客户;顾客;宾客
75. clock
76. n. 克隆;仿制品;山寨货;复制品  v. 克隆;复制
77. club
78. clue
1. (报刊等的)发行量
2. 夺走,夺去(生命)
3. 把……厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上
4. 代表
5. 抛弃;丢弃
6. (对某事)感到兴奋,感兴趣
7. (支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想
8. 输送(食品、资金等)
9. 使发出咔嗒声;使发出咔嚓声
10. 达到(某一数目或数量)
1. carriage
2. cautious
3. ceaseless; ceaselessly
4. celebrated; celebration; celebratory; celebrity
5. central
6. ceremonial; ceremonious
7. uncertain; ascertain; certainly; certainty
8. certificated; certification
9. chairman; chairwoman
10. challenger; challenging; unchallengeable
11. championship
12. changed; changeable; changeless; exchange
13. characterize; characterless; characteristic; characterization
14. charger; chargeable
15. chatty; chatter; chatline
16. cheaply; cheapness
17. checkout; check-in; checker; check-up; checklist
18. cheery; cheerful
19. chemistry; chemical
20. chicken
21. childhood; childish; childlike
22. choice
23. circulation; circulatory
24. citizen
25. civilian
26. civilized; civilization
27. claimant; acclaim; declaim; disclaim; exclaim; proclaim; reclaim
28. classic; classical; classicism; classmate; classroom; classify; classification
29. cleaner; cleanly; cleaning; cleanse
30. clearly; clearness
31. climatology
32. climber; climbing
33. clinical; clinician
34. closed; closely
35. clothe; clothing; clothes
36. cloudy; cloudless
1. cautiously    2. circulating    3. exclaimed    4. a    5. casualness
6. to    7. chained        8. characters    9. to exist    10. that
11. closed    12. Certainly        13. choices    14. higher    15. was cleared
1. When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn’t say her thank-you speech.
2. It is a reunion time for families, so family members get together to celebrate it.
3. First and foremost, oceans influence our climate, making them essential for human survival.
4. It is uncivilized behaviour to carve “I was here” graffiti on walls and trees.
5. The activity, which is called Classics Reading, has attracted active involvement of the students.
6. 在过去几十年里,中国的交通发展取得了巨大成就,使得人们可以选择多种出行方式。
7. 筷子是中国人日常生活的必备工具,它的发明充分反映了中国人民的智慧。
8. 活到老学到老。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。
9. 他冲进我的房间,要求知道发生了什么事。
10. 我们绝不能忽视知识的巨大价值。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:50:42 | 显示全部楼层

第6课时(clumsy — courage)
1. clumsy  adj. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________  n. (运动员或表演者的)教练;四轮大马车;长途客车;(飞机的)经济舱;(火车的)普通车厢;火车车厢  v. 指导,训练(运动员或表演者);对……给予指示
3. coal  n. ______________
4. coast  n. ______________
5. ______________  n. 外套;外衣;大衣;涂层;(动物)皮毛  v. 用……覆盖;在……上涂
6. cocoa  n. ______________
7. coffee  n. ______________
8. ______________  n. 硬币  v. 创造(新词语);铸(币)
9. ______________  n. 巧合;巧事;同时发生;相同;相符;一致
10. Coca-Cola  n. ______________
11. ______________  adj. 寒冷的;(感觉)冷的;冷淡的;使人寒心的;冷漠的;失去知觉的  n. 冷;寒冷;寒冷天气;感冒;伤风;着凉  adv. 彻底地;突然地;贸然地
12. ______________  vi. (突然)倒塌,坍塌;(因病或疲惫而)倒下;失败;崩溃;瓦解
13. colleague  n. ____________________________
14. ______________  n. (美国)大学,学院;(英国)学院,职业学校,技术学校
15. comb  n. ____________________________  v. ______________
16. ______________  vi. 来;来到;来临;到达(某地);发生
17. comic  adj. ________________________________________  n. _____________________
18. ______________  n. 意见;看法;(对新闻事件等的)评论,议论  v. 表达意见;评论
19. compass  n. __________________________________________
20. component  n. ______________  adj. ______________
21. ______________  v. 包含;包括;构成;组成
22. ______________  n. 计算机;电脑
23. comrade  n. ________________________________________________________
24. ______________  n. 音乐会;演奏会
25. ______________  adj. 混凝土制的;具体的;确实的  n. 混凝土
26. ______________  n. (通常历时数天有专门议题的大型正式)会议;(小型正式的)商讨会,讨论会
27. conscience  n. __________________________________________
28. consensus  n. ____________________________
29. ______________  n. 结果;后果;重要性;价值
30. ______________  adj. 不断的;连续发生的;经常发生的;稳定的;不变的;恒定的;忠实的
31. ______________  v. 联系;联络  n. 触摸;接触;联系;联络;熟人;(电路的)接通
32. contemporary  adj. __________________________________________________________  n. ____________________________
33. ______________  adj. 满足;满意;知足  n. 所容纳之物;所含之物;内容;含量;容量  v. 使高兴;使满足;使满意
34. contest  n. __________________________________________
35. context  n. __________________________________________
36. continent  n. ____________________________
37. ______________  n. 合同;合约;契约  v. 使收缩;使缩小;(与某人)订合同;订契约;感染(疾病);得(病)
38. ______________  n. 相反的事实(或事情、情况)  adj. 完全对立的;截然不同的;反对的;相反的
39. ______________ v. 形成对比;显出明显的差异;对比;对照  n. 对照物;差异;差别;对比;对照
40. ______________  v. 管理;控制;支配;掌管;统治  n. 管理权;控制权;支配权;管理能力;(数量或增长上的)控制;(对行为、方法或法律的)限制
41. conversation  n. ________________________________________________________
42. ______________  v. 运送;载送;运输;表达;表示;传达
43. ______________  v. 使确信;使信服;说服(某人做某事)
44. cook  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
45. cooker  n. ____________________________
46. cookie  n. ____________________________
47. ______________  adj. 凉的;凉爽的;冷静的;沉着的;从容的;冷淡的;冷漠的;酷的;帅气的;时尚的  v. 使冷却;使变凉;使感到凉快;(尤指情绪)冷静下来,平息下来
48. ______________  n. 复印件;复制品;摹本;(书、杂志、专辑、DVD等的)一本,一册,一张  v. 复制;复印;仿制;誉写;照抄;模仿
49. ______________  n. 果心;果核;中心部分;最重要的部分;核心;要点  adj. 核心的;主要的;基础的;必修的  v. 去果心;去核
50. corn  n. __________________________________________
51. corner  n. ____________________________  adj. ____________________________
52. ______________  v. 花费;价格为;使丧失;使付出;  n. 价钱;花销;费用;成本;开支;代价;损失;牺牲
53. costume  n. ____________________________
54. ______________  adj. (尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的;亲密无间的;密切的
55. cottage  n. ____________________________
56. cotton  n. ____________________________
57. ______________  n. 咳嗽;咳嗽声  vi. 咳嗽
58. ______________  v. 能够,可以,会;可能,也许(用于表示某事可能会发生)
59. council  n. ____________________________  adj. ____________________________
60. ______________  n. 国家;国土;(具有某特点或因某活动出名的)地区,区域;乡村  adj. 乡村的;具有乡村风味的
61. ______________  n. 乡村;农村
62. county  n. ______________
63. ______________  n. 夫妻;情侣;一对
64. ______________  n. 勇气;勇敢;胆量;无畏
1. They got the information by combing through old records. ______________
2. Their house is on a hill that commands an excellent view of the valley. ______________
3. Her most recent article made compulsive reading. ______________
4. They were not counting on getting a flat tire on the way to the restaurant. ______________
5. When they blamed him for the collapse of the bridge, he countered that his warnings about the bridge had been ignored. ______________
6. I can’t just walk in there cold and give a speech. ______________
7. He was used to talking his way out of tight corners. ______________
8. The exhibit couples poems with paintings. ______________
9. She paused to collect her thoughts before entering the interview room. ______________
10. We leave from Boston and then connect in New York with a flight bound for China. ______________
1. collect  v. 收集;采集
______________  n. (常指同类的)收集物,收藏品
______________  n. 收集者;收藏家
______________  adj. 集体的;共有的
______________  adj. 值得收藏(或收集、采集)的
2. collide  v. 碰撞;相撞;(人或团体)严重分歧,冲突,抵触
______________  n. 碰撞;相撞;(两个人或团体间的)严重分歧,冲突,抵触
3. colour (color)  n. 颜色;色彩  v. (用颜料、彩色笔等)为……着色
______________  adj. 有……色的
______________  adj. 颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的
4. combine  v. (使)结合,组合
______________  n. 结合体;联合体
5. comedy  n. 喜剧;喜剧片
______________  n. (讲笑话或趣事的)滑稽演员;喜剧演员
6. comfort  n. 舒服;安逸  v. 安慰;宽慰
______________  adj. 令人安慰的
______________  adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的
______________  adv. 舒适地;安逸地
______________  adj. 使人不舒服的;令人不舒适的
7. command  n. (给人或动物的)命令;(计算机的)指令;指挥权  v. 命令;指示;指挥,控制(士兵等)
______________  n. 指挥官;司令
______________  adj. 权威的;令人尊敬的;很可能赢得比赛的;视野开阔的
8. commerce  n. (尤指国际间的)贸易;商业;业务
______________  adj. 贸易的;商业的
______________  adv. 商业上
______________  v. (尤指不择手段地)利用……牟利
9. commit  v. 做出(错事);(犯)罪;忠于
______________  adj. 尽心尽力的;坚信的
______________  n. 承诺;许诺
______________  n. 委员会
10. common  adj. 常见的;通常的;普遍的  n. 公共用地
______________  adv. 通常;常常
11. communicate  v. (与某人)交流(信息或消息、意见等);沟通
______________  n. 表达;交流;交际;传递
______________  adj. 乐意沟通的
______________  n. 交流者;沟通的人
______________  n. 相互交流;相互沟通
______________  n. 传达(或理解)失败
12. communist  n. 共产主义者
______________  n. 共产主义
______________  n. 社区;社会
13. company  n. 公司;陪伴
______________  v. 陪同;陪伴
______________  n. 旅伴;伴侣
______________  n. 友情;友谊
14. compare  v. 比较;对比
______________  adj. 类似的;可比较的
______________  adj. 不可比拟的;无比的
______________  adj. 比较的;相比的  n. (形容词或副词的)比较级形式
______________  adv. 相对地;比较上
______________  n. 比较
15. compensate  v. 补偿;弥补;给(某人)赔偿(或赔款)
______________  n. 赔偿物;补偿物;赔偿;报酬;薪金
16. compete  v. 竞争;对抗
______________  n. (尤指商业方面的)竞争者,对手
______________  adj. 竞争的
______________  adj. 无竞争力的;竞争力弱的
______________  n. 竞争
17. competent  adj. 足以胜任的;有能力的
______________  n. 能力;胜任
______________  adj. 无能力的;不称职的
______________  n. 无能力;不胜任;不称职
18. complain  v. 抱怨;埋怨;投诉
______________  n. 不满的原因;抱怨
______________  adj. 任劳任怨的;不抱怨的
19. complete  adj. (用以强调)完全的,彻底的
______________  adv. 彻底地;完全地
______________  adj. 不完整的;不完全的
______________  adj. 未完成的;未竣工的
20. complex  adj. 复杂的;难懂的;费解的  n. (类型相似的)建筑群
______________  n. 复杂性;难懂
21. compose  v. 组成,构成(一个整体)
______________  adj. 由……组成(或构成)的
______________  n. (尤指古典音乐的)创作者;作曲者
______________  n. 成分;构成;组合方式
22. comprehend  v. 理解;领悟;懂
______________  n. 理解力;领悟能力
______________  adj. 全部的;所有的;详尽的
______________  adj. 可理解的;能懂的
______________  adv. 完全地;彻底地
______________  n. 不理解;不懂
______________  adj. 不理解的;茫然的
23. compromise  v. 妥协;让步;损害;使恶化  n. 妥协;让步;折中;妥协方案;折中办法;居间之物
______________  adj. 不宜泄露的;有失体面的;令人尴尬的
______________  adj. 不妥协的;不让步的;坚定的
24. compulsory  adj. 法定的;必须的;强制性的;强迫的
______________  n. 强烈的欲望;冲动;强迫;强制
______________  adj. 强迫性的;难以控制的;无法抗拒的
25. concentrate  v. 集中(注意力);聚精会神
______________  adj. 决心要做的;全力以赴的
______________  n. 专心;专注
26. concept  n. 概念;观念
______________  adj. 概念(上)的;观念(上)的
______________  n. 构思;构想;设想
______________  v. 构思;使形成观念
27. concern  v. 影响;涉及;牵涉  n. (尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑
______________  adj. 担心的;忧虑的
______________  prep. 关于;涉及
______________  n. 冷漠;不关心;无兴趣
______________  adj. 冷漠的;漠视的;漫不经心的
28. conclude  v. 断定;推断出;得出结论
______________  n. 结论;推论
______________  adj. 结论性的;不容置疑的
______________  adj. 非决定性的;无定论的
29. condemn  v. 谴责;严厉指责;判(重)刑;严惩
______________  n. 谴责;严厉指责
30. condition  n. 状态;状况  v. 训练;使习惯于;使适应
______________  adj. 依……而定的;附带条件的  n. 条件句
______________  n. 护发剂;护发素
______________  n. 先决条件;前提
______________  v. 修复(机器)
31. conduct  v. 组织;安排;执行  n. (人在某地或某种情况下的)行为,举止
______________  n. (管弦乐队、合唱队等的)指挥
______________  n. (热或电等能量的)传导
______________  adj. 导电(或热等)的;能传导(电、热等)的
______________  v. 失职;处理不当;行为不端
32. confident  adj. 自信的;有信心的
______________  n. 信心;信任;信赖
______________  adj. 机密的;保密的
______________  n. 保密;机密
______________  adj. 过分自信的;自负的
______________  adj. 自信的
33. confirm  v. 确证;证实;证明;确认;确定;使更强烈;使确信;使坚信
______________  adj. 已确定的;不易改变的;形成习惯的;根深蒂固的
______________  n. 证实;确认书;证明书
______________  v. 再确认;再确定
______________  adj. 未经证实的;未被认可的;未确认的
34. conflict  n. (为争夺权力、财产等的)斗争,冲突;(思想、情感等的)不一致,矛盾,对立;(时间上的)冲突  v. 有矛盾;不一致;有分歧
______________  adj. (情感上)冲突的,抵触的
35. Confucian  adj. 儒家的;儒学的;孔子学说的
______________  n. 孔子
______________  n. 儒教
36. confuse  v. 使迷惑;使糊涂;使(某事)难以理解;弄错;混淆
______________  adj. 迷惑的;糊涂的;难以理解的;杂乱无章的;表达不清的
______________  adj. 令人费解的;令人困惑的
______________  adj. 易混淆的
______________  n. 迷惑;糊涂;不确定;困惑感;迷茫感;错认;混淆
37. congratulate  v. 向(某人)道贺;祝贺
______________  n. 祝贺;恭贺;贺词
______________  adj. 祝贺的;恭贺的
______________  n. 沾沾自喜;自鸣得意
38. connect  v. (使)连接;联结
______________  adj. (两个或以上的事物或人)有联系的;相关的
______________  n. 连接物;连接器
______________  n. (两种事实、想法等的)联系,关联
______________  adj. 连接的;结缔的  n. 关联词;连接词
______________  n. 连通性;连接(度)
______________  v. 切断(燃气、水或电的供应)
______________  v. (使类似的食物)相联系,相互联系
39. conserve  v. 节省;节约  n. (含有大块或整块水果的)果酱,蜜饯
______________  n. (对自然环境的)保护
______________  n. 文物修复员;文物保护员
______________  adj. 保守的;守旧的  n. (英国)保守党党员
______________  n. 保守;守旧;保守主义
40. consider  v. (尤指为做出决定而)仔细考虑,细想
______________  prep. 考虑到;就……而言;鉴于
______________  n. 仔细考虑;深思;斟酌
______________  v. 重新考虑;重新审议
41. consist  v. 包括;在于
______________  adj. 一致的;始终如一的
______________  n. 一致性;连贯性
______________  adj. 不一致的;相矛盾的
42. constitute  v. (被认为或看作)是;被算作
______________  n. 宪法;章程
______________  adj. 组成部分的;本质的;基本的
______________  adj. 宪法的;章程的
43. construct  v. 建筑;修建;建造  n. (根据不总是真实的各种证据得出的)构想
______________  n. 建筑;建造;施工
______________  n. (尤指汽车或飞机的)建造者,制造者,建造商
______________  adj. 建设性的;有助益的;积极的
______________  adj. 建造的;构造的
______________  v. 修复;重建;重造
______________  v. 解构
44. consult  v. 咨询;请教
______________  n. 顾问
______________  n. 咨询公司
______________  n. 咨询;商讨;磋商
______________  adj. 咨询的;顾问的
45. consume  v. 消耗,耗费(尤指燃料、能量或时间)
______________  n. 消费者;顾客;用户
______________  n. 消费;消费主义
______________  adj. 可消耗的;会用尽的  n. 消耗品
______________  adj. 强烈的;重要的
______________  n. (能量、事物或材料的)消耗,消耗量
46. contain  v. 包含;容纳;有;包括;控制(自己);克制(情感);控制;抑制
______________  n. 容器;集装箱
______________  n. 控制;抑制
47. continue  v. 持续;继续存在
______________  adj. 继续不变的;连续不断的
______________  v. 停止;终止;中断
______________  n. 连续性;持续性
______________  adj. 不断的;持续的;连续的
______________  adj. (令人厌烦地)多次重复的,频繁的
______________  n. 继续;连续;持续
48. contradict  v. 反驳;驳斥
______________  n. (事实、看法、行动等的)不一致,矛盾
______________  adj. 相互矛盾的;对立的
49. contribute  v. 捐献,捐赠(尤指金钱或物品)
______________  n. (杂志或书的)撰稿人,投稿人;捐款者,捐赠者
______________  n. 捐献;捐资
______________  adj. 促成的;促进的;起作用的
50. controversy  n. 争论;争议
______________  adj. 有争议的;引起争论的
______________  adj. 无争议的;不会引起不和的
______________  adj. 无可争辩的;不能否认的;无可置疑的
51. convenient  adj. 实用的;便利的;方便的
______________  n. 方便;适宜;便利
______________  adj. 不方便的;引起麻烦的
______________  n. 不便;麻烦;困难
52. convention  n. 习俗;常规;惯例
______________  adj. 依照惯例的;墨守成规的
53. cooperate  v. 合作;协作
______________  n. 合作;协作
______________  adj. 合作的;协作的;同心协力的  n. 合作企业
______________  adj. 不愿合作的
54. corporate  adj. 公司的;社团的
______________  v. 包含;合并;吸收;组成公司
______________  adj. (在美国)组建合法公司的
______________  adj. 大公司;法人;法人团体
55. correct  v. 改正;纠正  adj. 准确无误的;精确的
______________  n. 改正;纠正;修正
______________  adj. 改正的;纠正的
______________  adj. 不正确的;不真实的
56. correspond  v. 相一致;符合
______________  n. 记者;通讯员
______________  adj. 符合的;相应的
______________  n. 来往信件;往来书信
57. corrupt  v. 使腐化;使堕落;败坏;败坏  adj. 贪污的;营私舞弊的;被破坏的;受损的;不诚实的;不道德的
______________  n. 腐败;贪污;受贿;腐化影响;贿赂行为;损坏行为
______________  adj. 易腐蚀的;易腐败的;可收买的
______________  adj. 廉洁的;不接受贿赂的
58. count  v. 计算(或清点)……的总数;数;计入;算上;包括;认为;看作;有价值
______________  adj. (名词)可数的
______________  adj. 无数的;数不尽的
______________  n. 倒计时(如火箭发射之前);(重要或特殊事件)临近之时
______________  n. 柜台;前台;计数者;计数器
59. courage  n. 勇气;勇敢;无畏
___________  adj. 勇敢的;无畏的
___________  v. 阻拦;阻止;劝阻;使灰心;使失去信心
___________  n. 泄气;灰心
___________  v. 支持;鼓励;激励
___________  n. 鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物
1. In his work we see the __________ (collide) of two different traditions.
2. Her lawyers say she should __________ (compensate) for the suffering she had been caused.
3. This model represents __________ best compromise between price and quality.
4. The dentist’s office called __________ (confirm) your appointment for tomorrow.
5. A few students are being trained to resolve __________ (conflict) between other students.
6. Even more __________ (confusing), they have the same first name.
7. The room was barely big enough to contain everyone __________ came to the meeting.
8. The new treatment could save Emma’s life and the lives of __________ (count) others.
9. It was clear that the witness __________ (coach) by her lawyer on how to answer the questions.
10. __________ (concern) language learning, exposure to diverse language materials helps students become more proficient in communication.
11. On average the girls spend four hours a week chatting to friends on the phone. __________ contrast, very few of the boys spend more than five minutes a day talking to their friends in this way.
12. This method of payment __________ (combine) the advantages of cash with the convenience of a check.
13. He keeps delaying his decision because he doesn’t want to commit __________ (he).
14. They failed __________ (communicate) what was happening and why.
15. The coach’s positive attitude was a __________ (contribute) factor to the team’s success.
1. 我精通中文和英文,我可以和游客自由交流。(command; communicate)
2. 她的突然到来使得我们不知所措,乱成一团。(arrival; confusion)
3. 看到他们都安然无恙,她再也控制不住自己的感情,如释重负的泪水夺眶而出。(contain; relief)
4. 他演出时昏倒在舞台上,不得不立刻被送往医院。(collapse; performance)
5. 谈到社区服务,志愿活动不仅有益于他人,也丰富了个人的生活经历。(when it comes to; volunteering; enrich)
6. Artificial intelligence holds great promise for boosting workplace productivity (生产力) and cutting costs, which is good news for employers. On the other side of the coin is the likelihood that it may threaten the livelihoods (生计) of many low-skilled workers.
7. On the contrary, if we endeavor (努力) to improve ourselves by bridging the gap between our role models and us, we will lead a positive and fruitful life.
8. Around the corner is the Spring Festival that we are longing for/dying for.
9. Confucius, a revered (受到尊敬的) philosopher in Chinese history, was born in the state of Lu.
10. Only when each member of a team realizes the significance of cooperation can the ultimate success be achieved from which each individual can benefit a lot.

1. 笨拙的;手脚不灵活的;拙劣的;不得体的;无技巧的
2. coach
3. 煤;煤炭
4. 海岸;海滨
5. coat
6. 可可粉;热可可(饮料)
7. 咖啡;咖啡豆
8. coin
9. coincidence
10. 可口可乐(饮料)
11. cold
12. collapse
13. 同事;同僚
14. college
15. n. 梳子;(鸟禽的)冠,肉冠,冠子  v. 梳;梳理
16. come
17. adj. 喜剧的;有关喜剧的;引人发笑的;滑稽的  n. 喜剧演员;(登载在报纸上的)连环漫画
18. comment
19. 指南针;罗盘;指南;向导
20. n. 组成部分;部件  adj. 组成的;构成的
21. comprise
22. computer
23. 朋友;同事;战友;同志(对共产党员的称呼)
24. concert
25. concrete
26. conference
27. 良心;良知;是非观念;内疚;愧疚
28. 共识;一致的意见
29. consequence
30. constant
31. contact
32. adj. 当前的;现代的;当代的;存在(或发生)于同时代的;属同一时期的  n. 同时代人;同辈人;同龄人
33. content
34. 比赛;竞赛;竞选;竞争
35. 上下文;语境;(事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉
36. 大陆;陆地;洲
37. contract
38. contrary
39. contrast
40. control
41. (非正式)交谈,会话,谈话;(类似于交谈的)沟通
42. convey
43. convince
44. n. 厨师;大厨  v. 做(饭);煮;烧;烹饪;烹调
45. 炊具;烹调用具
46. 曲奇饼;甜饼干
47. cool
48. copy
49. core
50. 玉米;谷类植物;谷物;谷粒
51. n. 角;街角;拐角;嘴角;眼角  adj. 在拐角处的;在角落里的
52. cost
53. 戏装;剧装
54. cosy / cozy
55. 村舍;小屋;乡间别墅
56. 棉;棉花;棉布
57. cough
58. could
59. n. 议会;理事会;政务委员会  adj. 议会的;理事会的;委员会的
60. country
61. countryside
62. 县;郡
63. couple
64. courage
1. 仔细搜寻
2. 俯瞰;俯临
3. 引人入胜的
4. 预料到(某事发生)
5. 反驳
6. 毫无准备地
7. 困境
8. 把……与……结合
9. 使集中思想
10. 转乘(飞机、火车等)
1. collection; collector; collective; collectable
2. collision
3. coloured; colourful
4. combination
5. comedian
6. comforting; comfortable; comfortably; uncomfortable
7. commandant; commanding
8. commercial; commercially; commercialize
9. committed; commitment; committee
10. commonly
11. communication; communicative; communicator; intercommunication; miscommunication
12. communism; community
13. accompany; companion; companionship
14. comparable; incomparable; comparative; comparatively; comparison
15. compensation
16. competitor; competitive; uncompetitive; competition
17. competence; incompetent; incompetence
18. complaint; uncomplaining
19. completely; incomplete; uncompleted
20. complexity
21. composed; composer; composition
22. comprehension; comprehensive; comprehensible; comprehensively; incomprehension; uncomprehending
23. compromising; uncompromising
24. compulsion; compulsive
25. concentrated; concentration
26. conceptual; conception; conceptualize
27. concerned; concerning; unconcern; unconcerned
28. conclusion; conclusive; inconclusive
29. condemnation
30. conditional; conditioner; precondition; recondition
31. conductor; conduction; conductive; misconduct
32. confidence; confidential; confidentiality; overconfident; self-confident
33. confirmed; confirmation; reconfirm; unconfirmed
34. conflicted
35. Confucius; Confucianism
36. confused; confusing; confusable; confusion
37. congratulation; congratulatory; self-congratulation
38. connected; connector; connection; connective; connectivity; disconnect; interconnect
39. conservation; conservator; conservative; conservatism
40. considering; consideration; reconsider
41. consistent; consistency; inconsistent
42. constitution; constitutive; constitutional
43. construction; constructor; constructive; constructional; reconstruct; deconstruct
44. consultant; consultancy; consultation; consultative
45. consumer; consumerism; consumable; consuming; consumption
46. container; containment
47. continued; discontinue; continuity; continuous; continual; continuation
48. contradiction; contradictory
49. contributor; contribution; contributory
50. controversial; uncontroversial; incontrovertible
51. convenience; inconvenient; inconvenience
52. conventional
53. cooperation; cooperative; uncooperative
54. incorporate; incorporated; corporation
55. correction; corrective; incorrect
56. correspondent; corresponding; correspondence
57. corruption; corruptible; incorruptible
58. countable; countless; countdown; counter
59. courageous; discourage; discouragement; encourage; encouragement
1. collision    2. be compensated    3. the    4. to confirm    5. conflicts
6. confusingly    7. who        8. countless    9. had been coached    10. Concerning
11. In    12. combines        13. himself    14. to communicate    15. contributing
1. Having a good command of both Chinese and English, I can communicate with visitors freely.
2. Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.
3. When she saw that they were all safe, she could not contain herself and broke into tears of relief.
4. He collapsed on stage during the performance and had to be rushed to the hospital.
5. When it comes to community service, volunteering not only benefits others but also enriches one’s own life experience.
6. 人工智能在提高工作场所生产力和降低成本方面有着巨大的前景,这对雇主来说是个好消息。而不好的一面则是,它可能威胁到许多低技能工人的生计。
7. 相反,如果我们靠缩小自己和榜样之间的差距来努力提高自己,我们就会拥有积极而收获显著的生活。
8. 我们盼望的春节马上就要到了。
9. 孔子出生于鲁国,是中国历史上受人尊敬的哲学家。
10. 只有当团队的每个成员都意识到合作的重要性时,才能实现最终的成功,且每个个体都能从合作中获益良多。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:51:12 | 显示全部楼层

第7课时(course — dig)
1. ______________  n. 路线;(学校里一个科目的)系列课程;进程;进展;(药物、医疗的)疗程
2. court  n. ____________________________________________________________________
3. courtyard  n. _________________________________________________________________
4. ______________  n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
5. ______________  n. 遮盖物;覆盖物;封面;封皮;掩护物;保护物  v. 遮蔽;掩蔽;覆盖;包含;涉及
6. coverage  n. ____________________________
7. cow  n. ____________________________
8. ______________  v. 猛撞;撞毁;(坠落、撞击时)发出吵闹的响声  n. (交通工具)撞毁;撞车;巨响;(电脑)故障,死机
9. crayon  n. ______________
10. cream  n. ____________________________
11. ______________  n. 贷款;借款;赞扬;表扬;认可;声望;荣誉  v. 认为是……的功劳;给予承认
12. crew  n. __________________________________________
13. ______________  n. 危机
14. criterion  n. __________________________________________
15. crop  n. ____________________________
16. ______________  adj. 极其重要的;关键的
17. ______________  n. (因痛苦、饥饿、悲伤等发出的)叫喊声;呼喊;呼叫  v. 哭;哭泣;流泪;喊叫;呼喊;呼叫
18. cube  n. ____________________________
19. cuisine  n. __________________________________________
20. ______________  n. 杯子;茶杯;杯状物
21. cupboard  n. __________________________________________
22. ______________  n. 药;药物;疗法;对策;有效措施;治愈  vt. 治愈(病人);解决(问题)
23. curriculum  n. ____________________________
24. ______________  n. 窗帘;帘;幔;(舞台上的)幕,帷幕
25. cushion  n. ____________________________
26. ______________ (cut, cut)  v. 切开;剪开;劈开;剪短(头发);修剪(草坪);剪(发型);裁剪(衣服);减少;削减;降低
27. ______________  adj. 可爱的;漂亮迷人的;聪明的;机灵的
28. ______________  n. 爸爸;爹爹
29. ______________  adj. 每日的;日常的;一天的;按日的  adv. 每日  n. (每日或除周日外每日发行的)日报
30. dam  n. ____________________________  v. ______________
31. ______________  n. (有形的)损害,损失,破坏(情感上的)伤害;坏影响;有害影响  v. 损害;伤害;破坏;对……造成坏影响
32. ______________  n. 舞;舞蹈;跳舞  v. 跳舞;跳跃;雀跃;轻快地移动
33. ______________  v. 敢;敢于;敢做;敢尝试;激(某人做)  n. 激将;挑战
34. dash  v. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
35. ______________  n. 日期;会面;约见;椰枣;海枣  v. 始于;追溯到
36. ______________  n. 女儿
37. dawn  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
38. ______________  n. 一天;一日;白昼;白天
39. deaf  adj. __________________________________________
40. ______________  adj. 亲爱的;心爱的;昂贵的;高价的
41. debt  n. ____________________________
42. decade  n. ____________________________
43. ______________  adj. 礼貌的;正派的;诚实的;相当不错的;像样的;尚好的
44. ______________  v. 减少;下降;恶化;衰退;谢绝;婉言拒绝  n. 衰落;衰退;减少;下降
45. decrease  v. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
46. ______________  n. 行为;行动
47. deer  n. ______________
48. ______________  v. 击败;战胜;挫败;使落空;控制;克服  n. 失败;挫败
49. degree  n. ____________________________
50. ______________  v. 延期;推迟;耽搁;(使)延期,推迟,耽搁  n. 延期;推迟;耽搁;耽搁的时间;延误的时间
51. ______________  adj. 易碎的;易损坏的;易受伤的;娇弱的;精美的;雅致的;脆弱的;易心烦意乱的
52. ______________  adj. 美味的;可口的;(气味)香的,诱人的
53. dentist  n. __________________________________________
54. ______________  n. (公司、组织、政府、学校的)部门,科,系;(商场里的)部
55. ______________  v. 存(钱);将(钱)存入银行;寄存;存放;放置  n. 存款;订金;订钱
56. desert  n. ____________________________  vt. __________________________________
57. ______________  n. 书桌;写字台;电脑桌;问讯处;(办公楼、酒店等的)服务台
58. ______________  prep. 尽管;即使;任凭
59. dessert  n. ______________
60. destination  n. ____________________________
61. ______________  v. 破坏;毁灭;杀死,消灭,人道毁灭(受伤、生病或危险的动物);彻底打败;击溃
62. ______________  n. 装置;设备;仪器;手段;策略;(文学、戏剧、诗歌、电影等的)手法
63. diagram  n. ____________________________
64. ______________  v. 拨(电话号码);给……打电话  n. 钟面;表盘
65. dialogue  n. ____________________________
66. diamond  n. ____________________________
67. ______________  n. 日记;日志
68. ______________  n. 字典;词典
69. ______________  n. 日常饮食;日常食物  v. 节食
70. ______________ (dug, dug)  v. 挖洞;挖出;挖掘出
1. The animals were in desperate need of food and water when they were found. ______________
2. Our choice of activities will likely be dictated by the weather. ______________
3. You can choose what you want for the main course. ______________
4. The bird may cover thousands of miles during its migration. ______________
5. He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns. ______________
6. He said he would help me move into my new apartment but then he cried off at the last minute. ______________
7. She was cured of any illusions she had about college after her first semester. ______________
8. The south of the country has been cushioned from the worst effects of the recession. ______________
9. We were in a hurry to get home, so we cut out before the performance ended. ______________
10. Her hopes of winning a medal were dashed after she broke her leg. ______________
1. crazy  adj. 不理智的;疯狂的  n. 疯子
______________  adv. 疯狂地
______________  n. 疯狂
______________  n. (通常为一时的)狂热,疯狂
______________  adj. 疯狂的;发狂的
2. create  v. 创造;创作;创建
______________  n. 创造者;创作者;发明者
______________  n. 创造;创建
______________  adj. 创造(性)的;创作的  n. 富于创造力的人
______________  adv. 创造性地
______________  n. 生物;动物
______________  n. 创造力;创造性
3. crime  n. 罪;罪行;犯罪;犯罪活动;罪恶;罪过
______________  adj. 犯法的;犯罪的;刑事的  n. 罪犯
______________  adv. 刑法上;刑事上;在犯罪方面
______________  n. 犯罪;有罪;犯罪行为
______________  v. (通过新的法律)使不合法,使非法
______________  n. 网络犯罪
4. criticize (criticise)  v. 批评;批判;挑剔;指责
___________  n. 批评;批判;责备;指责
______________  n. 批评家;评论家;评论员;批评者;反对……的人
______________  adj. 吹毛求疵的,挑剔的;评论的;极其重要的;关键的
5. cross  n. 十字形记号  v. 穿越;横过;渡过  adj. 恼怒的;生气的
______________  n. 人行横道;(通过道路、河流等的)安全通行处
______________  n. 十字路口
6. crowd  n. 人群;观众  v. 挤满;塞满
______________  adj. 人(太)多的;拥挤的
______________  adj. 过于拥挤的
______________  adj. 不拥挤的;人少的
______________  n. 过度拥挤;拥挤的状况
7. cruel  adj. 残酷的;冷酷的;残忍的
______________  adv. 残忍地;残酷地
______________  n. (尤指蓄意的)残酷,残忍,残暴
8. culture  n. 文化,文明  v. 培养(细胞或细菌)
______________  adj. 有教养的;有修养的;文雅的
______________  adj. 与文化有关的;文化的
______________  v. 培养;栽培;耕作
9. curious  adj. 求知欲强的;好奇的
______________  adv. 好奇地
______________  n. 好奇心;求知欲
______________  adj. 不感兴趣的;不好奇的;漫不经心的
10. current  n. (海洋或江河的)水流,潮流;气流  adj. 现时发生的;当前的
______________  adv. 现时;目前;当前
______________  adj. 并存的;同时发生的
______________  adj. 反复出现的;重复发生的
______________  n. 潜在的情绪(尤指负面的)
11. custom  n. 风俗;习俗  adj. 定做(制)的
______________  adj. 习俗的;习惯的
______________  v. 定制,定做,改制
______________  n. 顾客;主顾;客户
______________  n. 关税;进出口税;海关
12. cycle  n. 自行车;摩托车
______________  n. 自行车;脚踏车
______________  n. 摩托车
______________  n. 骑自行车运动(或活动)
______________  n. 骑自行车的人
13. damp  v. 使潮湿;抑制  adj. 潮湿的;微湿的  n. 潮湿;潮气
______________  v. 弄湿;使潮湿
______________  n. 潮湿
14. danger  n. 危险;风险
______________  adj. 有危险的;引起危险的
______________  adv. 危险地
______________  v. 使遭危险;危及;危害
______________  adj. (动植物群落等)濒临灭绝的,濒危的
15. dark  adj. 黑暗的;昏暗的  n. 黑暗;暗处
______________  v. (使)变暗,变黑
______________  adv. 威胁地;险恶地;负面地
______________  n. 黑暗;阴暗;漆黑
16. data  n. 数据;资料;材料
______________  n. (存储在计算机中的)数据库
17. die (died, died)  v. 死;死亡;凋谢
______________  n. 死;死亡
______________  adj. 死一般的  adv. 死一般地
______________  adj. 临终的;临死的;垂死的
______________  n. 死人;死者  adj. 死的;枯萎的  adv. 完全地;全然地
______________  adj. (可能)致命的
______________  n. 最后期限;截止日期
18. deal  n. 交易  v. 处理;经营,交易
______________  n. (商业)活动,往来
______________  n. 交易商;贸易商
19. debate  v. (尤指正式)讨论,辩论
______________  n. 参加讨论者;争论者
______________  adj. 可争辩的;有争议的
20. decide  v. 对……做出抉择;决定;选定
______________  n. (做出的)决定,抉择
21. declare  v. 公布;宣布;宣告
______________  adj. 公开宣布(或声明、表态)的
______________  adj. 未承认的;未声明的
______________  n. 公告;宣告;宣言
______________  adj. 陈述的
22. decorate  v. 装饰;装潢
______________  adj. 装饰性的;作装饰用的
______________  n. 装饰品
______________  n. (房屋的)油漆匠,裱糊匠
______________  v. (用涂料或壁纸)重新装饰,再次装修
23. deep  n. 海;海洋  adv. 深深地;在深处  adj. 深的;厚的
______________  v. (使情感、感觉等)加强,变强烈
______________  adv. 很;非常;极其
______________  n. 向下的距离;深(度)
24. defence (defense)  n. 防御;保护;保卫
______________  v. 防御;保护;保卫
______________  n. 防守队员;后卫
______________  n. 被告人;被告
______________  adj. 防御的;保护的;保卫的
______________  adj. 可辩解的;合乎情理的
25. definite  adj. 肯定的;确定的  n. 肯定的事(人)
______________  adv. 肯定;没问题;当然
______________  adj. 无限期的;期限不定的
______________  adv. 无限期地
26. define  v. 解释(词语的含义);给……下定义
______________  n. (尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释
27. delete  v. 删去;删除
______________  n. 删除
______________  v. 取消删除;恢复(已删除的文件等)
28. deliberation  n. 仔细斟酌;认真商讨;缓慢;从容;审慎
______________  adj. 故意的;蓄意的;深思熟虑的;慎重的;从容不迫的;小心翼翼的  v. 仔细思考;认真商讨
______________  adv. 故意地;蓄意地;存心地;不慌不忙地;从容不迫地
29. delight  n. 高兴;愉快;快乐;令人高兴的事;乐事;乐趣  v. 使高兴;使快乐
______________  adj. 高兴的;愉快的;快乐的
______________  adj. 令人高兴的;令人愉快的;令人快乐的
30. deliver  v. 递送;传送;交付
______________  n. 递送;传送;交付
______________  n. 解救;拯救;解脱
______________  n. 应交付的产品
31. demand  v. 强烈要求  n. (坚决的)要求;所需之物
______________  adj. 要求高的;费力的
______________  adj. 不费力的;不费神的
32. demonstrate  v. 证明;证实;论证;说明
______________  n. 证明;演示;游行示威
______________  adj. 公开表露感情(尤指爱慕之情)的  n. 指示代词;限定词
______________  n. (集会或游行的)示威者
33. deny  v. 否认;否定;拒绝给予;不让(某人)得到
______________  n. 否认;否定;拒绝给予;剥夺
34. depend  v. 依赖;依靠
______________  adj. 依靠的;依赖的
______________  adj. 可信赖的;可靠的
______________  n. (生存或成功必需的)依靠,依赖,依存
______________  n. (尤指不正常或不必要的)依靠,依赖
______________  adj. 独立的;自主的;自治的
______________  n. 独立
35. depress  v. 使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉
______________  adj. 抑郁的;沮丧的;意志消沉的
______________  adj. 令人抑郁的;令人沮丧的;令人消沉的
______________  n. 抑制剂
______________  n. 抑郁症;精神忧郁
______________  adj. 患抑郁症的;抑郁的  n. 抑郁患者
36. describe  v. 描述;形容;把……称为
______________  n. 描写(文字);形容;说明
______________  adj. 描写的;叙述的;说明的
______________  adj. 难以形容的;无法言传的
37. deserve  v. 值得;应得;应受
______________  adj. 值得的;应得的
______________  adv. 应得地;恰如其分地
______________  adj. 不够格的;不相当的;不配的
38. design  v. 设计;制图;构思  n. 设计;布局;安排
______________  n. 设计者;构思者
39. desire  v. 渴望;期望  n. 愿望;欲望;渴望
______________  adj. 渴望的;希望的
______________  adj. 理想的;可取的;值得拥有的
______________  adj. 不想要的;不得人心的  n. 不受欢迎的人
40. desperate  adj. 感到绝望的;没有希望的;非常糟糕的;拼命的;铤而走险的
______________  n. 绝望;拼命;铤而走险
41. detect  v. 发现;查明;侦察出
______________  n. 侦探;警探
______________  n. 探测器;侦查器;检测器
______________  n. 侦查;探测;察觉;发现
______________  adj. 未被注意的
42. determine  v. 查明;测定;决定
______________  adj. 有决心的;意志坚定的
______________  v. 预先决定;事先安排
______________  n. 决心;坚毅;坚定
______________  n. 决定因素;决定条件
43. develop  v. (使)成长,发展,壮大
______________  adj. 发展中的
______________  adj. 发达的;高度发展的
______________  n. 发展;发育;成长
______________  n. (房地产)开发商,开发公司
______________  adj. 发育过度的;过于发达的
______________  v. 改造;重新建设
44. devote  v. 奉献;把……奉献给
______________  adj. 挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的
______________  n. 挚爱;关爱;关照
45. dictate  v. 口授;口述;给(某人)听写;命令;规定  n. 命令;指令;规定;原则
______________  n. 口授;口述;听写
______________  n. 独裁者
46. differ  v. 相异;有区别;不同于
______________  n. 差别;差异;不同(之处)
______________  adj. 不同的;有区别的
______________  adj. 差别的;以差别而定的
______________  v. 区分;区别;辨别
______________  adj. 漠不关心的;不感兴趣的
47. difficult  adj. 困难的;费力的;难做的
______________  n. 困难;难题;困境
1. She spoke to the audience with clarity and __________ (deliberate).
2. The children were especially __________ (delight) that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.
3. There’s no denying the fact __________ quicker action could have saved them.
4. The volume offers __________ incomplete coverage of the history of philosophy.
5. We listened to the waves __________ (crash) against the shore.
6. As the curtain falls for the last time, we see a young woman holding a __________ (die) man in her arms.
7. Please return any items that __________ (damage) during shipping.
8. She reads the magazines to keep up __________ date on the latest fashions.
9. The medication has been __________ (decrease) effective.
10. Travel promotes understanding, expands our minds, makes us better people, and boosts local economies and communities, but the rapid growth of travel has led to overtourism in certain regions and __________ (destination).
11. They __________ (dig) deeper and deeper but still found nothing.
12. She is used to __________ (deal) with all kinds of people in her job.
13. The group’s failed efforts demonstrate __________ difficult it is to convince people to change their habits.
14. He fought the illness with courage and __________ (determine).
15. The rainy weather had her feeling lonely and __________ (depress).
1. 我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。(puzzle; dawn)
2. 对那些热爱此项运动的人来说,即使他未能获胜,他仍然是英雄。(defeat)
3. 许多人尽力保持工作与家庭之间微妙的平衡。(maintain; dedicate)
4. 尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。(despite; shake)
5. 投入时间学习中国传统节日增进了对文化的欣赏和理解。(devote; enhance; appreciation)
6. In receiving this award, I must give credit where credit is due and acknowledge all the people who helped me.
7. The conservation of endangered species is not just a matter of ethical (道德的) responsibility — it’s a fundamental (基本的) necessity for the health of our planet.
8. To lead a healthy lifestyle depends on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest.
9. Preferences for sports differ from person to person, and my favorite sport is Tai Chi.
10. Today, paper cuttings are used as decorations, and they are usually made of red paper. Red is the most popular and propitious (吉庆的) color in Chinese culture.

1. course
2. (法庭)庭审,诉讼;(网球或篮球等的)球场;王宫;宫廷
3. (通常为城堡、大宅第等的)庭院,院子,天井
4. cousin
5. cover
6. 新闻报道;覆盖(范围)
7. 奶牛;肉牛
8. crash
9. 蜡笔
10. 奶油;(牛奶上层的)乳脂
11. credit
12. 全体船员;全体机组人员;全体乘务员
13. crisis
14. (评判、决定的)标准,准则,尺度
15. 作物;庄稼;收成
16. crucial
17. cry
18. 立方体;立方;三次方
19. 烹饪(法);(特色)饭菜,菜肴
20. cup
21. 橱柜;小柜;食品柜;碗柜
22. cure
23. (学校、大学等的)课程
24. curtain
25. 软垫;软枕
26. cut
27. cute
28. dad
29. daily
30. n. 水坝;堤坝  v. (在河上)筑坝
31. damage
32. dance
33. dare
34. v. 急奔;急驰;猛冲;猛击;猛撞  n. 破折号;猛冲;急奔;突进
35. date
36. daughter
37. n. 黎明;拂晓;破晓;开始;开端  v. 破晓;(天)刚亮;开始
38. day
39. 聋的;不愿听的;充耳不闻的
40. dear
41. 欠款;债务;负债
42. 十年;十年期
43. decent
44. decline
45. v. 减少;减小;使减少;使减小  n. 减少;减小;减少量,减少额
46. deed
47. 鹿
48. defeat
49. 度,度数(温度单位);程度
50. delay
51. delicate
52. delicious
53. 牙医;牙科医生;牙科诊所
54. department
55. deposit
56. n. 沙漠;荒漠;荒原  vt. 离开,舍弃(某地);抛弃;失去,背离,丧失(有用的品质或能力)
57. desk
58. despite
59. (正餐后的)甜点
60. 目的地;终点;目标
61. destroy
62. device
63. 图解;示意图
64. dial
65. 对白;(两人或多人的)对话,谈话
66. 金刚石;钻石
67. diary
68. dictionary
69. diet
70. dig
1. 极严重的;极危险的;很危急的
2. 决定
3. 一道菜
4. 穿越;穿过
5. 报道
6. 取消诺言;撤回承诺
7. 消除(某人的)错误想法
8. 减少(不利影响)
9. 快速离开
10. 使(希望、期望等)破灭
1. crazily; craziness; craze; crazed
2. creator; creation; creative; creatively; creature; creativity
3. criminal; criminally; criminality; criminalize; cybercrime
4. criticism; critic; critical
5. crossing; crossroads
6. crowded; overcrowded; uncrowded; overcrowding
7. cruelly; cruelty
8. cultured; cultural; cultivate
9. curiously; curiosity; incurious
10. currently; concurrent; recurrent; undercurrent
11. customary; customize; customer; customs
12. bicycle; motorcycle; cycling; cyclist
13. dampen; dampness
14. dangerous; dangerously; endanger; endangered
15. darken; darkly; darkness
16. database
17. death; deathly; dying; dead; deadly; deadline
18. dealing; dealer
19. debater; debatable
20. decision
21. declared; undeclared; declaration; declarative
22. decorative; decoration; decorator; redecorate
23. deepen; deeply; depth
24. defend; defender; defendant; defensive; defensible
25. definitely; indefinite; indefinitely
26. definition
27. deletion; undelete
28. deliberate; deliberately
29. delighted; delightful
30. delivery; deliverance; deliverable
31. demanding; undemanding
32. demonstration; demonstrative; demonstrator
33. denial
34. dependent; dependable; dependence; dependency; independent; independence
35. depressed; depressing; depressant; depression; depressive
36. description; descriptive; indescribable
37. deserving; deservedly; undeserving
38. designer
39. desirous; desirable; undesirable
40. desperation
41. detective; detector; detection; undetected
42. determined; predetermine; determination; determinant
43. developing; developed; development; developer; overdeveloped; redevelop
44. devoted; devotion
45. dictation; dictator
46. difference; different; differential; differentiate; indifferent
47. difficulty
1. deliberation    2. delighted    3. that    4. an    5. crashing
6. dying    7. are damaged        8. to    9. decreasingly    10. destinations
11. dug    12. dealing        13. how    14. determination    15. depressed
1. I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned.
2. Even in defeat, he was a hero to those who loved the sport.
3. Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance between work and family.
4. Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.
5. Devoting time to learning about traditional Chinese festivals enhances cultural appreciation and understanding.
6. 此刻拿到这个奖,我必须向所有帮助过我的人表达应有的谢意,感谢他们!
7. 保护濒危物种不仅是道德责任,更是地球健康的基本必要条件。
8. 要过一种健康的生活方式,需要均衡的饮食、规律的锻炼和充足的休息。
9. 每个人对体育运动的喜好各有千秋,我最喜爱的一项体育运动则是太极拳。
10. 今天,剪纸被用作装饰品,它们通常是用红纸做的。红色是中国文化中最流行和最吉庆的颜色。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:52:27 | 显示全部楼层

第8课时(digest — electronic)
1. dilemma  n. __________________________________________
2. ______________  n. 大小;尺寸;维度(物体的长度、宽度、高度或深度);影响的范围;程度
3. ______________  v. 进餐;吃正餐
4. dining room  ______________
5. ______________  n. 正餐;主餐
6. dinosaur  n. ____________________________
7. dioxide  n. ____________________________
8. diploma  n. ____________________________
9. ______________  n. 不利条件;缺点;劣势
10. ______________  v. 不见;消失;不复存在;绝迹
11. ______________  n. 灾难;灾害;祸患;灾难性事物
12. disc /disk  n. ____________________________
13. discipline  n. __________________________________________  v. ______________
14. ______________  n. 减价;折扣  adj. 打折的  v. 打折
15. ______________  v. 使灰心;使失去信心;使泄气;阻碍;阻拦
16. dish  n. ____________________________
17. ______________  v. 不喜欢;讨厌  n. 不喜欢;讨厌;不喜欢的事物;厌恶的东西
18. ______________  v. 展示;显示;陈列;显露;展示;表现  n. 展览;陈列;表演;展示;表现;显示
19. district  n. ______________
20. ______________  v. 跳水(双臂和头先入水);俯冲;(数量、价值等)急剧下跌,骤降  n. (双臂和头先入水的)跳水;(潜水艇、飞机、鸟等的)俯冲
21. ______________  v. 与……离婚;使分离;使脱离  n. 离婚
22. dizzy  adj. __________________________________________
23. ______________  v. 做;干;做完;完成;(顺利)进行,进展
24. ______________  n. 医生,大夫;医务室;诊所;博士  v. 为……治病;给……疗伤
25. document  n. ____________________________
26. dog  n. ______________
27. doll  n. ______________
28. dollar  n. ______________
29. ______________  n. 海豚
30. domain  n. __________________________________________
31. ______________  adj. 本国的;国内的;国产的;家庭的;家里的
32. ______________  n. (出入口处的)门;门口;门道;出入口
33. ______________  n. 学生宿舍;集体宿舍
34. dot  n. __________________________________________  v. _________________
35. ______________  adj. 双的;成双的;成对的;双重的;双人的  v. 使加倍;使翻一番;兼作;兼任  n. 两倍;两倍数;两倍量  adv. 两倍地;双倍地;两次
36. ______________  prep. (从高处)向下,往下;沿着……道路  adv. 由高向低;向下;在下方;在低处  adj. 在低处的;在下方的
37. download  n. & v. ______________
38. downstairs  adv. ____________________________  adj. ______________
39. downtown  adv. ____________________________  n. ____________________________
40. dozen  n. ________________________________________________________
41. ______________  n. 草稿;草案;喝;喝一口的量  adj. 草拟的;(啤酒)散装的  v. 草拟;起草;挑选;选派;抽调;挑选,选拔(运动员)
42. ______________  v. (费力地)拖,拉,拽;拖地而行;拖着走;硬撑着行进;费劲地移动
43. ______________  n. 连衣裙;(特定的)服装  v. 给……穿衣;穿某种衣服
44. ______________  n. 钻机;冲子;钻头;军事演习;军事操练  v. 在……上打眼;钻(孔);使反复练习;训练
45. drink (drank, drunk)  v. ______________  n. ______________
46. ______________  n. 滴;少量;一点点  v. 使落下;使掉下;(突然)躺倒,跌倒;使降低
47. drought  n. ____________________________
48. drug  n. ____________________________
49. duck  n. ____________________________
50. ______________  adj. 预定,预期,预计(……应该……)  n. 应得;所得
51. ______________  adj. 枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的  v. (使)变暗淡,减轻,迟钝
52. dumpling  n. ____________________________
53. ______________  prep. 在……期间;在……的过程中
54. dusk  n. ______________
55. ______________  n. 职责;任务;(道德或法律上的)责任,义务,本分
56. DVD  n. ____________________________
57. ______________  adj. 活跃的;不断变化的;活跃的;不断变化的  n. 互动;相互作用;动力;动因;力学
58. dynasty  n. ____________________________
59. ______________  adj. (两个或两个以上的人或物中)每个的,各自的  pron. 每个;各个
60. eagle  n. ____________________________
61. ______________  n. 耳;耳朵;听力;欣赏能力;倾听
62. ______________  adj. 早期的;初期的;起初的  adv. 在初期;在早期;提早;提前
63. ______________  n. 地球;陆地;地面;土;泥;土壤
64. earthquake  n. ______________
65. ______________  adj. 向东的;东部的  adv. 向东;朝东  n. 东;东方
66. ______________  adj. 东方的;向东的;东部的
67. ______________ (ate; eaten)  v. 吃 
68. edge  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
69. ______________  adj. 效率高的;高效能的
70. ______________  n. 功夫;努力;精力;认真的尝试;尽力;试图;努力的结果,成果
71. egg  n. __________________________________________
72. eggplant  n. ______________
73. ______________  n. 第八  adj. 第八的
74. ______________  n. (数字)八十
75. ______________  adj. (两者中的)每个,各方  pron. (两者中的)任一个  conj. (与or连用)不是……就是……,或者  adv. 也
1. He took a pass and drove toward the basket/net. ______________
2. She has received training in several academic disciplines. ______________
3. You shouldn’t discount the importance of studying. ______________
4. She’s always dishing out advice, even when you don’t want it. ______________
5. They were accused of doctoring the company’s financial records. ______________
6. Her study was the first to document this type of behavior in gorillas. ______________
7. You may want to seal the windows with plastic to stop drafts. ______________
8. Workers are required to join the union and pay dues. ______________
9. The failure of his business has eaten away at his confidence. ______________
10. The company still holds an edge over its competitors. ______________
1. digest  v. 消化  n. 摘要;概要;文摘
______________  n. 消化
______________  adj. 消化的;和消化有关的
______________  adj. 易消化的;口感好的;易理解的;可领会的
______________  adj. 不易消化的
2. digit  n. (从0到9的任何一个)数字,数位
______________  adj. 数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的
______________  v. (使数据)数字化
3. dignity  n. 庄重;尊严;自尊;尊贵;高贵;高尚
______________  n. 无礼举动;轻蔑;侮辱
______________  v. 使有尊严;使庄严;使高贵
______________  adj. 庄严的;有尊严的;高贵的
______________  adj. 不像样的;不成体统的;不体面的;不庄重的
4. direct  v. 把……对准  adj. 直接的;亲自的;亲身的  adv. 直接;径直
______________  adv. 直接地;径直地;坦率地  conj. 一……就
______________  n. 董事;理事;经理
______________  adj. 指示的;指导的  n. 指示;命令
______________  n. 名录;电话号码簿;公司名录
______________  n. 方位;方向
5. dirt  n. 污物;尘土;烂泥
______________  adj. 污物;尘土;烂泥  v. 弄脏;使变脏  adv. 卑鄙地;不诚实地
6. disable  v. 使(某物)失去工作能力;使失效;使丧失能力;使伤残
______________  adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的;无能力的
______________  n. 残疾;伤残;丧失能力
7. disagree  v. 持不同观点;不同意;不符;不同;不适合(某人);使(某人)不舒服
______________  n. 不一致;不调和;分歧;争论;不相符
______________  adj. 令人不快的;讨厌的;难相处的;脾气坏的
8. disappoint  v. 使失望
______________  adj. 失望的;沮丧的;失意的
______________  adj. 令人失望的;令人沮丧的;令人扫兴的
______________  n. 失望;沮丧;扫兴
9. discover  v. (第一个)发现
______________  n. 发现;发觉
______________  adj. 可发现的;可搜寻到的
______________  v. 重新发现;重新找到
______________  adj. 未找到(或注意到)的;未被发现的
10. discriminate  v. 区别;辨别;区分
______________  adj. 有识别力的;有辨别力的;有鉴赏力的
______________  n. 区别对待;歧视;偏袒
______________  adj. 区别对待的;不公正的;歧视的
______________  adj. 随意的;恣意的;不加选择的
11. discuss  v. 讨论;谈论;商量
______________  n. 讨论;商讨
12. dismiss  v. 不予考虑;摒弃;对……不屑一提
______________  n. 解雇;开除;撤职
______________  adj. 轻蔑的;鄙视的
13. distance  n. 距离;间距  v. 拉开距离;与……疏远
______________  adj. 遥远的;远处的;久远的
______________  v. 远远超过;超越;优于
14. distinct  adj. 清晰的;清楚的;明白的
______________  n. 差别;区别;对比
______________  adj. 独特的;特别的;有特色的
______________  adj. 模糊不清的;不清楚的
15. distinguish  v. 区分;辨别;分清
______________  adj. 卓越的;杰出的;著名的
______________  adj. 乏味的;平凡的;无特色的;不吸引人的
______________  adj. 无法分辨的;无法区分的
16. distribute  v. 分发;分配
______________  n. 经销商;分销商
______________  n. 分配;分布
______________  adj. 经销的;分销的
______________  v. 重新分配
17. disturb  v. 打扰;干扰;妨碍
______________  adj. 有精神病的;心理不正常的;精神紊乱的
______________  adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的;引起恐慌的
______________  n. (受)打扰,干扰,妨碍
18. diverse  adj. 不同的;相异的;多种多样的;形形色色的
______________  v. 增加……的品种;扩大业务范围
______________  n. 差异(性);不同(点);多样性;多元化
______________  n. 生物多样性
19. divide  v. (使)分开,分散,分割,分成  n. 不同;差异;分歧
______________  adj. 分裂的;有分歧的
______________  n. 分隔物;分开物
______________  v. (被)再分割,再分
______________  adj. 未划分的;未分开的;完整的
______________  n. 分开;分隔;分配
______________  n. 红利;股息;股利
20. dominate  v. 支配;控制;左右;影响
______________  v. (数量上)占优势;居多
______________  n. 统治;控制
______________  n. 优势;支配地位
21. donate  v. (尤指向慈善机构)捐赠,赠送
______________  n. 捐赠物;捐赠;赠送
22. doubt  v. 怀疑;不能肯定;认为……未必可能  n. 疑惑;不确定
______________  adj. 拿不定主意的;不确定的;怀疑的
______________  adv. 无疑地;肯定地
______________  adj. 毋庸置疑的;确实的;千真万确的
______________  adj. 令人敬畏的;可敬的
23. drama  n. 戏;剧
______________  n. 剧作家;编剧
______________  v. 将……改编成剧本;将……搬上(舞台或银幕)
______________  adj. 突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的
24. draw  v. (用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘,描画  n. 抽奖;抽签
______________  n. 抽屉
______________  n. 图画;素描画
______________  n. 缺点;不利条件
25. dream  n. 梦;睡梦  v. 做梦;梦见
______________  adj. 做白日梦的;心不在焉的
______________  n. 梦想家;空想家
______________  n. 梦境;幻想世界
______________  adj. 无梦的;酣畅安宁的
______________  adj. 似在梦中的;如梦的;梦幻(般)的
______________  n. 白日梦;幻想;空想
26. drive  v. 驾驶;驾车;驱赶;驱使  n. 驾车旅行;车程;干劲;积极性;能动性
______________  n. (轿车、卡车等的)驾驶员;(职业)司机
______________  adj. (雨或风)猛烈的  n. (车辆的)驾驶
27. dry  adj. 干的;干燥的  v. (使)变干;(把……)弄干
______________  n. 烘干机;脱水机;干燥机
______________  n. 久旱;旱灾
28. durable  adj. 耐用的;持久的
______________  n. 持续期间;期间
______________  adj. 持续(性)的;延续的
______________  n. 耐久性;耐(使)用年限
29. dust  v. 擦去……的灰尘  n. 沙土;尘土
______________  adj. 布满灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的
______________  n. (常置于房外的)垃圾桶,垃圾箱
______________  n. 抹布;擦布;掸子
______________  n. 垃圾车
______________  n. 垃圾搬运工
30. eager  adj. 热切的;渴望的;渴求的
______________  adv. 渴望地
______________  n. 渴望
31. earn  v. 挣得;赚得;挣钱
______________  n. 挣钱者;挣工资者
______________  n. 薪水;工资;收入
32. ease  n. 容易;轻易;不费劲  v. (使)宽慰;减轻;缓解
______________  adv. 容易地;轻易地;不费力地
______________  adj. 容易的;轻易的;不费力的  adv. 小心;慢些
33. ecology  n. 生态;生态学
______________  n. 生态学家
______________  adj. 生态的;生态学的
______________  adv. 生态学地
34. economy  n. 经济;经济情况;经济结构
______________  adj. 经济的;经济上的;经济学的
______________  n. 经济学
______________  n. 经济学家;经济专家
______________  v. 节省;节约;节俭
______________  adj. 经济的;实惠的
______________  adv. 在经济上;经济地;节约地
35. edit  v. 编辑;校订;主编(出版物)
______________  n. 编辑;剪辑人员
______________  n. (书的)版本;(报纸的)版,一版
______________  adj. (用户)可编辑的
______________  adj. 编辑的;与编辑有关的  n. 社论;社评
36. educate  v. (在学校)教育
______________  adj. 受过……教育(或训练)的
______________  n. 教育工作者;教师
______________  n. (尤指学校)教育
______________  adj. 教育的;有教育作用的
______________  adj. 教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的
______________  n. 教育家;教育学家
37. effect  v. 使发生;实现;引起  n. 效应;影响;结果
______________  v. 影响
______________  adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的
______________  adv. 有效地
______________  adj. 有效的;奏效的
______________  n. (药物的)后效应,后作用
38. elder  adj. (家庭成员中)年纪较长的  n. 长者;前辈;元老;老年人(复数形式)
______________  adj. 年龄较大的;上了年纪的
39. elect  v. 选举;推选
______________  n. 有选举权的人;选民
______________  adj. 选举的;有选举产生的;选任的  n. 选修课程;选修科目
______________  n. 选举,推选(尤指从政)
40. electric  adj. 电的;用电的;电动的  n. 供电
______________  n. (房屋、汽车或机器的)电力系统,电路
______________  adj. 电的;用电的;发电的
______________  n. 电工;电气技师
______________  n. 电;电能
______________  adj. 电子的;电子器件的
______________  n. 电子学
1. Take off your shoes to keep from __________ (dirty) the floor.
2. He likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed __________ disagree.
3. Ramps have been built __________ (ease) access for the disabled.
4. We’re witnessing the gradual __________ (disappear) of an old way of life.
5. They argued that the new regulations would place their company at __________ competitive disadvantage in the marketplace.
6. The team’s losing streak has left many fans feeling hopeless and __________ (discourage).
7. I was impressed by the care she __________ (display) in making the flower arrangements.
8. He __________ (drag) himself up the stairs and climbed into bed.
9. I drop the kids __________ at school in the morning.
10. The school makes every effort __________ (help) new students become adjusted to college life.
11. Thousands of people were __________ (direct) affected by the disaster.
12. __________ (dismiss) her fears, she climbed higher.
13. He tends to dream big __________ he never really does the things he dreams of doing.
14. She became the first black woman ______________ (elect) to the Senate.
15. She has distinguished __________ (her) as a leader in the community.
1. 例如,如果市民选择乘坐公共交通工具,城市的二氧化碳排放量将大大减少。(transportation; carbon dioxide)
2. 端午节,农历五月初五,人们举行龙舟比赛。(Dragon Boat Festival)
3. 人们在过年的时候吃饺子象征着这个家庭在新的一年有更多的收入。(Chinese New Year; dumpling)
4. 鉴于日益紧迫的全球环境问题,我们非常高兴地宣布即将举办一场以“关爱地球”为主题的活动。(in light of; Caring for the Earth)
5. 首先,众所周知,我们生活在一个充满各种困难的多元化世界。我们别无选择,只能面对。(dynamic; face)
6. To reduce waste and help those in need, this supermarket distributes surplus food items to local food banks (食物赈济处).
7. By learning about diverse cultures and global issues, individuals can tap into a broader understanding of the world, enhancing their ability to thrive in a globalized society.
8. Ever-changing advancements in digital technologies are pushing us to improve digital literacy (素养), an ability to identify and communicate information using digital media platforms.
9. Similar to many other hi-tech products, such as computers, mobile phones have detrimental (有害的;不利的) effects on users’ health.
10. Recognizing the value of continuous learning, he spared no effort to attend workshops and seminars (研讨会) to stay updated in his field.

1. (进退两难的)窘境,困境
2. dimension
3. dine
4. 餐厅;饭厅
5. dinner
6. 恐龙
7. 二氧化物
8. 毕业文凭
9. disadvantage
10. disappear
11. disaster
12. 磁盘;盘
13. n. 纪律;风纪;训导;自制力;自律能力  v. 惩罚;处分
14. discount
15. discourage
16. 盘子;碟子;菜肴;餐具
17. dislike
18. display
19. 区域;地区
20. dive
21. divorce
22. 头晕的;眩晕的;糊涂的;困惑的;使人感到眩晕的
23. do
24. doctor
25. 公文;文件;文献
26. 狗;犬
27. 玩具娃娃;玩偶
28. 美元(币值)
29. dolphin
30. 领土;领地;疆土;(知识、活动的)领域,范围
31. domestic
32. door
33. dormitory
34. n. 点;小圆点;(与主体颜色不同的)点,小斑点  v. 打点于;(将少量某物)散布于
35. double
36. down
37. 下载
38. adv. 在楼下;往楼下  adj. 楼下的;底楼的
39. adv. 往市中心;在市中心  n. 城镇中心;市中心;商业区
40. (人或物)十二个,一打;大量;许多
41. draft
42. drag
43. dress
44. drill
45. v. 喝;饮  n. 饮料
46. drop
47. 长期干旱;旱灾
48. 药;药物
49. 鸭;鸭肉
50. due
51. dull
52. 饺子;汤团;团子
53. during
54. 黄昏;薄暮
55. duty
56. 数字化视频光碟;影碟
57. dynamic
58. 王朝;家族;世家
59. each
60. 鹰;雕
61. ear
62. early
63. earth
64. 地震
65. east
66. eastern
67. eat
68. n. 边线;边缘;边  v. 位于……边上;徐徐移动;缓慢挪动
69. efficient
70. effort
71. (鸟类的)蛋;(鱼、昆虫等的)卵
72. 茄子
73. eighth
74. eighty
75. either
1. (体育运动中)猛冲
2. 学科
3. 认为……不重要;低估
4. 大量提供
5. 篡改
6. 用(文字、影片、照片等)记录
7. 通风气流;穿堂风
8. 会费
9. 磨灭
10. 优势
1. digestion; digestive; digestible; indigestible
2. digital; digitize
3. indignity; dignify; dignified; undignified
4. directly; director; directive; directory; direction
5. dirty
6. disabled; disability
7. disagreement; disagreeable
8. disappointed; disappointing; disappointment
9. discovery; discoverable; rediscover; undiscovered
10. discriminating; discrimination; discriminatory; indiscriminate
11. discussion
12. dismissal; dismissive
13. distant; outdistance
14. distinction; distinctive; indistinct
15. distinguished; undistinguished; indistinguishable
16. distributor; distribution; distributive; redistribute
17. disturbed; disturbing; disturbance
18. diversify; diversity; biodiversity
19. divided; divider; subdivide; undivided; division; dividend
20. predominate; domination; dominance
21. donation
22. doubtful; doubtless; undoubted; redoubtable
23. dramatist; dramatize; dramatic
24. drawer; drawing; drawback
25. dreamy; dreamer; dreamland; dreamless; dreamlike; daydream
26. driver; driving
27. dryer; drought
28. duration; durative; durability
29. dusty; dustbin; duster; dustcart; dustman
30. eagerly; eagerness
31. earner; earnings
32. easily; easy
33. ecologist; ecological; ecologically
34. economic; economics; economist; economize; economical; economically
35. editor; edition; editable; editorial
36. educated; educator; education; educative; educational; educationalist
37. affect; effective; effectively; effectual; after-effect
38. elderly
39. elector; elective; election
40. electrics; electrical; electrician; electricity; electronic; electronics
1. dirtying    2. to    3. to ease    4. disappearance    5. a
6. discouraged    7. displayed        8. dragged    9. off    10. to help
11. directly    12. Dismissing        13. but    14. to be elected    15. herself
1. For instance, if citizens choose to take public transportation, carbon dioxide emissions in cities will be greatly reduced.
2. On the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, people hold dragon boat races.
3. People eat dumplings on the Chinese New Year wishing they will earn more money in the coming year.
4. In light of the pressing global environmental issues, it is with great pleasure that we announce the upcoming event focused on Caring for the Earth.
5. Firstly, it is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but face them.
6. 为了减少浪费,帮助有需要的人们,这家超市向当地的食物赈济处分发多余的食品。
7. 通过学习不同文化和全球问题,个人能够对世界形成更广泛的了解,从而提高他们在全球化社会中的发展能力。
8. 数字技术日新月异的发展促使我们加强数字素养的能力,利用数字媒体平台识别和交流信息。
9. 与电脑等许多其他高科技产品类似,手机也会对用户的健康产生不利影响。
10. 他认识到持续学习的重要性,不遗余力地参加各种讲习班和研讨会,以保持自己在本领域的最新知识。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:53:01 | 显示全部楼层

第9课时(elegant — favourite)
1. elegant  adj. ____________________________
2. ______________  n. 元素;要素;成分
3. ______________  n. 象
4. ______________  num. (数字)十一
5. else  adv. ____________________________  adj. ____________________________
6. ______________  adv. 在别处;到别处
7. ______________  n. 电子邮件;电子邮件系统  v. 给(某人)发电子邮件
8. embassy  n. ____________________________
9. ______________  n. 强烈的感情:激情;情绪
10. emperor  n. ______________
11. ______________  vt. 使可能;使……成为可能;使可行;使变得容易;激活(计算机功能)
12. ______________  vt. 遭遇,遇到(问题或困难等);偶然碰到;意外遇见;与……邂逅  n. (意外的)相遇;接触;经历
13. enemy  n. ____________________________
14. engine  n. ____________________________
15. ______________  n. 工程师  v. 设计;建造;策划;精心安排
16. England  n. ______________
17. ______________  pron. 足够的量  adj. 足够的;充足的  adv. 足够地;充分地
18. ______________  vt. 确保,保证
19. entitle  vt. ________________________________________________________
20. ______________  n. 信封
21. episode  n. ________________________________________________________
22. equator  n. ____________________________
23. era  n. ____________________________
24. ______________  n. 橡皮;黑板擦
25. ______________  n. 错误;差错;谬误
26. ______________  n. 短文;随笔;散文
27. estate  n. ______________
28. Europe  n. ______________
29. European  adj. ______________  n. __________________________________________
30. ______________  adv. 连,甚至,即使  adj. 平坦的;平滑的;水平的;偶数的;双数的  v. 使相等;使平均
31. ______________  n. 晚上;傍晚;晚会;晚间活动;暮年;晚年;末期
32. ______________  n. 事件(尤指要事或大事);(体育运动的)比赛项目
33. ______________  adv. 曾经;(以往)任何时候;总是;一直;始终;更加
34. every  adj. ________________________________________________________
35. everybody  pron. ____________________________
36. everyday  adj. ____________________________
37. everyone  pron. ____________________________
38. ______________  pron. 所有事物;一切;所有重要的事物
39. everywhere  adv. __________________________________________
40. ______________  n. 榜样;楷模;模范;例子;例证;实例
41. ______________  n. (物品的)交换,互换;交流(信息);(短暂的)交谈,对话  v. 交换,互换(某物);交换,互换(话语、眼神等)
42. excuse  n. ____________________________  vt. ____________________________
43. ______________  n. 锻炼;运动;练习;习题  v. 锻炼;运动;行使,运用(能力、权力等)
44. ______________  n. 出口;通道;出去;离开;(车辆驶出公路的)出口,出路  v. 出去;离开;退出
45. experiment  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
46. ______________  n. 专家;行家;能手  adj. 专家的;内行的
47. explicit  adj. __________________________________________
48. ______________  n. 出口物;输出品;出口;输出  v. 出口;输出
49. ______________  n. 范围;程度;限度
50. external  adj. ________________________________________________________
51. ______________  adj. 额外的;外加的;附加的  adv. (在大小或数量上)超常地;非常;格外;十分
52. ______________  adj. 不平常的;不一般的;异常的;非凡的;卓越的;优秀的
53. ______________  n. 眼睛;眼力;鉴赏力;目光;所看之处
54. eyesight  n. ____________________________
55. fabric  n. __________________________________________
56. ______________  v. 使更容易;使便利;促进;推动
57. facility  n. ____________________________
58. ______________  n. 现实;事实;真相
59. ______________  n. 因素;要素  v. 把……作为因素计入
60. factory  n. ____________________________
61. ______________  v. 衰弱;枯萎;逐渐消失;褪色;(声响)逐渐变小;(强度)逐渐变弱;(外表)逐渐变暗淡  n. (电影、电视中画面的)淡入,淡出
62. ______________  n. 相信;信心;信赖
63. ______________  n. 落下;降低;秋季;减少;下降;贬值;衰落;败落  v. 落下;掉下;摔倒;跌倒;倒下
64. false  adj. __________________________________________
65. ______________  n. 家庭;家人;家庭成员  adj. 家族的;家庭的
66. fan  n. __________________________________________  v. ______________________
67. ______________  adj. 极好的;了不起的
68. ______________  adj. 遥远的;久远的;那一边的;更远的  adv. 遥远地;久远地;很大程度上
69. fare  n. _________________________________________________  v. ______________
70. ______________  adj. 快的;迅速的  adv. 快速地;反应敏捷地
71. ______________  v. (使两部分)系牢,扣紧,缚紧;(用手、牙等)握住,咬住
72. ______________  n. 父亲;爸爸
1. Would you kindly enlarge on that point? ______________
2. A bit of light escaped through the cracks. ______________
3. She bought a new pair of trainers especially for the trip. ______________
4. He told a joke which made Hank explode with laughter. ______________
5. They faced off in a nationally televised debate. ______________
6. We are all unique human beings, fashioned by life experiences. ______________
7. I tried living in the city, but I was out of my element there. ______________
8. They slowed down and waited for him to draw even. ______________
9. We can avoid these problems by the exercise of a little common sense. ______________
10. He was able to give us a fair idea of the problems involved. ______________
1. embarrass  v. (尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬
______________  adj. (尤指在社交场合)窘迫的,尴尬的;害羞的
______________  adj. 使人害羞的(或难堪的、惭愧的)
______________  n. 害羞;窘迫;愧疚;难堪
2. emerge  v. (从隐蔽处或暗处)出现,浮现,露出
______________  adj. 新兴的;处于发展初期的
______________  n. 出现;兴起
______________  n. 突发事件;紧急情况
3. emphasize (emphasise)  v. 强调;重视;着重
______________  n. 强调;重视;重要性
______________  n. 过分强调;过于重视
4. employ  v. 雇用
______________  n. 受雇者;雇工;雇员
______________  n. 雇佣者;雇主;老板
______________  adj. 具备受雇条件的;适宜雇用的
______________  n. 工作;职业;受雇
______________  adj. 失业的;待业的;下岗的
5. empty  adj. 空的  v. (场所)变空,人全走光
______________  n. 空虚;寂寥
6. encourage  v. 鼓励,激励
______________  n. 鼓励,鼓舞;起激励作用的事物
7. end  v. 结束;终止  n. (时间、事件、活动或故事的)终止,终结,结局
______________  n. (故事、电影等的)结尾,结局
______________  adj. 无止境的;无垠的;无穷无尽的;不计其数的
8. energy  n. 精力;活力;干劲
______________  v. 使充满热情
______________  adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的;需要能量的;积极的
______________  adv. 精力充沛地;积极地
9. engage  v. 吸引住(注意力、兴趣)
______________  adj. 忙于;从事
______________  n. 约定;订婚
______________  v. (使)脱离,松开;解脱
10. enhance  v. 提高;改进;增强
______________  n. 改进;增强
______________  n. 增强剂;促进剂
11. enlarge  v. (使)增大,扩大
______________  n. 扩大,增大
______________  n. (照片)扩印机
12. enormity  n. (处境、问题、事件等的)艰巨性,严重性
______________  adj. (尺寸、数量)巨大的,庞大的
______________  adv. 非常,极其
13. enquire / inquire  v. 询问,打听
______________  n. 调查者;询问者
______________  n.  询问,打听;查问;探究;调查,查问
14. enjoy  v. 享受……的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱
______________  adj. 有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的
______________  n. 愉快;快乐;乐趣
15. enter  v. 进来;进去;进入
______________  n. 进入(指行动)
______________  n. 大门(口);入口(处);入口通道
16. enterprise  n. 公司;企业
______________  adj. 有事业心的;有进取心的;有创新精神的
17. entertain  v. 娱乐;(尤指在自己家中)招待,款待
______________  n. (歌唱、说笑话、舞蹈等的)演员,表演者
______________  adj. 有趣的;娱乐的;使人愉快的
______________  n. 文娱节目;娱乐活动
18. enthuse  v. 充满热情地说;热情地讲
______________  n. 热情;热心;热忱
______________  adj. 热情的;热心的;热烈的;满腔热忱的
______________  n. 热衷于……的人;热心者;爱好者
______________  adv. 热情地;热心地
19. entire  adj. 全部的;整个的
______________  adv. 完全地,彻底地
______________  n. 全部;全体;总体
20. environment  n. (影响个体行为或事物发展的)环境;客观环境
______________  adj. 自然环境的;生态环境的;有关环境的
______________  adv. 与环境有关地
______________  n. 环保主义者
______________  n. 环境保护主义
21. envy  n. 羡慕;忌妒  v. 羡慕;忌妒
______________  adj. 羡慕的;妒忌的
______________  adj. 令人羡慕的;引起妒忌的
22. equal  v. (大小、数量、价值等)与……相等,等于  n. 同等的人;相等物
adj. (大小、数量、价值等)相同的,同样的;相等的
______________  adv. 平等地;同样地
______________  n. 平等;均等;相等
______________  v. 使平等;使均等;使相等
______________  adj. 不平等的;不均衡的;不公平的
______________  n. 不平等;不平衡;不平等
______________  adj. 无比的;无双的;出类拔萃的
23. equip  v. 配备;装备
______________  n. 设备;器材
24. erupt  v. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出
______________  adj. 火山爆发的;火山喷发的
______________  n. 喷发
25. escape  v. 走,逃离;(从险境或糟糕的处境中)逃离,逃避,摆脱  n.  逃离,逃脱
______________  adj. 逃跑了的
______________  n. 逃离者,逃脱者
______________  n. 逃避现实;解脱方法
26. especial  adj. 特别的;特殊的
______________  adv. 尤其;特别,格外
27. essential  adj. 极其重要的;必不可少的;最基本的;本质的  n. 必需品
______________  adv. 本质上,根本上
______________  adj. 不需要的,非必需的
28. establish  v. 建立;创立;设立
______________  adj. 已确立的;已获确认的;确定的
______________  n. 机构;大型机关;企业;旅馆
______________  adj. 年代久远的;古老的;悠久的;固有的
29. estimate  n. (对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估价  v. 估计;估价;估算
______________  n. 判断;评价;看法
______________  v. 高估  n. 过高的评估
______________  v. 低估;对……估计不足  n. 低估;轻视
______________  adj. 值得尊重的;值得敬佩的
______________  adj. (大的)难以估量的,无法估计的
30. evaluate  v. 估计;评价;评估
______________  n. 评价;估计
______________  adj. 评价的;评估的
31. eventual  adj. 最终的;最后的
______________  adv. 终于,最终
______________  n. 可能发生的事情;可能出现的情况
32. evidence  n. 根据;证明;证据  v. 证明;表明;作为……的证据
______________  adj. 清楚的;显而易见的;显然的
______________  adv. 明显地;显然地
______________  adj. 提供证据的;作证的
______________  adj. 显而易见的;不言而喻的;明摆着的
33. evolution  n. 进化(论);演变,逐步发展
______________  adj. 进化的;演变的,逐步发展的
______________  n. 进化论者  adj. 进化论的
34. exact  adj. 确切的,精确的  v. 强取;勒索;强求
______________  adv. 精确地,确切地;恰好,正好(用于强调)
______________  adj. 要求严格的,要求高的
______________  n. 精确;准确
______________  adj. 不精确的,不准确的
35. exam  n. (笔头、口头或操作)考试
______________  v. 审查;调查;考查;考察
______________  n. 应试人;参加考试者
______________  n. 主考人;考官
______________  n. 考试;审查;调查;考查;考察
______________  v. 再次检查
36. excel  v. 擅长;善于;突出
______________  adj. 优秀的;杰出的;极好的
______________  adv. 出色地;杰出地
______________  n. 优秀;杰出;卓越
37. except  v. 不包括;不计;把……除外
prep. (用于所言不包括的人或事物前)除……之外
conj. 除了;只是
______________  n. 一般情况以外的人(或事物);例外
______________  adj. 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的
______________  adv. (用于形容词和副词之前表示强调)罕见,特别
______________  adj. 乏味的;平常的;不突出的;普通的
______________  adj. 无可指责的;无可挑剔的;无懈可击的
38. excite  v. 使兴奋;使激动
______________  adj. 激动的;兴奋的
______________  adv. 兴奋地;激动地
______________  n. 激动;兴奋;刺激
______________  adj. 过度兴奋的
39. exist  v. 存在;实际上有
______________  n. 存在(或实有)的事物  adj. 存在的;实有的
______________  adj. 现存的;现行的
______________  n. 存在;实有
______________  adj. 关于人类存在的;与人类存在有关的
______________  n. 存在主义
40. expand  v. 扩大,增大,增强(尺码、数量或重要性)
______________  n. 一大片,广阔,宽广,浩瀚(尤指陆地或海洋)
______________  n. 扩张;扩大;扩展;膨胀
______________  adj. 广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的
______________  adj. 可扩张的;可扩充的;可膨胀的
______________  n. 扩张主义;扩张政策
41. expect  v. 预料;预期;预计
______________  adj. 预料的;预期的;期望的
______________  adj. 期待的;预期的;期望的
______________  n. 预料;预期;期待;盼望
______________  n. 预料;预期;期待
42. expend  v. 花费;消费;耗费
______________  n. 费用;价钱
______________  adj. 昂贵的;花钱多的;价格高的
______________  adv. 昂贵地
______________  adj. 可牺牲的;可消耗的;可毁灭的
______________  n. 花费;消费;费用;开支
______________  adj. 不昂贵的
43. experience  n. (由实践得来的)经验;实践  v. 经历;经受;遭受
______________  adj. 有经验的;熟练的
______________  adj. 经验得来的;来自经验的
______________  n. 缺乏经验;经验不足
______________  adj. 缺乏认识(或经验)的
44. explain  v. 解释;说明;阐明
______________  n. 解释;说明;阐述
______________  adj. 解释的;说明的;阐述的
______________  adj. 原因不详的;未解释的;未说明的
45. explode  v. (使)爆炸;突然增加
______________  n. 爆炸(声);引爆;爆破;激增,急剧膨胀
______________  adj. 会爆炸的;可能会爆炸的;爆炸(式)的;爆发的  n. 炸药
46. explore  v. 探讨,探究;考察,勘察
______________  n. 探险者;勘察者
______________  n. 勘探;勘察;研究,探究
______________  adj. 探索的;勘探的
______________  adj. (地方)未曾探索的,未经勘察的;(想法)未曾探讨过的
47. expose  v. 暴露;显露;露出
______________  adj. 无遮蔽的;暴露的
______________  n. 暴露;揭露
______________  v. 使(胶片等)曝光过度
______________  v. 使曝光不足
48. express  v. 表示;表达;表露  n. 特快列车  adj. 特快的;特意的
adv. 用快递寄/送某物
______________  adv. 清楚地;明确地;确切地
______________  n. 表示;表达;表露
______________  adj. 富于表情的;有表现力的;意味深长的
______________  n. 表现主义
______________  adj. 无表情的;呆板的
______________  n. (美国)高速公路
49. extend  v. 使伸长;扩大;扩展
______________  adj. 延长了的;扩展了的
______________  adj. 可延长的;可延伸的;可延期的
______________  adj. 承担过多工作;开支过大
______________  n. 扩大;延伸
______________  adj. 广阔的;广大的;大量的
50. extinct  adj.  灭绝的,绝种的;(某种类型的人、习俗、技能等)绝迹的,消亡的
______________  n. 灭绝,绝种;(某种类型的人、习俗、技能等的)绝迹,消亡
51. extreme  adj. 极大的;极度的;异乎寻常的;极端的;严重的  n. 极端
______________  adv. 极度,极其
______________  n. 极端主义;极端性(尤指政治或宗教方面)
______________  n. 极端主义者,过激分子
______________  n. (人体的)末端(如手指、脚趾);极端,偏激;末端,端点
52. face  n. 脸,面部;面部表情;脸色;  vt. 面临,面对;面向
______________  adj. 脸上的;面部的  n. 面部护理,美容
______________  adj. (人、机构或建筑物)无个性的,缺乏特征的(含贬义)
53. fail  v. 失败;未能(做到)  n. (考试)不及格
______________  adj. 失败的;不成功的
______________  n. 弱点;缺点  prep. 如果不能;如果没有
______________  n. 失败
54. fair  n. 露天游乐场  adj. 合理的;恰当的;适当的  adv. 按照规则;公正地
______________  adv. 一定地;相当地
______________  n. 公正性;公平合理性
55. familiar  adj. 熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的
______________  adv. 随便地;友好地
______________ (______________)  v. (使)熟悉,了解,通晓
______________ (______________)  n. 熟悉
______________  adj. 陌生的;不熟悉的;不认识的
______________  n. 陌生;不熟悉
56. fame  n. 名声;声誉;名气
______________  adj. 著名的
______________  adj. 著名的;出名的
______________  adv. 著名地;出名地
______________  adj. 臭名远扬的;声名狼藉的
______________  adj. 举世闻名的;世界著名的
57. fancy  n. 喜欢;爱好;想象力;幻想  v. 喜欢;想要;想象  adj. 华丽的;花哨的
______________  n. 爱好者;……迷
______________  adj. 想象的,幻想的(常含贬义);有想象力的;别出心裁的
58. fantasy  n. 幻想,想象;幻想作品
______________  n. 幻想曲;狂想曲
______________  v. 想象,幻想
59. farm  n. 农场;养殖场;农场住宅,农舍  v. 耕种;养殖
______________  n. 农场主;养殖场主
______________  n. 农场经营;农场业;耕种;养殖(业);畜牧(业)
______________  n. 农田,耕地;牧地
______________  n. 农场住宅,农舍
60. fashion  n. 风行一时的事物,时尚;(服装、发型等的)流行款式,时新式样  v. (用手或几件工具)使成形,制作
______________  adj. 流行的;时髦的;穿着时髦的;行为时髦的
61. fat  n. 脂肪;肥肉;(某些食物中所含的)脂肪;食用油;烹调用油  adj. 肥胖的
______________  adj. 脂肪的;富含脂肪
62. fault  v. 发现错误;找出缺点  n. 责任;过错;过失
______________  adj. 不完美的;有错误的;有缺陷的
______________  adj. 没有错误的;无缺点的;完美无缺的
______________  v. 违约,不履行义务(尤指不偿还债务)  n. 违约(尤指未偿还债务)
63. favour (favor)  v. 较喜欢;选择  n. 帮助;好事;恩惠
______________  adj. 受到宠爱的;得到偏爱的;获得优惠的
______________  adj. 特别受喜爱的  n. 特别喜爱的人(或事物)
______________  adj. 给人好印象的
______________  v. 不喜欢;不赞成
______________  n. 偏爱;偏袒
1. The stores were closing, and the streets began __________ (empty).
2. She approached the meeting with an __________ (enhance) understanding of the issues.
3. The project has benefited __________ (enormous) from Jan’s knowledge.
4. The waiter inquired __________ we would like to sit near the window.
5. She has become known for the power of her writing, as __________ (evidence) by the popularity of her new book.
6. We equip students __________ the skills they will need once they leave college.
7. He could never live up to his father’s __________ (exact) standards.
8. You can then use this hut as a base for __________ (exploration) into the mountains around.
9. Only by __________ (face) your problems can you hope to overcome them.
10. Perhaps they could sit down and discuss things in __________ civilized fashion.
11. The latest __________ (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective functional structure that is also beautiful.
12. Technology in recent years has become ever __________ (well) sophisticated.
13. His boss __________ (excuse) the mistake but told him to be more careful next time.
14. I don’t think that I should have to explain __________ (I) to you.
15. He __________ (fan) himself with a newspaper while he waited for the bus.
1. 我与年轻人的相遇给我留下了最深刻的印象和启发。(encounter; impress)
2. 互联网使我们能够与许多其他人交流思想。(enable; exchange)
3. 她正忙于为学校艺术展绘制美丽的风景画。(be engaged in)
4. 你应该在下周三截止日期之前到学生会报名参加。(enter for)
5. 与老师分享这个成功的时刻,我对他的鼓励深表感激。(gratitude; encouragement)
6. Language-generation tools like ChatGPT could spare us from unfathomably (令人费解的) complex issues and facilitate our work efficiency.
7. Exercise helps us strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team.
8. Growing thick on all sides of the mountain, the trees look like a green sea extending out of our sight.
9. As we all know, making friends can help us establish good interpersonal relationships, and build a harmonious society.
10. Lin Qiaozhi’s story has inspired the youth through generations. Her perseverance and innovation have set a good example for all of us.

1. 优雅的;优美的;雅致的
2. element
3. elephant
4. eleven
5. adv. 以另外的方式;在别处  adj. 其他的;另外的
6. elsewhere
7. email
8. 大使;使节;代表
9. emotion
10. 皇帝
11. enable
12. encounter
13. 敌人;仇人;敌对者
14. 发动机;引擎
15. engineer
16. 英格兰
17. enough
18. ensure
19. 给……命名;给……题名;赋予(某人)权利;使有权利
20. envelope
21. (重要或不寻常的)一段经历;(电视连续剧、广播剧等的)一集
22. 赤道
23. 时代;时期;纪元
24. eraser
25. error
26. essay
27. 财产,遗产
28. 欧洲
29. adj. 欧洲的  n. 欧洲人(指出生、长大或居住在欧洲的人);(除英国以外的)欧洲大陆人
30. even
31. evening
32. event
33. ever
34. (整体中的)每个,每一个;每,每隔,每逢(表频率)
35. 每人;每个人
36. 每天的;日常的
37. 每人;人人;所有人
38. everything
39. 处处;到处;每一个地方
40. example
41. exchange
42. n. 借口;理由;辩解  vt. 原谅;宽恕
43. exercise
44. exit
45. n. 实验;试验;尝试;实践  v. 做实验;尝试
46. expert
47. 详述的;明晰的;清楚明白的
48. export
49. extent
50. 外部的;外面的;外用的;外来的;外界的
51. extra
52. extraordinary 
53. eye
54. 视力;目力
55. 布料;织物;织品;构造;结构
56. facilitate
57. 设施;设备;娴熟;技能
58. fact
59. factor
60. 制造厂;工厂
61. fade
62. faith
63. fall
64. 错误的;不正确的;不真实的
65. family
66. n. 粉丝;狂热爱好者;……迷;风扇;扇子  v. 扇扇子;扇风;扇凉
67. fantastic
68. far
69. n. (乘交通工具的)票价,费用;乘客;(某类)食物,饭菜  v. 表现(好或坏)
70. fast
71. fasten
72. father
1. 详述;细说
2. 透射出
3. 特地
4. (感情)爆发,迸发
5. 参与(冲突、辩论、竞争、比赛等)
6. 塑造
7. 适宜的环境
8. 平齐的
9. 运用
10. 相当不错的;好的
1. embarrassed; embarrassing; embarrassment
2. emergent; emergence; emergency
3. emphasis; overemphasis
4. employee; employer; employable; employment; unemployed
5. emptiness
6. encouragement
7. ending; endless
8. energize; energetic; energetically
9. engaged; engagement; disengage
10. enhancement; enhancer
11. enlargement; enlarger
12. enormous; enormously
13. enquirer / inquirer; enquiry / inquiry
14. enjoyable; enjoyment
15. entry; entrance
16. enterprising
17. entertainer; entertaining; entertainment
18. enthusiasm; enthusiastic; enthusiast; enthusiastically
19. entirely; entirety
20. environmental; environmentally; environmentalist; environmentalism
21. envious; enviable
22. equally; equality; equalize; unequal; inequality; unequalled
23. equipment
24. eruptive; eruption
25. escaped; escapee; escapism
26. especially
27. essentially; inessential
28. established; establishment; old-established
29. estimation; overestimate; underestimate; estimable; inestimable
30. evaluation; evaluative
31. eventually; eventuality
32. evident; evidently; evidential; self-evident
33. evolutionary; evolutionist
34. exactly; exacting; exactitude; inexact
35. examine; examinee; examiner; examination; re-exam
36. excellent; excellently; excellence
37. exception; exceptional; exceptionally; unexceptional; unexceptionable
38. excited; excitedly; excitement; overexcited
39. existent; existing; existence; existential; existentialism
40. expanse; expansion; expansive; expandable; expansionism
41. expected; expectant; expectancy; expectation
42. expense; expensive; expensively; expendable; expenditure; inexpensive
43. experienced; experiential; inexperience; inexperienced
44. explanation; explanatory; unexplained
45. explosion; explosive
46. explorer; exploration; exploratory; unexplored
47. exposed; exposure; overexpose; underexpose
48. expressly; expression; expressive; expressionism; expressionless; expressway
49. extended; extendable; overextended; extension; extensive
50. extinction
51. extremely; extremism; extremist; extremity
52. facial; faceless
53. failed; failing; failure
54. fairly; fairness
55. familiarly; familiarize (familiarise); familiarization (familiarisation); unfamiliar; unfamiliarity
56. famed; famous; famously; infamous; world-famous
57. fancier; fanciful
58. fantasia; fantasize
59. farmer; farming; farmland; farmhouse
60. fashionable
61. fatty
62. faulty; faultless; default
63. favoured; favourite; favourable; disfavour; favouritism
1. to empty    2. enhanced    3. enormously    4. whether    5. evidenced
6. with        7. exacting        8. explorations    9. facing    10. a
11. engineering        12. more        13. excused    14. myself    15. fanned
1. What impressed and inspired me most were my encounters with young people.
2. The internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others.
3. She is engaged in painting beautiful landscapes for the school art exhibition.
4. You are expected to enter for it at the Students’ Union by next Wednesday, which is the due date.
5. Sharing this moment of success with my teacher, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for his encouragement.
6. 像ChatGPT这样的语言生成工具可以帮助我们解决复杂难解的疑难问题,促进我们工作效率的提高。
7. 锻炼有助于我们强壮身体,避免疾病。它还教会我们合作,因为大多数运动是由团队进行的。
8. 四周山坡上的树木郁郁葱葱,如同绿色的海洋,一望无际。
9. 众所周知,交友有助于我们建立良好的人际关系,也有利于构建和谐社会。
10. 林巧稚女士的事迹激励着我们一代又一代的年轻人。她的坚韧不拔、勇于创新的精神是我们学习的典范。


发表于 2024-12-28 17:53:30 | 显示全部楼层

第10课时(fear — fundamental)
1. fax  n. ______________  v. ____________________________
2. ______________  n. 盛宴;筵席  v. 尽情享用(美味佳肴)
3. feather  n. ______________  v. ____________________________
4. ______________  n. 特性;品质;特点  v. 以……为特色;以……为主体
5. federal  adj. ______________
6. ______________  n. (应付的)费;(付给医生、律师等的)服务费,酬金
7. ______________  n. 男孩;男人;同伴;同伙  adj. 同类的;同伴的;同处境的
8. female  adj. ____________________________  n. ______________
9. fence  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
10. ferry  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
11. ______________  n. 节日;节庆;庆祝活动;会演;节
12. ______________  vt. (去)请来;(去)拿来
13. ______________  n. 发烧;发热;激动兴奋;紧张不安
14. ______________  pron. 很少的人(或物)  adj. 不多;很少;几个;一些
15. fibre / fiber  n. ____________________________
16. ______________  n. 小说;虚构的故事;谎言
17. field  n. ________________________________________________________
18. ______________  adj. 激烈的;猛烈的;(情感)强烈的,猛烈的;严酷的;狂暴的
19. ______________  n. 数字;数目;数值;影子;轮廓;画像;雕像;塑像  v. 预料;认为;理解;弄懂;明白;计算;估计
20. ______________  n. 文件夹;文件柜;档案;卷宗;(计算机)文件,文档  v. (把文件等)存档,归档;提出(申请);提起(诉讼);提交(文件)
21. ______________  n. 胶卷;胶片;薄膜;薄层  v. 拍摄;录制;把……拍成电影
22. finger  n. ____________________________
23. fingernail  n. ______________
24. firm  n. ____________________________  adj. __________________________________  v. __________________________________________
25. ______________  pron. 第一个;第一批  adj. 第一的;最先的;首要的  n.  首次出现的事物  adv. 首先;最初;在首位
26. fist  n. ______________
27. ______________  v. 修好;修理;使固定;安装;确定,决定(某事)  n. 困境;尴尬的处境
28. ______________  n. 旗帜;国旗;信号旗;旗  v. 示意……停下来;挥手示停;减弱;衰弱
29. flame  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
30. ______________  n. 闪光;闪烁;突发亮光;突然出现;突然发生  v. 闪耀;闪烁;突然出现;(短暂地)亮出,出示  adj. 突然而短暂的;非常有才能的;杰出的
31. flashlight  n. ______________
32. ______________  adj. 平的;平坦的;(鞋)平跟的,平底的  n. (通常在同一楼层的)套房,公寓  adv. 平放地;平铺地
33. ______________  n. 味道;调味品;调味香料;特点;特色;气氛
34. ______________ (fled, fled)  v. 逃避;逃跑;逃离
35. flesh  n. __________________________________________
36. ______________  n. 飞行;飞翔;航程;航班;一层楼梯;台阶
37. flood  n. ____________________________  vt. _______________________________
38. ______________  n. 地板;地面;楼层  v. 铺设地面;击倒;打倒;使惊奇;使震惊;使困惑
39. flour  n. ____________________________  v. ____________________________
40. ______________  v. (液体、气体、电等的)流动;流淌;顺畅地移动;顺畅进行  n. 流动;流淌
41. flu  n. ____________________________
42. fly (flew, flown)  n. ______________  v. ______________________________________
43. ______________  v. 折叠;对折;(把……)折起,折小,折叠收起  n. 褶痕;褶缝;褶线
44. ______________  adj. 喜爱的;深情的
45. food  n. ______________
46. foot  n. ____________________________
47. football  n. ____________________________
48. ______________  prep. (表去向)去,往,向;(表用途)用于,专为;(表目标)为了,促使  conj. 因为;由于
49. ______________ (forbade, forbidden)  v. 不许;禁止
50. ______________  v. 强迫,逼迫(某人做某事);迫使(某人做某事)  n. 体力;力量;影响;武力;暴力
51. forehead  n. ____________________________
52. ______________  vt. 预见;预料
53. forest  n. ______________
54. ______________  adv. 永远地;永久性地;总是;一直
55. fork  n. ______________
56. former  adj. __________________________________________
57. fortnight  n. ____________________________
58. ______________  adv. 向前;朝前;向将来;往后;有进展;进步  adj. 靠前的;在前部的;向前的;朝前的
59. fountain  n. ____________________________
60. fox  n. ______________  v. __________________________________________
61. ______________  adj. 易损坏的;脆弱的
62. fragrant  adj. ____________________________
63. ______________  n. 基本架构;框架;支架;骨架结构
64. franc  n. ______________
65. France  n. ______________
66. ______________  adj. 直率的;坦率的
67. French  n. ______________  adj. ____________________________
68. Frenchman  n. ______________
69. friction  n. ____________________________
70. ______________ (= refrigerator)  n. 冰箱
71. frog  n. ______________
72. ______________  v. 油炸;油煎
73. ______________  n. 燃料(如煤、石油或天然气)  v. (给……)提供燃料,加油;加强;增强
74. ______________  adj. 装满的;挤满的;充满的;完整的;全套的;很多的;充满的  adv. 完全地;充分地;直接地;正好地
1. Since he retired he doesn’t know how to fill his time. ______________
2. Climbing so many stairs just about finished me off. ______________
3. The latest proposals were given a frosty reception. ______________
4. We are making progress on the educational front. ______________
5. It had been a long day and the children were beginning to flag. ______________
6. She throws a fit when she doesn’t get what she wants. ______________
7. After six months’ training the whole team is in superb form. ______________
8. The painting is expected to fetch $10 000 at auction. ______________
9. The BBC had to field more than 300 phone calls after last night’s programme. ______________
10. When they were preparing a budget, they forgot to figure in occasional travel expenses. ______________
1. fear  v. 害怕;畏惧;惧怕  n. 害怕;惧怕;担忧
______________  adj. 担心的;害怕的
______________  adv. 恐惧地;害怕地
______________  adj. 无畏的;不怕的
______________  adj. 可怕的;吓人的
2. feed  v. 喂养;给……施肥;供给
______________  n. 反馈意见
3. feel  v. (felt, felt) 感受到;注意到;(通过触摸等)感觉  n. 感觉
______________  n. 感觉,感触;看法,态度
4. fight  v. (fought, fought) 战斗;(与……)打架;努力争取;极力反对  n. 打斗;斗争
______________  n. 战斗机;战士
______________  n. 战斗;打斗
5. fill  v. 装满;注满;填满;遍及;弥漫;使吃饱喝足;堵塞;填补;充任;担任
______________  n. 填充物,填料(尤用于漆墙前填孔或缝)
______________  n. 填补物  adj. (食物)令人感到饱足的
______________  v. 再装满,重新填满(某物);(某物)再装满,重新填满
______________  adj. (职位)空缺的
6. final  adj. 最后的;最终的  n. (一场)决赛
______________  n. (演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲;(时间等的)结尾
______________  n. 定局,终结
______________ (______________)  v. 最后定下,使(计划、交易等)确定
______________  adv. 最后,终于
7. finance  v. 为……提供资金  n. 财政,金融;资金
______________  adj. 财政的,金融的;财务的
______________  n. 财政家,金融家
8. find (found, found)  v. 发现;发觉  n. (偶然)发现的好东西;(有用的)发现物
______________  n. (失物或赃物的)寻得者,发现者
______________  n. 研究(努力等)的结果;发现
9. fine  adj. 令人满意的;健康的;很好的  adv. (尤口)很好;做得不错
v. 对……处以罚款  n. 罚金,罚款
______________  adv. 细微地;精确地;精美地
______________  v. 对(机器、系统、计划等)进行微调,精密调节
10. finish  v. 结束;完成;用尽;吃光;喝光;(赛跑、竞赛等)得第……名  n. 最后部分;结尾
______________  adj. 完成;不再与……打交道
______________  n. (赛跑等的)到达终点者
11. fire  v. 射击;开火;激发;使充满能量;解雇  n. 火;火焰;火灾;失火;开火;射击;强烈的情感;怒火;激情
______________  n. 萤火虫
______________  n. 消防队员
______________  n. 灭火;救火;消防
______________  n. 防火墙;挡火墙;(电脑的)防火墙
______________  n. 木柴;柴火
______________  n. 烟花;烟火
______________  n. (小城镇的)消防站
______________  n.  壁炉
______________  adj. 防火的;耐火的
12. fish  n. 鱼;鱼肉  v. 捕鱼,钓鱼
______________  n. 玻璃鱼缸
______________  n. 钓鱼者;渔民,渔夫
______________  n. 鱼钩
______________  n. 钓鱼;捕鱼
______________  n. 鱼商;鱼贩
13. fit  v. (对某人)合身;(尺寸或形状)合适;安装
adj. (尤指因经常锻炼而)健康的;合适的,恰当的
n. 合身,适合;匹配,相配
______________  n. 健壮,健康;适合,恰当
______________  adj. (按照特定空间)定做的;适合的,称职的
______________  adj. 不适于;不适合
______________  adj. 合适的;恰当的
______________  n. 装配工,修理工
14. flexible  adj. 灵活的,可变通的
______________  adj. 缺乏弹性的;僵化的
______________  n. 灵活性
15. float  v. 浮;漂浮;轻盈地走动;飘然地移动  n. 漂浮物
______________  adj. 十分轻薄的
______________  adj. 不固定的;流动的;浮动的
______________  adj. (在水上)漂浮着;(经济上)能够维持,能够周转
______________  v. 使(搁浅船只)再浮起
16. flower  v. 开花  n. 花;开花植物
______________  n. 花坛
______________  n. 花盆
______________  adj. 用花卉图案装饰的;花香的
17. fluent  adj. 熟练的,流利的
______________  adv. 流利地
______________  n. 流利,流畅
18. focus  n. 焦点;中心点  v. (把……)集中(于);(把)(眼睛)对准
______________ (______________)  adj. 集中注意力的;聚精会神的
19. fog  v. 使起雾;使雾气笼罩;使迷惑;使困惑  n. 雾;雾气;迷惑
______________  adj. 有雾的;雾蒙蒙的;不清楚的;模糊不清的;朦胧的
______________  v. 使迷惑;使困惑
______________  v. 除去(汽车玻璃上的)雾水
20. folk  n. 人们  adj. 民间的;平民百姓的
______________  n. 民间传统;民俗;民间传说
21. follow  v. 跟着;在……后发生;听从
______________  n. 信徒,追随者,支持者
______________  adj. (时间上)接着的  n. (统称)拥护者,追随者
prep. 在……以后;由于
22. fool  n. 傻瓜;笨蛋;蠢人  v. 开玩笑;戏谑;愚弄,欺骗(某人)  adj. 傻的;愚蠢的
______________  adj. 愚蠢的;傻的
23. forecast  v. 预报;预测;预见  n. 预言;预测;预报
______________  n. 预测者;(尤指)天气预报员,气象预报员
24. foreign  adj. 外国的;对外的
______________  n. 外国人
25. forget (forgot, forgotten)  v. 忘记;遗忘
______________  adj. 健忘的,不记事的
______________  adj. 易被忘记的;无聊的
______________  adj. 难以忘怀的;令人难忘的
26. forgive (forgave, forgiven)  v. 原谅;宽恕;饶恕
______________  adj. 可宽恕的,可原谅的
______________  n. 原谅;宽恕
______________  adj. 宽容的,宽大的
______________  adj. 不饶人的;不宽容的
27. form  n. 种类;形式;形状  v. 建立;(尤指经过自然过程而)形成,产生
______________  adj. 官方的;正式的;庄重的
______________ (______________)  v. 使(计划、决定或想法)正式化;使定形
______________  n. 正式手续;例行公事
______________  adv. 正式地;礼貌地
______________  n. (电视节目或会议等的)安排,形式
______________  adj. 无形状的,无定形的
28. fortune  n. 巨款;运气;机遇;命运
______________  n. 厄运;不幸
______________  adj. 幸运的;侥幸的
______________  adj. 不幸的;倒霉的
______________  adv. 幸运地;幸亏
______________  adv. 不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地
29. found  v. 创立;创办;创建;根据;以……为基础
______________  n. 创建者;创始人  v. 失败;垮掉;(船)沉没,下沉
______________  n. 地基;房基;根据;基础;基本原理;基金会
30. free  adj. 免费的;自由的;有空的;不含……的  v. 释放;解放;解救  adv. 免费地
______________  n. 自由(指权利)
______________  adv. 自由地;畅通地
______________  adj. & adv. 徒手画的(地)
______________  adj. & adv. 做自由职业的(地)
______________  n. 自由泳;自由说唱
______________  n. 高速公路
31. freeze  v. (使)结冰;冷藏;严寒;冻结(存款、财产等)
n. (价格、工资等的)冻结;(活动或过程的)停止
______________  n. 冷藏箱,冰柜
______________  adj. & adv. 极冷的(地)
32. frequency  n. 发生的频率,发生率
______________  adj. 经常发生的,频繁的
______________  adv. 经常地,频繁地
33. fresh  adj. 新的;新颖的;新近的;新鲜的
______________  v. 使干净;使面目一新;使吸引人
______________  n. (高中的或大学的)一年级新生
______________  adj. 淡水的
______________  v. 使恢复精力;使凉爽
34. friend  n. 朋友,友人
______________  adj. 无朋友的;孤独无助的
______________  adj. 友好的,友善的  n. 友谊赛
______________  n. 友情;友谊
35. fright  n. 恐吓;惊吓
______________  v. 使害怕,使惊吓
______________  adj. 受惊的,害怕的
______________  adj. 令人害怕的;吓人的;可怕的
______________  adj. 不愉快的;可怕的
______________  adv. 非常,十分
36. front  n. 最前部;正面  adj. (在)前面的;前部的
v. 领导(乐队);主持(电视节目)
______________  adj. 前面的,正面的
______________  n. 国界,边境
37. frost  v. (使)蒙上霜  n. (一层)霜;霜冻(天气)
______________  adj. 霜冻的;严寒的;结霜的
______________  adj. 毛面的;磨砂的
______________  n. 冻疮;冻伤
______________  v. 解冻;给(冰柜、冰箱等)除霜
38. fruit  v. 结果  n. 水果;成果;结果;后果;(自然的)产物;物产
______________  adj. 果味的;古怪的;疯狂的
______________  adj. 富有成效的;多产的
______________  n. (计划、过程或活动的)完成,实现,取得成果
______________  n. 水果商
______________  adj. 没有成果的;无成效的
39. fun  n. 娱乐;乐趣  adj. 有趣的;令人快乐的
______________  adj. 使人发笑的;滑稽的
40. function  n. (事物的)功能;作用  v. 起作用;(以某种方式)运作,运转
______________  adj. 实用的;运转正常的
______________  n. 功能主义;实用主义
______________  n. (做繁琐工作的)职员,工作人员
41. fund  n. 基金;专款;(机构需要或拥有的)资金
v. 为(活动、组织、事件等)提供资金,资助
______________  n. 专款,拨款
______________  n. 资金赞助者;资金提供者
______________  n. 募集资金者;募捐活动
42. fundamental  adj. 根本的;基本的;必不可少的
______________  adv. 根本上;基本上
______________  n. (某事物的)基本原理,基本法则,基础
1. A new representative will be appointed __________ (fill) his vacated seat.
2. He was responsible for hiring and __________ (fire) staff.
3. Just don’t __________ (fool) into investing any money with them.
4. The builders are now beginning to lay the __________ (foundation) of the new school.
5. When he feels he’s been insulted, he finds __________ hard to forgive and forget.
6. Stress may interfere with the normal __________ (function) of the immune system.
7. In the early days of the project they were just feeling __________ (they) way along, trying not to make mistakes.
8. She’s been doing exercises to become stronger and _____________ (flexible).
9. Millions of people gave _____________ (free) in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
10. It’s _______________ (fortunate) that he couldn’t be here for your birthday.
11. I spend so much time travelling _____________ I’ve got packing down to a fine art.
12. We need to remember that the __________ (fruit) of the earth belong to us all.
13. The visit helped to focus world attention __________ the plight (困境) of the refugees.
14. They didn’t win, but the team __________ (find) some satisfaction in having played so well.
15. It is impossible to foresee __________ life will work out.
1. 首先是学生发言,随后是颁奖。(speech; award; follow)
2. 她长发垂肩。(flow)
3. 你只要脚踏实地,努力做好每一件事,你的梦想就会离你越来越近。(keep your feet on the ground; effort)
4. 空气中荡漾着山和海的芬芳气息。(fragrant; scent)
5. 坦率地说,我认为体育锻炼具有重大意义。(frankly speaking; considerable)
6. The ceremony was a feast for the senses, with stunning (令人惊叹的) visuals, innovative performances, and a moving tribute to the history and culture of Asia.
7. visionOS features a brand-new three-dimensional interface (界面) that makes digital content look and feel present in a user’s physical world.
8. People are flooding out of first-tier (一线) cities because of the rising rent and increasingly higher pressure from work.
9. Luckin Coffee has joined forces with Kweichow Moutai, the maker of China’s fiery national liquor baijiu, for an unusual offering: alcoholic lattes (酱香拿铁).
10. The experience not only broadens my horizons but also fuels my passion for painting.

1. n. 传真  v. 传真(文件、照片等)
2. feast
3. n. 羽毛  v. 用羽毛覆盖;用羽毛装饰
4. feature
5. 联邦制的
6. fee
7. fellow
8. adj. 女性的;雌性的  n. 女人;女孩
9. n. 栅栏;围栏;篱笆  v. (用栅栏、篱笆等)围住
10. n. 渡船;摆渡;轮渡  v. 渡运,运送(通常为短途)
11. festival
12. fetch
13. fever
14. few
15. (植物中的)纤维素;纤维
16. fiction
17. 旷野;田野;开阔地;(工作、研究等的)领域,范围
18. fierce
19. figure
20. file
21. film
22. 手指;(尤指)除大拇指以外的手指
23. 指甲
24. n. 公司;商行;商号  adj. 紧实的;坚硬的;结实的;坚实的;牢固的  v. 敲定;最后落实;使坚硬;使坚实;使结实
25. first
26. 拳头
27. fix
28. flag
29. n. 火焰;火舌;燃烧  v. 燃烧;冒出火焰;(感情)爆发;激动;发怒
30. flash
31. 手电筒
32. flat
33. flavour / flavor
34. flee
35. (动物或人的)肉;(人的)皮肤;肉体
36. flight
37. n. 洪水;水灾;(如潮水般涌来的)大量,大批  vt. 淹没;充满;大量涌来;大量涌去
38. floor
39. n. 面粉  v. 在……上撒面粉
40. flow
41. 流行性感冒;流感
42. n. 苍蝇  v. 飞;飞翔;(快速)飞过;驾驶(飞机、直升机等)
43. fold
44. fond
45. 食物;食品
46. 脚;足;基部;底部
47. 橄榄球运动;足球运动
48. for
49. forbid (forbade, forbidden)
50. force
51. 额头
52. foresee
53. 森林
54. forever
55. 餐叉;叉子
56. 前任的;以前的;前任的;以前的
57. 十四天;两个星期
58. forward
59. 喷泉;喷水池;丰富来源;源泉
60. n. 狐狸  v. 哄骗;耍弄;(使)迷惑,困惑
61. fragile
62. 芳香的;味道好闻的
63. framework
64. 法郎
65. 法国
66. frank
67. n. 法语  adj. 法国的;法国人的;法语的
68. 法国人
69. 摩擦;不和;分歧
70. fridge
71. 蛙;青蛙
72. fry
73. fuel
74. full
1. 打发,消磨(时间)
2. 使筋疲力尽
3. 冷淡的
4. 领域
5. 疲乏
6. (强烈情感的)发作;冲动
7. 良好的健康状态
8. 售得,卖得(某价)
9. 处理,应付(问题或意见)
10. 把……计算在内
1. fearful; fearfully; fearless; fearsome
2. feedback
3. feeling
4. fighter; fighting
5. filler; filling; refill; unfilled
6. finale; finality; finalize (finalise); finally
7. financial; financier
8. finder; finding
9. finely; fine-tune
10. finished; finisher
11. firefly; fireman / firefighter; firefighting; firewall; firewood; firework; firehouse; fireplace; fireproof
12. fishbowl; fisherman; fishhook; fishing; fishmonger
13. fitness; fitted; unfitted; fitting; fitter
14. inflexible; flexibility
15. floaty; floating; afloat; refloat
16. flowerbed; flowerpot; flowery
17. fluently; fluency
18. focussed (focused)
19. foggy; befog; defog
20. folklore
21. follower; following
22. foolish
23. forecaster
24. foreigner
25. forgetful; forgettable; unforgettable
26. forgivable; forgiveness; forgiving; unforgiving
27. formal; formalize (formalise); formality; formally; format; formless
28. misfortune; fortunate; unfortunate; fortunately; unfortunately
29. founder; foundation
30. freedom; freely; freehand; freelance; freestyle; freeway
31. freezer; freezing
32. frequent; frequently
33. freshen; freshman; freshwater; refresh
34. friendless; friendly; friendship
35. frighten; frightened; frightening; frightful; frightfully
36. frontal; frontier
37. frosty; frosted; frostbite; defrost
38. fruity; fruitful; fruition; fruiterer; fruitless
39. funny
40. functional; functionalism; functionary
41. funding; funder; fundraiser
42. fundamentally; fundamentals
1. to fill    2. firing    3. be fooled    4. foundations    5. it
6. functioning    7. their        8. more flexible    9. freely    10. unfortunate
11. that    12. fruits        13. on    14. found    15. how
1. First came the student speeches, and the presentation of awards followed.
2. Her long hair flowed down over her shoulders.
3. Just keep your feet on the ground, put in effort to do every task well, and your dreams will come closer to you.
4. The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills.
5. Frankly speaking, I champion (支持) the idea that physical exercise possesses considerable significance.
6. 这场盛会是一场感官盛宴,有着令人惊叹的视觉效果、创新的表演,是对亚洲历史和文化的动人致敬。
7. visionOS搭载全新的3D界面,让数字内容看起来、感觉上就像在用户的真实世界存在。
8. 由于不断上涨的房租以及不断加重的工作压力,许多人在离开一线城市。
9. 瑞幸咖啡与中国国酒生产企业贵州茅台联手推出一款“不走寻常路”的饮品:酱香拿铁。
10. 这段经历不仅开阔了我的视野,也激发了我对绘画的热情。
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